Things that aren't account bound, but should be.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Vella, Mar 3, 2021.

  1. Vella Well-Known Player

    - Marks
    - Unequiped gear
    - Friend's list / ignore list
    - grindy feats ( bounties, Paradox Reapers,
    Checklist feats). You only get the Feat for the toon that finishing it. You'd still have to buy it for other toons.
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  2. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Seasonal Damage Consumables
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  3. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Also a lotta neat things like form changing trinkets you can get from the Vault and such places but can't send over to an alt it would be better for, so you just end up deleting it for space and then getting frustrated trying to get it for said alt. TBH, I think most, if not all, of the things that are "cannot trade" should just be "account bound."

    And OMG yes to the friends and ignore lists. Also wish all my toons on the same account were automatically in each others' friends lists from the get go for a slight bit of convenience when I need to mail something between them or give on permissions for another's base or something.
    Speaking of, it would be cool if toons on the same account got equal control with bases on that account. For one, I'd love to be able to have my own hall of suits like how the Batcave and (in Into the Spider-Verse) Spidercave often do and put up armories displaying several characters' looks in one base. Technically I could recreate them on one toon with the base, but that doesn't work so well if some of the toons in the group are different genders and/or body types/sizes from each other. Many of mine are inter-connected, not unlike the Batfamily, Superfamily, Flashfamily, etc, so it's be cool to do that armory room type thing a lot of those superhero teams and families do. Maybe we could even get a base item that's like the Jason Todd memorial with a style set we put on it. Also hate when I consume an item on one toon because none of my others have any use for it at the time and I don't see it as worth the space it would take up being saved, then months later get an idea it would be great for and trying to get a new one for it is nigh impossible all of a sudden but I have it right there not being used lol.
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  5. tukuan Devoted Player

    Marks are a bit of a stretch. I don't necessarily disagree but it kinda flies in the face of most game conventions.

    The grind feats and friend's list for sure should be shareable. The latter possibly as I can sse some reasons why people might not want friend's lists shared.

    Beyond that I'd like to see generators shared across the board, even at a higher cost. Mostly it's just a pain to keep track of who's due and when to make sure they have enough source to pay the billls.

    Not likely to ever happen but I suspect there's a lot of people who'd also like artifacts to be account bound for when you find out they work better on a given power or role other than the one you levelled.
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  6. Vella Well-Known Player

    I say marks because depending what toon between my two mains I'm getting stuff for, all marks go to that toon in the way of cayts. But having 3 on one, and say 5 on another makes stuff tricky. Having 8 on account would just be a QoL improvement.

    I'd pay double if I could use one Gen for all toons.
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  7. Psyfur Well-Known Player

    Nth metal from stabilizer event.
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  8. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    In case you do not have a , then you have the last chance to buy it (if the rewards are not opened, then it can be transferred to your other characters and even to other people (but it is important not to open the rewards) ... well, at the very last in case I seem to have a couple of these crystals somewhere .. I could possibly sell them or change them (they seem to be on one of my farm accounts).
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  9. Eve YouTuber

    Seasonal Auras. How come I have Bubble Aura equipped on my main already, but I just completed the collection and can't trade the aura to my alt?
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  10. MiLady Well-Known Player

    Sodar Cola Ultimate. These drops from the TCs and can not be traded, even to your alts. Please make these account bound.
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  11. Brit Loyal Player

    My contraversial one would be Artifacts.

    The Nth Metal gets collected by multiple characters. The Source Marks and catalysts can be collected by multiple characters. But when they consolidate and level an Artifact, it locks to a single character. Not complaining about the leveling system of Artifacts at all, but I do recognize that a lack of artifacts is the single largest issue that makes alts not really viable in game, and that since Character Slots are supposedly one of the subscription perks, making alts at least somewhat viable should be a priority.

    I know plenty of people who spend money on Artifacts, and I'm not asking to see that change. But I do not know anybody who is spending money in order to level up artifacts on some unplayable alt. I personally believe making them account bound makes the artifact itself more appealling because it's useful across multiple characters. I suspect we would see more purchases, as people level 4+ artifacts to create more options for builds across other characters, instead of giving up after 3 because they just accept that the alts will never be viable.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I don't think this will ever come true. Artifacts account for a lot of income between XP/seals as well as source or cats/replays.

