Developer Playtest - July 13, 2020

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mepps, Jul 13, 2020.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Join us TODAY at 4PM PT to test Wonderverse world bosses alongside the development team.

    Log into the test server, create your character, and join us in open world Themyscira as we fight the world bosses. Get setup here.

    Playing alongside us gives us a special opportunity to see how different people tackle the content and what the experience is like. Plus, stick around and offer your feedback directly.

    We'll see you at 4PM PT!
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  2. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Will this be Streamed?
  3. Eve YouTuber

    I don't think they will. But maybe any of the players who will get on test around this time will. (Just a thought)
  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We won't be streaming, no. We'll be testing!
  5. Eve YouTuber

    Testing the raid too or just open world raid bosses?
  6. Eve YouTuber

    Just wanted to say that was really fun! It made me even more excited for the new episode!
  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    So, my experience totally sucked. I got there about 4 minutes late, and spent about 90% of the next hour flying from one place on the map to another, trying to find where the bounty fight was and failing.

    Eventually I found two fights and was in them, for about a minute each. Then all the devs left and so did almost everyone else and the whole thing was over. So, about three minutes of fighting out of the hour.

    Fun! Not.

    I finally got explained to me, AFTER everyone left, that there's a purple area on the map to find bounty fight at. Which it would be nice if the game had told me rather than a player after it was all done. Also, the teleporter destinations seemed to keep switching and usually when I, say, wanted to go to the Ares fight and clicked on the Ares teleporter selection, it sent me across the map from the purple area. This recurred again and again. Which is why I spent 97% of my time traversing the map, searching for fight.

    I did kill a bunch of adds and now have at least the vaguest idea of the bounties, even if I didn't get a chance to experience most despite trying my best. But i really didn't get a chance to see bounty mechanics, or, really, much of anything, because the two fights I DID make it two lasted about a minute, not long enough to really see what was going on.

    I expect this is a fun DLC, but I can't vouch personally since I had approximately zero fun and lots of frustrating flying around, changing phases, etc, w/o knowing where to go. Result: I'm very cranky. :mad: It's probably my fault for being slightly late and not getting any instructions. OTOH, devs aren't going to be giving instructions in-game, either. On the other other hand, maybe I was just being stupid. After a while I was almost too frustrated and angry to think. And I only got directions from other players AFTER the fights were all over and all the devs left and there were no more fights.

    At least on live everyone isn't going to leave when they've done one cycle. It really sucks to, say, miss the fight for Murk, all the time passes for Murk to come up again and then by the time you've found the fight it's over and you have to wait how long again for another chance? I was there about an hour and a half and never got to fight him once. But part of this was because apparently the fights were lasting two minutes or something. They kept being over by the time I'd found them. Is there no better way to let people choose their fight beyond waiting an hour and then waiting another hour if you miss the first time? How long does the whole cycle take?
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It's super weird you were there for a whole hour and could only find 2/10 boss fights that went down. The map has an overlay, the teleporters should take you to the next fight, the on-screen messages has a warning that a fight is about to begin and then that it has begun, and the map itself has teleporter/POIs that point out where is where. It's also just a clockwise run around the map.

    What else would you like to see?
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  9. Hraesvelg Always Right

    The cycles appeared to start on the hour and half hour, as was also mentioned last night in the post-test conversation where the purple areas were outlined. There's a timer on each boss, I think five minutes, in which you have to kill these will be going fast in either a pass/fail manner on live, too. You can hop into a cycle already in progress and keep it rolling or wait until a fresh one starts. There's a teleporter in the hub which will warp you to any of the bounty locations (you can check on the map where the purple area is and see the teleporter location name) and then the nearby teleporter will transport you to the next one in the cycle or back to the hub.

    You probably just got a bit turned around because you were late and it snowballed. We only did two cycles. You'll need to do about 50 cycles just to grab the OP catalysts (if you're in the top tier reward bracket) if my back-of-the-napkin math is right, so you've got some time to explore the map when it goes live and settle in before hopping in the train.

