Ban Them

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Michael Brown, Aug 6, 2020.

  1. Michael Brown New Player

    With the recent news on the hacking on the new raid. Man if they punish the speed hackers, defeinlty gonna have to look into the other cheaters as well. Let’s target all cheaters not just one section on cheaters. Banning the players will be better then removing all their items because banning them just makes them have to spend more money on the game to level themselves up again. Orrr better yet Ban IP Addresses
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  2. dresserball Dedicated Player

    What happened?
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Same old, same old.
  4. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Nah don't ban them. Strip them of everything and let them start running Smallville again.
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  5. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Create an open viewable area on Strykers' Island closed off with forcefields and tether punished players to that area. It'll be great immersion having live prisoners and a little humbling having the community know you were in the penalty box for X amount of time.
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  6. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Can we purchase a crate of tomatoes on the marketplace to throw at them? Or will that be a quark vendor item?
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  7. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    After the devs rolled over and showed their belly to most members of Success (cough Mary Magdalen cough) and unbanned them after they were speed hacking time capsules and elite raids a couple years back, I sincerely doubt they’ll do anything bc these players speed hacking Elite are buying replays.

    You heard it right folks, Daybreak Suits care more about the almighty dollar than the integrity of this community.
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  8. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    I have to STAN this brilliant idea! Punish them whilst being on brand lol. Put them all in Stryker's/Arkham/Blackgate Penitentiary/Phantom Zone

    I will never understand the lengths these people go through, it's not that deep just the play fair and square...
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  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    A mobile game I was playing had this.
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  10. Michael Brown New Player

    Come to think of it does banning them stop them from making another toon and grinding up and spending more money on this game to level up another toon? By looks of it its a win win situation for daybreak. Community is sent a warning and they make more money from them creating a new toon
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  11. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Nah, no bans. Remove their renown. Remove their feats. If they bought gear, remove that also.

    Look, this game has a bad history of glitching and cheating from the beginning of the game. I know most of the newbies won't remember, so here is a brief history.

    Inner - the second boss fight. We wo UK old stack boxes at each end of the room to prevent the adds from leaving before they could be killed. Last boss fight, there was a corner where you would take no damage, and most would stand on a ledge as to not lose ones movement mode. Heck, if you were knocked out. You could back up as far as you could and super speed run or fly back into the room.

    Outer - first boss, the tank would pull the boss to the bridge to get him stuck. No one would take any damage.

    FOS2 - there were certain corners where you could go under the map and beat the last boss.

    FOS3 - everyone line up on the wall.

    Prime Battle Ground - originally gadgets and nature players were needed to remove people who got knocked out from the spawn. You could encase them and pull them back into the fight. Pretty sure to make it fair, they changed gadgets and made clown box an iconic, although they'd never admit that.

    Paradox - Another visual glitch where you could fly into of the map and kill the bosses in the middle. You should have seen LFG at that time. Group looking for PS3 players that can fly, lol

    Thorne - quantum, lol.

    Just saying, cheaters are gonna cheat. Glitchers are gonna glitch. They CV community is do small, I think the shame of being caught along with losing their feats, renown, and gear would be enough.
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  12. Supremo BR Well-Known Player

    What harm have the hackers caused to anybody else? I would like to know. Did they prevent the rest of you of playing the game? Did they take your gear away? Please don' t tell me that you are angry because they outrank you on some internet website.

    As far as I can tell that is a problem exclusively between the company and them, the rest of us have absolutely nothing to do with it. Honestly, I could not careless if they keep playing normaly.

    People still think in the 21st century the "criminal system" has any effectiveness whatsoever...
  13. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Yeah, there were players wanting that back when speed-hacking first hit the game and was rampant. Unfortunately this goes against their ridiculous policy of no-calling-out.

    I'm thrilled people have been banned for hacking. If you are such a poor player that you can't (or won't) do the content without hacking then you don't deserve to keep your character. Not only that, but using hacks to beat content (top-end or otherwise) skews the data the devs use to make the game balanced enough for the majority of players to have a fun challenge. It's incredibly short-sighted and selfish.