    Maybe some sort of compromise like having a single slot that's shareable with 1 arti or an alt can get a foot up with a single 200 level arti like strat or EOG, where the other 2 slots might be worked on per toon. Having it so that potentially they'd lose sales on up to 6 artis per alt (most DPS can use the same arits...some roles can as well) is too big a nut to swallow or DBG.
  13. Brit Loyal Player

    I don't want to derail the thread on this topic, because there are hundreds of other threads on the topic of artifacts, and this is supposed to be specifically on the topic of things that should be account bound.

    I remain 100% unconvinced that any money would be lost at all. Account-bound Artifacts do not reduce the amount of Nth Metal or Seals that you need to level up the Artifact. Account-bound Artifacts only mean that you would not have to level up the exact same artifact two or more times, spread across multiple characters.

    I know plenty of people who spend money on Artifacts. I don't know anyone who's dropping hundreds of dollars into kitting out an alt, when this game is so aggressively anti-alts.

    I personally believe what we would see if Artifacts were account-bound is that alts became more playable, so people would care about them more. And when Alts begin being actively played, players will want to make the perform better. While you might not be willing to spend close to a grand leveling up three artifacts for that new alt, it is a much more likely situation that you will see players who see that alt who has 2 level artifacts already but a 3rd that doesn't quite fit the build, and is willing to level up just that third slot in order to round the alt out, knowing that it also provides a 4th option for every other character on the account.

    Please do not reply further to argue the point in this thread. If you do, we'll get flagged as off-topic.

    I maintain that because the Nth Metal and Catalysts are all account-bound, the leveling of an artifact is accomplished in account-bound fashion, not character bound. So it does not make sense to have the artifact that everybody worked to level get bound to just a single character. Contrast this to the progression attained through other gear, and our Marks are specfiically Character-bound, therefore it makes perfect sense for the gear that those marks purchase to also be character bound.
  14. Zamara Dedicated Player

    If the nth metal was locked for every alt i'd agree but you can run it for the nth metal on every alt and still get them, you won't get the stabilizer fragments after the first run but you do get the nth metal and i think the base item too (not 100% sure on the base item tho)
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Agreed, I'll just say I don't agree with your stance and leave it at that.

    But to bring it back to the subject, I think the OP purchase items should be account bound as well. I'd like to get my OP goggles up on my alts (maybe) but am not re-starting the treacherous and mind-numbing grind for the 8 terebit keys on more toons even at half price after the feat has been unlocked.

    Vella, I'm not sure I understand your take on the checklist feats. Are you saying you think that the list should be shared, like if a feat is to kill A B and C in a raid, and Toon 1 gets A and B done, but toon 2 gets C...the feat pops for both toons? Can't say I'd agree with that one, although the rest of the list is pretty good especially the friends/ignore lists (maybe not the marks though, except seasonal marks).
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  16. Psyfur Well-Known Player

    All of the larger amounts of nth metal drops are locked for every alt. But you can funnel the smaller amounts, i.e. 10, 20, 50, to the alts that need nth metal.
  17. Zamara Dedicated Player

    By locked do you mean they stay in that alt? cause they do and i never said otherwise but you still get the purple and blue nth metals that drop in the end in each alt if you run them through the event + the random nth metals that the ads drop. And over time those add up.
  18. Psyfur Well-Known Player

    Never accused you of saying anything. What I’m saying is the purple and blue drops should be account bound just like the random drops from adds. I run the event with all my alts, and funnel the random drops to the alts that need nth metal. If an alt doesn’t need nth metal because my artifacts are 200, then the nth metal gets deleted if I can’t move it.
  19. Zamara Dedicated Player

    I'm just saying cause locked in this game is often used to refer to loot locks just wanted to make sure we were refering to the same thing, didn't mean to sound rude if i did
  20. Psyfur Well-Known Player

    No worries, my fellow gamer.