It's funny.....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ALB, Aug 29, 2020.

  1. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Well, any finisher w/ la mort card does more ST damage (by a fair bit actually). Where they gain in damage too past 35% health so greatly outperform SA + HV actually.
    Before you start goin in about the AOE an DoT Hv gets, thats not what u asked. U asked what does better ST then claimed SA + HV is best an thats false
    Now, if theres adds (And there Isint always) then SA/HV can make up that damage and overall can pass it but again, you asked about ST so there ya go.

    Also dont overlook that SA benefits just HV. Pretty hard to argue an art as OP when it benefits just 1/6 of a loadout lol.
    Its only benefitting 1 power in a 6 power loadout so its GOT to be a really really good benefit otherwise we wouldnt use it smh
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  2. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    My problem is hv out performs basically all powers, even the most powerful “home” powers. And the dots make it a Swiss Army knife, making it more versatile and powerful than la mort finishers. I just hate the fact it and solar amp basically have to be in there to maximize whatever load out I’m testing. Am I a “meta” guy? Absolutely not. Do I want to have best rotations for style I’m playing? Yes. For example, I’m sorcery playing pet / shard load out, which leaves me with two slots open. I could add the finisher with la mort to match my theme, but it’s single target, and I don’t feel like flipping load outs. So guess what got the nod? Hv, come on down. . . .Goes back to my suggestion in another post to basically change la morts ability to change every finisher to amp hv, and that way we can all stay in character and move on.
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  3. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    If you're using source shard try using grimorium as well.
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  4. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    You made a mistake then. I've posted my loadout numerous times. Until the amulet came out (and people learnt how to use it/ abuse it while its broken) there's very few occasions I'm not top of the scoreboard. Not saying it's the greatest dps ever but considering how broken everyone says sorcery is...
    Anyway, source/ grim/ la mort. Fury, feed fury, godwave, .5sec cooldown blast, finisher, grand summoning. Get bat construct trinket and side kick, rotate them always. When grand summoning is out, do not use trinket or sidekick. Grim applies pi, .5 blast is aoe, finisher is st. Always apply godwave then feed fury. Quick blast adds, finisher on st. I still use my finisher on add groups. Its powerful so will usually take out an add or 2 then quick blast the remainders. Godwave resets often, keep fury fed. My fury is hitting 110k consistently and that's about every 6secs since godwave usually resets.
    Now I am thinking about ditching la mort for amulet since I can probably take my moght from upper 70s to 100k. Would be best if I could add in tetra since that would probably put my might into the 110/120 range but I need grim as 3rd pet/ pi application.
    Maybe hv/sa can fit in place of la mort but haven't tried. We should run together and compare. I've come out of the new raid 12 to 15mil up on the next closest dps while pugging a few times. The best dps players I know of will beat me on occasion but never by a ton and at that point, the fact I'm not superspeed has a lot to do with the overall damage and I may still "win" the boss damage throwdown. I'm super happy when I see all dps within the same damage range tho, I'm looking for a great team up not to be #1. Right now, with how broken amulet is anyway, it's hard to say what's best build. The people that know, wow. It's insanity.
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  5. ALB Dedicated Player

    Yes, just the burst is better, but you're forgetting about the burst damage that doesn't split with a 200 SA and the dot that work great with strategist. If HV only did the 4 or 5 burst ticks, you would have got me, but it doesn't
  6. ALB Dedicated Player

    My other point is, it's a must have for all but 2-3 powers for top damage
  7. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Im not forgetting it, i even acknowledged it but the question clearly was single target so i adressed just single target. And again, read careful, i mentioned the scenario where SA + HV could and would outperform la mort + finisher
  8. August Moon Well-Known Player

    except quantum st doesn't need a solar amp. their finisher does significantly more damage than eye beams with a solar amp. soooo
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  9. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    Sorry - I was unclear; when I said 2 slots, I meant power slots; since SC / offering / pet / SS take up 4 slots, there's one left for the .5 sec cooldown to pump the SS, and then one opening for "power X". Then for artifacts, Grim and SS, with one slot open. So basically the options are amplified HV or finisher with La Mort for "power X". Thus I'm running your same loadout (which is awesome and fun, btw), but I'm using amplified heat vision instead of final ruin. I just like it's versatility better, with the AOE, dots, and even burn. I always feel like I'm losing a little with FR when I have multiple targets and I'm only hitting one of them (probably better for a single target boss burn though). So general question - you mention artifacts to get your might up. Is pet damage based on might or level? So for example, I see my fury is matching my combat rank at 316. Does that set his base or does my might? And then for might boosts (the trinket for example), do those apply to pets too? I still run with a trinket, but I assumed the boost was only applying to the two non-pet powers.