    Had you already done the pointer quests earlier in the day or yesterday? I found that really helped orient me. If I just warped to the map the first time in the middle of things, I imagine it might have been a bit chaotic.
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  10. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    First, let me repeat that any amount of my confusion might be due to my own failures of understanding.

    Part of what was going on for me was that I certainly saw the announcements of a particular fight starting in a particular area, but as this was already ongoing by the time I got to Patchwork, five or six or so minutes after the scheduled start, I didn't yet know about the teleporters and thus kept flying around and around the map because I also somehow didn't realize that the purple indicated the fight area. Also, I thought they were going to be long fights, 15-20 minutes, because they were described as equivalent to a raid. So I didn't realize how much of a rush I needed to do to get to them, but stopped a number of times to do the outdoor solo missions along the way because I didn't yet know how they did or did not connect to the boss fights. So I was fighting and flying around, trying to figure out how things worked, and subjectively rushing, enough to be distracted, but not actually fast enough to get all the way around the map by flying, and hampered by a mistaken understanding of how long I had to get to the boss fight.

    So the fights would end before I could find where they were. Those fights seemed as if they often took only a couple of minutes, but perhaps that's an illusion from my frustration. Finally, around the fourth or so fight, I started trying the teleporters, but I was confused that the list of destinations kept switching, and somehow when I tried the area that I thought was correct, either I was incorrect, or, again, by that time the fight was over.

    I think I'm pretty clear now on how the cycle works, but yesterday everything was just over by the time I'd gotten it more or less figured out. And almost everyone logged off immediately. So I flew around for a bit, getting to the right fight, but now there were only two or three people to help, so after getting killed a couple of times, and having looked at the vendors, said g'night to all and logged out.

    Oh, I should also note that I got to the hydra fight but seemed locked out as it was all below and I didn't see any teleporter or way to enter the fight at all.

    So I want to be clear that I'm not blaming the devs here or saying anything was badly or inadequately done. I can only say that if a noob is dropped into the middle of things, it's apt to take at least a few minutes to get oriented. Or maybe it's a particular kind of slowness uniquely mine. All I can say is that this was my experience, for whatever little that is worth.

    If the whole thing hadn't ended after one cycle (or did I miss another one before getting there), or run for another hour, I'd have been fine. But I figured things out too late.

    Possibly some further instructions in the screen we'll see when first told about the Wonderverse and where to go? But I'm not saying they're a necessity. I would have found that helpful, though, since you ask.

    I also owe Hraesvelg thanks for having taken the time in-game to give me answers when I was wailing in distress. Thanks, Hraesvelg!
  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    This. I blame myself for getting there a bit late. But then trying to figure out the whole thing at once -- map, markings, adds, teleporters, vendors, all sorts of adds and so many kinds of adds --- was a lot to absorb in seconds. Or mintues. If I'd gotten there earlier to orient myself, I probably would have been fine.

    Nope. I just should have logged in early enough to look around and get the lay of the land.

    There was a lot going on and it wasn't clear to me what to focus on other than to look for boss fights and where everyone was.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention in my previous post that at least a couple of times I phased to whomever had written the most recent text message and indeed went to a different phase and at least that was the problem: I was in the right place, but wrong phase. So that added to my confusion of what was the right thing to do or place to go.
  12. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Yeah, trying to play catch-up while things were already underway would have been a bit of a trip. It really does make sense once you've been on the map a bit, checked out the pointer missions, seen the announcements, got a few collections/did a quest or two.

    The battles are meant to be quick. From the time they spawn to the time they fail is only a few minutes, but there's always another boss coming up in a few minutes and you can finish the cycle in about a half hour. From what I gather, the spawn times are set to a clock so that different phases won't desync and cause that sort of confusion. All of the phases should be doing the same fight at the same time. If people start hitting phase caps, that might be frustrating...but since these are designed to be massive, I'd hope that cap is quite high.

    We all get flustered occasionally.