The hidden feat: Back From the Hack 2011

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Skizo, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. Skizo New Player

    Many people will not know that this feat is hidden in the game, and yes, it is 50p. Many of us see unfair that this feat is limited and awards points.

    It would be nice if we obtained this feat or something that you can think of.

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  2. Stephen Nix Well-Known Player

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  3. PolarisSylar Committed Player

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  4. MrSuperman Dedicated Player

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  5. ClowninAround Well-Known Player

    Nope. If you weren't here for the hack, you don't get the feat for being here through the hack.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's 100% easy to get this feat done.

    1st. Build a time machine
    2nd. Go back in time
    3rd. Sub to the game in early 2011
    4th. Continue to sub while hackers make it unable to play AT ALL for what....a month?
    5th. Get feat

    Simple. BTW...while you are back in time, can you give me a call and tell me to remember to set the parking brake that time I left my car on the hill and that guy re-ended it...then I rolled into someone's living room? That was a hassle.
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  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player


    Wait, no.
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  8. Eve YouTuber

    No. I don't have it either. It's hidden for a reason, leave it be.
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  9. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    In the year 2011, dcuo was only a subscription based game
    People bought the full retail edition or full collectors edition. And plus the membership. It was subscription for months in 2011 , then the hack happened which affect PlayStation users, dcuo was offline for like two months [ several weeks]. Them it came back later in 2011. Dcuo decided to awarded those still membership paiding customers like the feat featbackfromthehack. So people got that feat because they playing during that timeframe. ( then later that year dcuo added Freetoplay)
    Well, I don't have I have that feat , but I Kool about that.
    That feat should be only if you were in 2011.
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    For the upteen-hundredth time, NO. If you had any sense of awareness of what players at that time had to go through to get that feat you wouldn't be asking for a hand out now.
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  11. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    some things really dont change. lost track of how many times ppl have begged for this. those 50 points arent going to make or break your build. imagine a new person coming in to the bazillion 50 pointers stashed away in capsules. those are the points that add up.
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  12. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    If you would like to obtain this feat. Please provide your personal and financial info to the internet.
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  13. Synisterstrike Active Player

    This is one of those things that SHOULD NOT be obtained by just anyone. Players literally had to miss out on game time back then (I wasn't here so I'm not sure how much time) and were given this half sp as a Thank you. I don't have it, many people don't have it. We don't complain because we understand that it was given as a thank you. We were in no way affected if we started after that and as such, should NOT have it.
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  14. Shalayah Committed Player

    You don’t need the feat.
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  15. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Why are people so obsessed with this feat? Why do you want it so bad? To 100% the game? MMOs aren't the most 100%able games tbh. This feat was compensation for the hell these players went through with the game and still stood by it even through all that. It's like if someone got awarded money for a civil case like maybe injury money after being hit by a car and years later someone moved into the same neighborhood it happened in and demanded to get that money too by merit of now being in the place it happened all those years ago. Actually, no. Money would at least be worth something to them. This feat not so much. What's truly unfair is to basically give the finger to everything those people went through now just for..... nothing basically. Besides, aside from a few old random feats no one cares about like you get from cr skip or when a seasonal event starts and it gives you a handful of older and small ones for that event just to help you a bit with SP, I'd really rather my feats be, well, feats. I don't want a participation trophy. I want to actually have done something and be able to have that pride in it and truly have a feat. That participation trophy is worthless and has no fun in it. There's no pride to be had. It's hallow, empty, meaningless. It's just kinda.... there. If there were only like 20 feats in the entire game, I'd understand a bit, but we have probably thousands, many of which are quite easy, simple, and quick. Several are practically freebies where you just go to this district of Gotham or Metropolis and BAM, feat!
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  16. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    I have this feat and I honestly love it. Knowing that I have an exclusive half of a skill point is actually amazing. It's never going to be made available if you didn't suffer through having your financial info exposed like those of us during the hack did.
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  17. tukuan Devoted Player

    As unfair as dropping $75 -100 for a game and paying a monthly sub only for the game to go down for several weeks a few months in, while at the same time risking personal data.

    Do you feel it's that unfair?
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Tell you what, you can have the feat if you post all your personal information on a shady Russian website on the dark web, then voluntarily accept a 60 day ban from DCUO and then change all of your credit card information and buy identity theft insurance.

    Because that's the reason people got that feat..
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  19. glamazom Level 30

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  20. Stardazer Committed Player

    Seeing the whole thread finally united on something warms my heart. :)
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