    So huzzah for any players, however dark and cold they may be, who put forth the time and effort to shut down those types.
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  14. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Spoken like a speed-hacker.

    Speed-hacking to beat content skews the data the devs use to determine difficulty of content, that impacts everyone. The more it continues, the worse the imbalance gets until it's to the point where you either have to hack in order just to compete at the average level or you fall behind. It's selfish, short-sighted and an overall negative to any game.

    Hacking to win a game is the refuge of players who can't stand that they aren't good enough to beat the game otherwise (this becomes especially true in PVP).

    TL;DR - hackers need to stop being pansies and use their losses to make them a better player instead of having to cheat to win.
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  15. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Reset their accounts to "new"... take away everything... they sign in and have to start on the ship at level 0 with no inventory... and don't announce it ahead of time.

    The sad thing is that while we know several people get certain things done by speed hacking... and we all know a few.... if these people hadn't gone out and gotten two of the absolute most difficult feats during the early part of the DLC when only 2 leagues had just recently legitimately beat FGSE the game would just go on because we wouldn't have any really damning evidence against this process.

    The real solution, of course, is to actually do something about the speed hacking mechanism... and prevent the massive flood of commands it does from having any impact with this reasoning: "the attempted command flood is potentially a DDoS attack"... whether it's just a simple forced logoff and no other action, buffering of the commands and executing them over a specified rate, or just saying "anything received after the first X actions per second are ignored." The second option would be hilarious to watch... the speed hacker being stuck in animation for a couple of minutes taking swipes at nothing, marching forward into an AOE, or starting a boss fight before anyone is ready or even present.

    The reason we got this grindy DLC is because people overplay a DLC when it drops, get everything done in the first week or two (some legit grinding and replaying, others via speed hackers), and then complain they have nothing to do or gripe about other players who are still learning how to run the more difficult parts of the current DLC in private chats instead of helping and guiding them... and then they disappear for 2 months, reappearing when a new feature is added to the DLC so they can grind out those feats in a day or two and then disappear again until a new DLC drops and start this cycle all over again.

    Assuming DBG/DI takes actions... my gut tells me they're reviewing instance logs and trying to decide what to do right now... there is only a limited amount of information they will be permitted to tell us for legal reasons. I'm not holding my breath waiting on anything because just as with the money glitch they have to come up with a plan, go through technical reviews, go through legal reviews, and then finally execute it. If you remember, they let the money glitch go on and then one day they suddenly shut off the broker and turned off the ability to trade money... and that's when some people started to panic.
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  16. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Totes. Can't take credit for it originally. I've heard of a few games doing similar in the past that's why I thought of it. But I suggested for the practical reason too though, of being a reasonable punishment. They could easily just regrind for gear or renoun or whatever as speed-hackers. This way their characters would be locked into a zone for a ban period of time and speed-hacking wouldn't help them. :)

    But hey, have some faith. DI isn't SOE or even Daybreak. Maybe there's room to re-evaluate company policy on this issue and allow for more creative solutions. Let's be real. The company is also accountable to its remaining players that they suitably handle any player breaking TOS.
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  17. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Certain players have gotten the Elite Raid no dying feats in like the first couple days of Wonderverse being out. Some people are casting serious doubt on how that was achieved given how tough Grail is. Maybe they ate a lot of spinach and drank a ton of energy drinks beforehand, who knows?
  18. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I honestly don't care about the fact that these players have more feats or SP or Elite gear than others but it's the wrecking the in game economy more by their actions that really gets my goat. When other players spend a legit amount of time and money on this game to get screwed by the actions of cheaters it really makes it hard to play sometimes.
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  19. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Glitches and bugs are way different from hacking the game. Sometimes devs don't account for loopholes and some players might unknowingly get an advantage. Hackers don't wake up in the morning and go "I don't think my intentional exploitation of the game thru setting up speed macros can be that wrong, right"?
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  20. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    the real problem as its been pointed out is this has been going on pretty much since day one.
    at this points its on the devs. they are aware there is a problem. its up to them to do something about it.
    you encounter players and leagues that cheat: Stay away from them. its the best you can do.
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