My first experience with three toxic Alert "teammates", I still cannot process it

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aquagirl, Jul 5, 2020.

  1. MrStoob Well-Known Player

    I've not had the unfortunate experience of being team trolled in a raid, just when there's a player who decides to talk crap to everyone for no apparent reason.

    Not a lot one can do to prevent it in the future, you just have to find your zen at times. :)
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  2. Magnificent Loyal Player

    The highlighted portion isn't "fact", it's "opinion". This sort of ignorance combined with your penchant for exaggeration just underscores to me that your idea of fruitful discourse is "agree with me or I'll throw a fit". Interesting how this comes up in a thread about toxic behavior.
  3. Aquagirl Level 30

    Yep I knooow, but a bunch of helpful people already corrected me on this issue at the beginning on this thread (look for first replies buddy :) ) when I mean I've already filed report, I mean I've filed it directly do DB support through the link provided by the helpful buddy at the second answer in this thread (at page 1). Thanks for the help though, sincerely, but no need to being redundant other people already helped me with that already okay lol', unless there's one step unrelated to reporting or ignoring things so you are free to go ahead buddy, hope I'm not being mean idk
  4. Aquagirl Level 30

    Thank you!!!! I'll try to remember it
  5. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Is it not a fact that posts on negativity can spread that negativity? Look at the support she received even though she started the confrontation. That is proof of what I said! Your use of words are passive aggressive and conveys your ignorance clearly. You find something predictable in a post about it interesting? Holy Smokes Batman, you have competition!
  6. Aquagirl Level 30

    I did not??? Start??? The confrontation?? EXCUSE ME??? They were already harassing me BEFORE I ever answered back??? And even if I did start it, are you seriously implying what these three guys were doing is okay??? That it is FAIR, and not problematic at all, for people to go around bullying and throw a barrage of insults for the slightest reason, be this reason fair or not?? Also does the fact I am nowhere near perfect and that I did do mistakes (i.e. recklessness) does mean that all my feelings about the issue are invalid and those three guys were, idk, perfect little angels who did nothing wrong or something? Because surely you never committed mistakes and were always the type of player who does nothing wrong EVER /sarcasm. Look I'm sorry for being mean, but talk about Disproportionate Retribution or something.

    Also I always switch from loot window to general window during instanced content to see if I didn't miss something, sometimes I forget but not always. I keep on Loot tab to avoid seeing WT and open-world trash-talking okay, I always try to switch during instances, sorry for having boundaries or something
  7. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    You said you went to town on the adds and was in your loot window, not group chat! That's 2 strikes from the start and against the spirit of joining a group in LFG. There's even a message on loading screens dealing with this issue. "And even if I did start it" but you did. Can't you see that? It does not mean you feelings are invalid, just that you're disregarding your actions because they retaliated with words that hurt your feelings. I don't think you're being mean and I mean no disrespect. But you have to see the actions you admitted to, led to the downward spiral and in a sense the cause of their ignorance. Just because you apologize after the fact, does not excuse your lack of group etiquette. Think before you act.
  8. High Troller Loyal Player

    I pointed that out what doesn't work, but you have clearly accepted as works. Some of the things you were told is misinformation. Please understand that screenshots, videos, and voice chats can be doctored. That advice needs to be disregarded as your primary source of evidence as part of your ticket to support. Mepps, himself, has said this himself.
  9. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Can? Yes. Will always? No.

    Speaking of spreading negativity. Wow. While looking into the difference between "fact" and "opinion" you may also want to refresh yourself on the classical Greek definition of "irony".

    While you're looking things up, could you be so kind as to explain to me how -according to you- I somehow disproved my decades of MMORPG experience? Is your stance that I've played none of them? Only some of them? Neither? Both? Something else?
  10. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Your passive aggressiveness is not helping you. Like I said those games had a toxic element also. Then your comment on the internet is new and people were fascinated with shiny objects shows nativity, when it's no secret the anonymity of the internet augmented the troll culture of any form of chat system. Is your reading comprehension clouded by debating? Ask your 20 questions that are meant to provoke. I clearly stated your comparison of game cultures was unfair to DCUO when other games are just as toxic or worse.
  11. Aquagirl Level 30

    Okay okay sorry. Sorry about that.

    Let's see where it goes. I didn't take any shots or anything, I've just filled the ticked on DB support center with the information I have (date and time of ocurrence, instance etc.) If it works, it works, if it doesn't work then idk,, and I cannot go back to type /report [names] now right. At this point, I'm pretty much emotionally exhausted,, so I'll try not to ruminate on this anymore. But I'll keep your information and link and remember it for next time something like this happens again,, I'll try not to forget
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Mepps was responding to a specific incident where someone had made a false complaint against another player using doctored screenshots. They had figured out that the screenshot had been edited and suspended the person who made the false complaint.
    There is no rule saying someone can't provide screenshots or videos as further evidence when reporting another player. I've submitted videos/screenshots where a small clique was harassing/stalking my league. I've used videos to record speed hackers. Not one time has a GM ever said stop sending us video links.
  13. High Troller Loyal Player

    The key is using the in-game reporting feature. Damage, money and text logs from the in-game report are made available to GMs. This step is commonly left out when suggesting to others every other "tip" in the book, but completely missing the in-game report. Logs speak for themselves without over-complicating the report.
  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The in-game reporting feature doesn't work for every situation.
  15. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Another term you use but do not seem to understand the definition of. Seriously, try at least googling an unfamiliar word or term before using it. I'm waiting for you to accuse me next of something like "haberdashery".