    PS (sry to the original poster, didn't mean to hijack the thread with a different topic, lol But my original thought / suggestion still stands - make finishers = HV with the La mort card, and stop forcing everyone to use one power.
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  10. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Everyone has always said pets only care about cr. I realllllllly am starting to believe they do scale with might to some degree. Otherwise they would always hit for the same number, provided no debuffs are taking place. But I'll go thru a solo and my fury will hit a single target for 85k then 112k then 74k and I know some of it has to do with that targets buffs or that fury is also getting the feed buff. I think we'd end up being side by side numbers wise, I've wanted to try hv/sa but now amulet looks to be the best choice. If it's fixed anyway. But seeing as we may be "twins", maybe if we run together we could see a clear winner. Then someone else can pay to level up an amulet and see if that beats us lol
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  11. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I answered you kind of wrong too tho. So my thought about getting might up is directly related to the .5 blast. Pi applied from grim buffs that, low power cost means low penalty from amulet which means more might stacking and its canceled out by fr so that would be used much less. I think we would lose the fun of hv/sa or fr/lamott, but would increase our overall damage due to the might build up while our source still does what it's already doing. Which is being awesome haha. I like the hv/aoe idea but I personally do not care about overall damage. I'm looking at that 2nd column, all the boss damage.
  12. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I also fully support your idea of making some iconics finishers. That would be cool
  13. ALB Dedicated Player

    If one player spam finishers with La-mort and strategist and the other spam just HV with solar and strategist, HV would win easily
  14. Ghost27Xog Well-Known Player

    Man... I'm tired of the "Nerf" talk... Don't y'all just want to finish content? A lot of times those "OP" power get groups to finish Missions that are using Really cheap mechanics and Over Whelming odds. I'm glad people put the time in to figure out a Powers exploit. I applaud it. They put the work in let them enjoy it.The Dev know about it.. If not it wouldn't be there..I've seen every power at 1 time or another be OP.. Just wait your turn I guess. The DPS standards are never going to be super balanced powers, prec, might they never have or every will be a % Totally Balanced... Complaining like this is why the "New" Elite Raid has all the "Extra" mechanics All happening at Once...The Extra Defense for the Boss..The Extra Health.. The Extra Ads all at Once.. The Devs keep listening to the Complaints and change stuff nerf stuff... Aren't we supposed to be on the same team ? We're either Hero's or Villains on the same team doing a mission together ...Stop whining ...Adapt or Evolve. ...Sick of Nerfs.
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  15. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Not if it is only on single target, each tick of my finisher w/la mort is 5-8k more so HV gets outperformed consistently on ST. Maybe not case for you an your arts but its fact for me an mine
  16. ALB Dedicated Player

    It's not out-performing HV for most of the population, but good for you
  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I'm not sure I'd agree with hv/sa outperforming la mort either. Was in the alert yesterday with my rage alt. 314, pretty much all purple gear and some blues. 318cr with purple and some vendor cane in. We had identical everything, loadout and rotation. Only difference was his hv and me with rsk. My boss damage was about 2mil more, overall was 3 or 4. We were 2 of 3 dps, other player didn't do much. My point is, I think y'all splitting hairs. If you have hv applying a dot on a boss, its going to break even vs the player not having a dot on adds. But most people have other dots already active. I think hv is great for a range loadout tho. Different players/ different powers. There just isn't one meta anymore
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  18. coldchilln88 Loyal Player


    Blasphemy. How dare you believe there's more than one way...:rolleyes:
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  19. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Lol I know right? But for real, I've seen some great builds lately and they're all different. And all very capable. As much as we all dislike arts, they have made a lot of different things possible
    Plus meta right now is going to be amulet/ tetra/ hv or la mort lol
  20. ALB Dedicated Player

    Strategist card make HV/Solar better than La-mort finisher. That's a fact. Even more so with bosses that have adds spawn every now and then. It's a lot of different types of meta, but HV with solar, Strategist, and crit artifact is the meta with the most damage potential.