Skill points are a pain!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lightnings Revenge, Apr 4, 2021.

  1. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    I honestly do not think it is viable for me a person who plays dcuo to have to sit in these missions or run them back to back to get these pain in the *** feats. we need more ways to get these skill points because the reliability on others shouldn't dictate if my characters are not as luck as others. old missions are dead unless you join a feat league and grind the crotch out of you pants ( you know that burns right.).

    Please let us buy feats or give us a alternative way to earn them!
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  2. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    if you played dcuo for more than 5 years and were able to get the feats while the dlc was new power to you.
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  3. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    keep the faith brother! hopefully when the mid year rolls about they will bring us some sort of way to purchase sp. I would like to see sp put into some type of bundle, maybe $200 for 120 sp or something along that line. allowing new and returning players who are serious about getting together end game a way to gracefully re enter the battle field. at this point in the games life I don't really think that dlc 5 is necesarily end game!

    some on here will argue with you all day long about whither or not sp from ancient DLC should be put up for sale, I personally think this is a forms of type of peeing match In which they are trying to insert that they are Superior because they say in 1 raid for 45 mins trying to get 1 feat. some of us don't have the time for this type of playstyle, but would enjoy to return to regular content as opposed to playing through the babysitting content that is events.

    glad to see that there are more and more players joining in on this idea. I believe that if there is enough support for this idea ( I imagine there are a lot of folks willing to spend the money, and still slot of folks that would decide to still grind if they were put up for sale) that we may see it in game. there have been several greens mention that walk ins will be coming in soon for grinders, but hopefully they also put them on the market for buyers.

    if we show that we are willing to spend the green, I think that our wishes will be seen.
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  4. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Do either of you have a problem completing newer content in a group?

    If you do, is it because the group finds that you don't meet the group asked SP requirements or is it tied to the content itself?
  5. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    No, actually I can run newer content just fine this is because my arts are 200 but, this wont help me when they make sp relevant again. The issue is obtaining from dlcs that no one runs. there is a high chance if you join a sp grinding league they will already have all the sp for a 5 year old dlc. So how do i get groups that are willing to run the same raid 5 or how many ever times the feats requires. for example amazon fury part 2: antique throne show collect 54 Greek vases... How am I suppose to get this feat today? I mean they can add walk-ins but that is a solution for sum feats not all of them but, what about the ones that requires a group?
  6. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    This is probably the worst idea I’ve ever read. Buy sp? At that rate why even bother playing. Just get on to throw money at the game lol. Grind it’s not hard. I’m on a new acc I made and just hit 400 sp and still climbing fast.
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  7. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I'm 50/50 on this and on one hand allot of folks grind or had help with friends and or leagues to help them with feats and allot of feats can be done alone and with help when asked .

    On the other hand I understand this isn't the option or choice for everyone or even new players who don't even know what feats are lol let alone on how to actually look for them.

    For Me personally I can see the devs are working on what's best and a middle ground . The newest episode the duo has npc roles which I find absolutely fascinating and thought they couldn't achieve such a thing silly me lol.

    Either way I can something coming and possibly involving maybe role NPCs to allow us to take them into older raids to help with these feats and also a in-game feat tracker.

    All in all I have faith they are working on something because imo something needs to be done and the truth of the matter is friends and leagues can help but cannot always help and not for everyone and not all the time . Something is coming to help us vets and newer player's 10yrs worth of content and slow ques speaks for itself so something should be done and has to.
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    I think the more likely thing happening (pretty much confirmed as coming) is the ability to force queue your own on duty content and complete it either by yourself or with a lower number of friends than is otherwise required, then you don't have to rely on idiot PUG's ruining your feats.

    I mean they might let you buy SP, but I'm not personally a fan of that idea.
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  9. nawanda Loyal Player

    The answer to the OP’s problem is to allow him to solo content so he/she can earn hundreds of these feats without having to find a group, or with one or two others. It isn’t handing him/her a way to buy SP.

    I’ve dedicated an obscene amount of time to feat hunting in this game. It was bad enough watching feats like 20,000 gathers handed out to people who were too lazy to gather. The day skill points can be bought is the day I find a new game - all the effort is pointless at that point.
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  10. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Base game feats are already being sold via skip tokens. And those generally contain the more grindy feats which cannot be made easier by some means (like gathering feats).

    They won’t give away episode feats even though they are the feats which become truly trivialised due to progression. You’ve spend an obscene amount of time obtaining feats, everyone after you will always, and I mean literally always, be spending a fraction of the time you did simply because they out gear everything and that is by and large the most recommended way of getting feats.

    Why does it bother you that they reduced the gather feats, but stomping old content and getting feats handed to players (whether they want it or not) isn’t a problem?

    I’d assume you don’t actually mind all those things and as long as people actually put ‘some’ effort in, even if effort means as little as opening your on duty menu.

    Not even saying sell feats, but saying don’t sell feats cos you worked hard ages ago works but only in the most nitpicky sort of way, like to me the difference between selling old feats and having them given to you on someone else’s feat run is negligible. Obviously not all old feats can be gathered this way and there are some more grindy ones such as buying enhanced styles so I understand maybe not wanting to sell those feats. But yea personally the logic just doesn’t hold water when you talk about actual in content feats.
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  11. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Personally, the only feats I was kinda not happy that they handed out..... was the 250 pvp win feats for the different maps. Considering I grinded out some of them back when losses granted nothing. Til I forgot the password to my old account and created this current account.

    PvE feats, I don't mind that much. Totally ignored gathering feats. Only grinded out some LPVE feats when they opened all maps.

    Not really a problem to hand out some feats. Gotta keep some of the player population engaged.
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  12. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    They really gonna do that? :eek: As in they can avoid bugs? Iirc, they had to disable walk-in teleporters last time cos of bugs/issues....

    Then do they have a solution in mind when some players start to complain that the queues are not popping up for old content because other players are just force queueing and 1-shotting everything?
  13. Berza Committed Player

    It surprises me how all these players that need those feats from old content are unable to find others like them. I mean, at least 3 people in this thread are needing them. A couple more on other threads about the last month. That's 5. In the forums. How hard is for the to talk and agree to play those feats together?
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  14. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    The minute they give us the option to buy feats i will delete my character and account.

    Join a league and get help like every single person in the game has done for 10 years.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Charon mentioned it in one of the developer feedback threads for the UI feedback, it appears to be coming. On Duty works differently from walk ins so they're not likely to have bugs in any case.

    Reality I guess is that if people can all force queue then they'll be able to just go back when they're strong enough themselves and shouldn't need to complain they're not popping right, in terms of force popping relevant content, well I doubt that's in most players best interests anyway.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Did you delete your account when they introduced CR boosters, cause there's 60 odd SP of "bought feats" in there :p
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  17. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Players/gamers will always find something to complain :D
  18. nawanda Loyal Player

    To answer your question. I got to 20,000 gathers, then a month later, every chump got given the feat.

    I understand your point of view and your opinion of mine. Will just have to respectfully disagree.

    No to selling feats and skill points.
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  19. Isif Committed Player

    Maybe let people rent SP for a set number of days for a price then it might be appealing to more. If you had the ability to boost SP to a point (500 SP) for 30/60 days it would let people get a feel for higher SP and either:
    1. Keep paying
    2. Help them participate in newer content without completely failing
    3. Help them realize that they don't really need it.
    Give them just enough to not anger vets. If you could never exceed 500 SP until you actually gained 501 SP, what would be the problem?
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  20. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Not sure if renting SP has ever been suggested before.... but me thinks it could solve the problem and be a good compromise.

    Are rent costs going to be Daybreak cash or in-game $ or in-game marks?