Confirmed new powers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Balistical Ice, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    Oh my god, Mepps clicked "like."

    It's worse than I feared!
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  2. Punkpirate Well-Known Player

    oh well was to good to be true, il go waste money on Champion Online atleast they update their marketplace and cool new stuff every week and they have only 2 developers left and manage to do so much work
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  3. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Re-enactment of that moment:

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  4. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

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  5. doctorseptic New Player

    To your third point; I also wonder about the costs & labor associated with adding a new weapon type? I remember in the wake of the first Avengers movie, everyone was asking for a shield as a weapon set, and POOF we had a shield. I know that balance overall is important, and that weapon sets try to loosely fit one of the 3 main roles, but it is a very loose interchangeability. Would adding a whip/lasso be too much in lieu of a new power (set)? Because for the DC Universe, whips are a lot more DC than a Capt America shield.
  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club


    Sorry, but I don't think these folks look particularly healed and/or healthy.


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  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The entity of the White Lantern Corps is literally called the Life Entity. You'd think that would be the more obvious choice than Black Lanterns for healers. :p
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  8. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Unless some advancement of technology has happened, it's not (realistically) possible to make a whip / lasso weapon in game. What a lot of people think of when they think of adding this is the Catwoman and WW thrash powers, which are not a actual weapon but are instead just a vfx that plays during an attack. Weapons are 3d objects with their own set of character animations. To a player there's not much difference but there's a huge difference from a dev and tech perspective. Several knowledgable forum users have broken this down over the years and these limitations have been confirmed by the dev team.

    To answer the substance of your concern, weapons are just as expensive to develop as powersets. A whip weapon would be exponentially more expensive to do properly, if they were to try it.
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  9. Dedikated6 Well-Known Player

    lmaooo Guest starring Ronnie2k IYKYK
  10. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    I would love to have a heal lantern that mixes a shield style like water and rays of light like the green lantern in addition to a combo system of course, on the other hand, not combos to maintain, I find that it makes the green lantern more "fragile" compared to other power combo direct click!
  11. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    Blue/Hope for heroes and Orange/Avarice for villains would also make sense. Forever reposting how:

    Also, I would love to see Star Sapphire/Love powers as a reskin of Light the same was Skimming is a reskin of Flight. Exactly the same functionality as Light, just a Violet option for both heroes and villains to play into the Star Sapphire fantasy.
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  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Except there is only 1 Orange Lantern and Larfleeze doesn't heal allies.

    Blue Lanterns have limited abilities (flight, aura projection, shield) unless in the presence of a Green Power Ring. Blue Lanterns can not heal without will power.
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  13. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    Actually, there has been a deputy Orange Lantern before with Lex Luthor (and our Lantern characters in-game are deputized Lanterns) and yes, an Orange Lantern's minions are fueled, empowered, and restored by the Orange Lantern's power (for example, if Glomulus is impaled, his wound only regenerates because Larfleeze channeled power back into him, which isn't sharing since Glomulus is only an extension of Larfleeze). By tagging your allies as your minions, it makes sense for you to empower and heal them, as they are just an extension of your attempts to achieve your goals.

    And there are more than enough Green Lanterns nearby in-game to count, so that's no issue. Furthermore, Sinestro proved with Saint Walker that Hope does not exclusively work with Will, but also with Fear and possibly others as well.
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  14. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    but as I mentioned them before, I really doubt that black lantern and white lantern will be powers available to players, this was very special for the lantern universe and frankly I like lanterns, but frankly they're not really attractive colours, I think.

    Otherwise, another <<power>> (of course, heal lantern will remain my main power desire :p) that I would be curious to see, would be something like made for Lex Luthor, I find the character very interesting in LPVE, I don't know if it would be possible to see that as a new power or,then, one weapons..
  15. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Whatever happened to movement Variants ? I dont get how they have time to make trinkets that make your propose but not enough to make things we really want. I would honestly say drop the bonus rewards for a few dlcs if it meant we got some type of new animations to play with.

    I honestly thought that the 10 year message was gonna bring us more. But no it was story content that i played 5x and got tired of, i mean it was a really good mission honestly one of the better we’ve gotten recently. But why arent they understanding that were bored with getting nothing but story missions.
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  16. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    I noticed I didn't reference this earlier, but Blue Lanterns actually can heal and make illusions without another color, but they can't make hard constructs without another color and blue can only supercharge or drain other colors, not other blues.
  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Movement variants was pretty much dropped ages ago because as Spytle said it was something of a financial failure (very low adoption rate) for the amount of work that needed to be done system wide. The Valentine's trinket you refer to on the other hand does not require anywhere near the time or system changes to make happen (it's pretty much an emote triggered by a trinket). This is an Apples to Soufflé comparison in terms of work difficulty vs return on investment. Having said that, it might be prudent to start a brand new thread asking this question so that it can get proper attention.

    The 10 year message was about what's coming down the road in very general terms (in other words, nothing specific). It takes time to make content and changes. They had just dropped the latest content in November while working on the Winter Seasonal, Anniversary Event (which added a new event and elite raid and re-worked some of the open world content), the Valentine's Seasonal as well as the next Episode. What exactly were you expecting right now, and what exactly made you expect that?
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  18. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    In all fairness, they've had tons of time. It's just that the wrong things seem to get focused on with each major update. This game has to be about more than lootboxes and rare drops.
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    "Wrong thing" is a matter of opinion. Also, you and others seem to forget that "lootboxes and rare drops" are fairly easy to deliver, the big changes people keep asking for require larger resources and much more time to deliver...and that's if it's in their plans. They just lost their creative director, got bought out by another company, are working on the next episode which they've hinted at is NOT going to be like the last two episodes while still dealing with the pandemic.

    This stuff is not going to happen over night. Metal part 2 released in early December 2019, followed by Birds of Prey in early April 2020. Long Live the Legion released in November followed by 3 seasonals (Valentine's is coming pretty soon) with a new episode going back to more a traditional structure according to Panderus. If you think that's "tons of time" for them then you haven't been paying attention to how they work, especially when they have to switch gears again. Unless maybe you want another episode with only 1 raid and alert?!!?
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  20. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    I'm not saying it's been a long time since the last episode. I'm saying it's been a long time since people have been asking for basic improvements to the game that are standard for the industry. Too often we hear about what they can't do with the engine, while games older than theirs are still innovating and improving on what can be done. I've just been hearing the same excuses for years. Sure, there's some really freaking cool styles every now and then, but... There's gotta be some more improvements to the core game. I mean do you know how long it's been since they first teased customized sidekicks? There's literally no excuse for that to not be a thing yet.