Skill points are a pain!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lightnings Revenge, Apr 4, 2021.

  1. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    only older content would you be able to buy feats for and no matter the health one shots will always kill you. come on be reasonable!
  2. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    And? That's one time of year... not all feats would be purchasable but the ones from older content. What do you not understand about being able to buy feats?
  3. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    Lol Should you be reported now or later for telling someone to do something against terms and condition

    10. You will not sell, transfer, lease, or share your account. Please be aware that this DOES include the practice commonly referred to as “power leveling”. Regardless of what third parties may state, allowing another individual, group of individuals, or company expressly hired to play your account IS a violation of our policies. Accounts found to have participated in this type of account sharing will have any character, cash, or item advancement removed, and may lead to disciplinary action including account suspension, and up to account termination of all owned DBG accounts.
  4. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

  5. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    I wonder if the devs merging all the feats aka they become account bound instead of character bound would make things easier to some extent. New players would still have to do those feats but they'd have them done and could just do story/whatever on alts after that, making alts more attractive. To keep a L1 from being overpowered by dumping 300 sp into skills you can always lock those till they hit 30 and just dole some out as they level up.
  6. Berza Committed Player

    Well, I don't understand the reason to buy feats instead of doing them. I mean, what would be the reason to play? Stand still on the WT/HoD showing styles? Mindless pew-pewing mobs, with a single strategy? No variety on how to do things? Where do you get the sense of accomplishment?
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  7. Berza Committed Player

    There is already a system that does exactly that. Just do the feat once and buy it up to 31 times.
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  8. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    The point of running or even playing is because you like the game. The accomplishments is what you do on the other side of what ever of dlc cut off point would be. variety has nothing to do with old dlc skill points that's mission structure...
  9. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    cut off point for buying sp would be for 400 so people cant max out. there would still be a earn it system in place.
  10. Berza Committed Player

    Ah, so you want to do feats only in the newest content right?
  11. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    Pay for feats it's too much. Feats it's good system, but in my opinion that needs a complete overhaul. Getting SP through feats it's nightmare for new players due to how many feats are now. Feats should stay, but they should grant only titles and unlock some styles\items, but not sp.
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I was being sarcastic. If people want to pay for feats and skip playing the game, they might as well not play it at all.
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  13. Zneeak Devoted Player

    What will be the point of playing the game in the end, if every single reward somebody feels entitled to could be handed out or purchased? It's funny when these threads pop up and you see atleast a handful of players agreeing to "the struggle" in the same threads everytime, yet none of these players seem willing to contact eachother as likeminded individuals and get this stuff done together. :D And people throw a hissyfit everytime you dare to mention the word "entitlement" around these parts, no wonder... :rolleyes:

    Some people should really reconsider playing MMO's is all I keep thinking.
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  14. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    A lot of rewards already being granted in the past. Reduction amount of wins for PvP arenas, x10 LPvE count, Valentine's day stuff was granted for free in the past, now only few not obtainable feats. Also granted feats with CR skip... And Time Capsules feats... And all feats attached to currency... You already can buy a lot of feats.
  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Dont you want to keep players here? Because id be happy to show him elsewhere where these problems don't exist...The way the system is set up, doesn't make going back seem fluid. The burden to find groups for content should be on a LFG system, not as much the player, but it is that way here and it needs to change. Having to sift through through never ending messages in hopes someone wanting to do that particular piece of content and at that particular time (with lfg on no less) even sees it.

    If your LFG is formatted like this, its trash. (not coming at the devs, it worked for its early years because it wasn't too much content to clog up LFG then,)

    It needs to be cleaned up to be something easier on the user to find a group, but also alert people to a group wanting to do particular content.

    What i mean by its not easy to go back is because, it doesn't seem like a matchmaker wasn't implemented that could offer players rewards for queuing up to a blind queue to fill instances that are in need of players. The problem is with this players dont want their stats reduced, and cannot be rewarded for trivial content due to that...So how do you get players to go back if you cant reward them for trivialized content?
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  16. Zneeak Devoted Player

    None of this justifies why you should make things worse by continue undermining the rest of the grind that is left for the sake of a handful of entitled players that could actually group up and do the grind with eachother, just like everybody else with a heavy SP count have done over the years. :rolleyes:

    The feats are there for you to get, the Episode-content isn't going anywhere, the likeminded players are obviously there as noticed EVERY time these threads come up... The only thing seemingly stopping people from doing it is because they don't want to.
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I do agree that i dont agree with players ready to turn every solution into a paid solution, but i believe players do need to have feats granted periodically to keep up with the inflation, Many years ago 120 SP was top dog, now its a drop in the bucket. But that takes time to get started from nothing, ya know? Rather then a 20 point SP bump for you, its 20 more SP on top of the 400 SP that was already there to grind out for them.
  18. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    Most just can't... Old content is dead. Newbies is not enough educated. Block, Roll, Interrupt?! Nah... Some people even don't know that LFG chat is exist. + A lot toxic "elitists"... I remeber time when devs dumbed down tutorial(especially funny is removal part with jump to 2nd floor) beause people wasn't able to pass it and leaved the game... No people = no money = shutdown servers.
  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    But this very thread makes the "most just can't"-argument a very flawed one in justifying further means of just outright purchasing or handing out these feats. Again, atleast a handful of likeminded individuals in this thread alone are all sharing a supposed will of getting these types of feats and they are all sharing the same "struggle" of getting groups going for this content.

    Nothing is stopping these individuals that keep popping up in this thread and similar ones from actually grouping together through what seems to be a common goal... Unless ofcourse that common goal is just skipping the grind completely and getting straight to the rewards. ;)
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  20. Berza Committed Player

    I like players to stay here, but I want them to play with. If they are not going to play, I could care less if they are here or gone.
    I agree that the matchmaking could be better, but the game provides different ways to find players to play with. Not only we have LFG, we also have a friend list, leagues, custom chat channels and even a forum. Players need to bother themselves in building groups. And maybe some people finds that like a bother, but some other don't.
    You say players don't go back to old content because they are not rewarded. But that is not really true. The only reward a player is missing from old content is a few source marks. Styles and feats can still be obtained, and those are rewards too.
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