    Did I say they didn't?

    No, it shows knowledge gained through personal experience. Twenty to twenty-five years ago (1995-2000) only a comparatively few were playing MMORPGs and there were only a few MMORPGs to be played back then. WoW, League of Legends, Star Trek Online, Guild Wars, DCUO... none of them were even a wet dream back then. Heck, voice chat was still something we only dreamed of (Roger Wilco didn't come out until 1999 and wasn't stable of slower connections for the first couple of years, I can still remember the first time using it with my guild camping Avi's in SK and thinking "my God, this is amazing").

    MMOs back then were far more of a grindy time sink and still very new. People might snipe briefly at one another in area-wide chat but rarely did it last long and it wasn't the predictably constant barrage you can see in WT on pretty much any given night.

    It wasn't until WoW that MMOs became more mainstream. Since then the genre has changed in many, many ways.

    Irony. Again. Lulz.

    Why? You've shown an inability to discern fact from opinion, the irony of your own stance within the context of this thread and a burgeoning penchant to try using words and phrases for which you don't seem to fully grasp the definitions. What that all means is that even if I thought you were worthy of questions I still wouldn't expect your answers to be anything different than the flotsam you've already offered.

    First off, "fair" is a subjective term.

    Second, I compared my years of experience in DCUO with years of experience in other MMO's to reach a conclusion. I used the exact same criteria for both. You don't get more "fair" than that.

    Finally, that's not what you said. What you said is that I was lying about the toxicity of other games and lying about how long I've been gaming and you did both with providing no objective proof.

    I eagerly await your next response (because I know you can't resist) just to see what word, words and/or phrases you misuse next. Don't keep me waiting! :D
  16. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Are you trying to bait me into a ban by rattling off gibberish that's clinically concerning? Your statement:

    Why post a runon sentence that is barely coherent? Then explain it? That only proves you think you have some superior high ground. Your over confidence(some call it delusion) is blinding you to your own ignorance. The context of this post was someone qued in LFG, admitting her poor group etiquette and then got upset when they treated her with disrespect. Your juvenile retorts are hilarious. Wonder why you feel the need to have babysitters?!
  17. Magnificent Loyal Player

  18. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    LOL!!! Had a hard time with the simple chat, just like your logic....novice!
  19. High Troller Loyal Player

    I get the feeling the in-game reporting feature most likely records more than you think. It's not a cure-all. It's a frame of reference with plenty of evidence from the report log. Unless the troublemaker is using voice chats, many actions taken are otherwise recorded.
  20. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    you're going to need to grow a thicker skin. i know its hard not to get caught up in drama or to vent about it. it will come in time if you play enough. At this point I should just cut and paste old responses from threads on the same subject. the more time you waste on players who bring you down the less time you have to make your character the best it can be. if you're in a situation where you're "right" and the person/s arguing with you are "wrong" have enough confidence in yourself that you know the truth, thats all that matters, you dont have to prove anything to anyone, just move on. Thats how you "win". The best revenge is living well and all.

    A good quick story is back when the Rip in Time alert was top tier content I queued into the elite version on my primary alt. Its been a few years so time and memory and all that but what i remember is our healer was barely eligible for the content and that we not only beat it we did such a good job we got the "no dying/hard knocks" feat. Very proud. We didn't even resort to any of the tricks being used like pinning bosses in corners or standing on top of each other in dead spots where aoes wouldnt hit you. Following week I did the same thing. We wiped a couple of times that go around but we still got through it relatively hassle free. Week three i see someone shouting for RiTE and I figure "hey, if i can do this in a blind queue and LFG group should be cake", right? Wrong. These three fellows were leaguemates. I began dying as soon as the instance started. Wiped a few times at the first boss. Couldn't get anywhere on Black Adam. After a few wipes i see the boys mics flashing, all leaguemates, so i get on my mic and all they are doing is swearing me up and down. what a bad dps i am, i dont know how to play, all of them could do better jobs then me. the healer admitted to not even trying to heal through the DoT attack to give us enough time to get to a pool. At one point all thee of them were barking conficting orders at me. No. Just no. waved goodbye, queued up for the instance and got through it once again relatively hassle free. A few weeks later on my main I was invited into a Kandor raid and one of my teammates was the tank from the aforementioned league running as a dps. the one who talked smack about what a good dps he was. I would have topped out the scoreboard to the raid but i spent so much time reviving this guy it hurt my damage out. Out of 5 dps in the raid this guy was not only dead last he was dead last by a large margin and he was unning as an Earth dps which at the time was one of the best dps powers you could run. Queue satisfaction. If i wanted to really be a $itch i would have sent him a tell that said "Smashgirl says "Hi"" or something like that but i just let it go knowing the real reasons why that RiTE alert went south. First time i ever posted that story here.

    Every time I log on to play the game its a mixed bag of good and bad. its random. one instance things can go so well, everyone gets along, the content is cleared. Five minutes later you're in a raid and its nothing but arguing and stress.

    i remember a line from the old True Blood show where Bill the vampire tells sookie that individually vampires arent all that bad but get them together in a group to nest and they just get nasty. video gamers are like that. For me the worst are players who act like selfish brats when youre actively helping them and being genuinely friendly (Unfortunately I also have a habit to drop wisecracks which can get messy if someone if having a heavy flow day...)

    DCUO is all about the pug life. even larger more active leagues need to rely on LFG to fill out raid groups. as you play on you will begin to encounter the same names. You'll get to know good players and leagues from bad.