Test Discussion EP 38 Artifact: Lasso of Truth

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Batuba, Jul 1, 2020.

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  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    5% is far to much. It will be completely broken. Look at it for example right now.

    If a dps is doing 40k dps ST on a boss, this means that you will be healing 400 per second. I know doesn’t sound like a lot.

    However you on average 4-5 dps in a raid. This means that you will be getting healing 1600 - 2000 heals per second. This doesn’t sound like a lot but getting healing by this amount being constant is a sizable difference through out a raid. If you double that meanings getting 2% at max rank this turns to 3200 - 4000 per second.

    If you received 5% than it would be 8000 - 10000 per second. This if far to much and should not be done. This doesn’t take into account players using supply drops to buff damage, trinkets, and orbitals. Not to mention the extra damage you get from trolls, healers, and yourself. 2% is double maybe a little to strong. 3% borderline overpowered. But 5% is far to broken.
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The heal procs only every 5 seconds? I’m gonna have to go back and check that out.
  3. Batuba Developer

    It heals every second for 5 seconds.
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  4. AV Loyal Player

    The effect lasts 5 but you can reapply it, just meant it's very slight and short duration HoT
  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    True, but as long as you keep refreshing it often it should be fine. The heals could see a little buff 2% would be slightly pushing it. But won’t make it broken. And come to think of it, lasso might be very strong in open world bosses lol. But that’s a side point I literally just thought about as I was typing this lol
  6. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    You mean those moments when a poor boss is beaten by 50 players? yes, in such a situation, even with 1%, you will receive healing in the range of 10,000-15,000 per second, the problem is that the less content the artifact is useless in comparison with alternatives, for example, in an alert: 1-1-1-1 it will be in at best 800 per second .... well, and in solo it will not be more than 80-120 per second. And an increase in the bonus of up to 2% doesn’t really change the picture, the gap between small and large content is too big (in a situation with 50 players, the tank will be unkilable, and in the solo the artifact will remain useless further).
    Personally, I would change the bonus to "5-10% of the damage from the tank itself and 0.5-1% of the whole damage goes into healing."
  7. Trexlight Devoted Player

    800 Healing for a tank that possibly doesnt have a self heal is still helpful than no healing. Even if the tank HAS self healing like Fire or Atomic, 800 is still good to have.

    I certainly dont want this Artifact's healing to overshadow the self healing from Powers themselves. It should help but only small. And you dont want to have this artifact completely replace the Healer either. So 2% i agree is the max I would like to see done with the Artifact. Keeps it nice and useful without becoming too OP. Except for Outdoor bosses. hahaha thats gonna be fuuun
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The thing is that you don’t really need any artifacts at all to complete solos and duos. And you can do pretty much any alert with barely any artifacts. I actually tank the new alert with dps gear, dps artifacts, and dps specs lol. The DC alert probably did need a more sturdy build for certain areas but they were doable with rank 80 artifacts. Raids are the only area where having artifacts as a tank is useful. And than, you can rank regular raids with rank 80 artifacts or 120 artifacts depending on the skill level. And 120-160 for elite depending on the skill level.

    I agree that this artifact is lower quality than some current ones. But we don’t need a meta changing artifact every dlc. It’s nice to have some options to choose from.
  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Lol especially with how the new dlc will be working lol. Having this artifact will make those very fun haha
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  10. Dub T Well-Known Player

    To all those that are WAAAAAY better at maths than I and are actually able to get the test server. How is the Lasso of Truth shaping up to be as a Tank Artifact? Is it looking like a suitable replacement for Everyman or is it only looking situational? Thanks for any infos!
  11. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    This is probably due to the fact that English is not my native language, you could not understand the essence of what I wrote (well, or you just didn’t bother to read what you deigned to comment, well, or you are bad on math )): "5-10% of damage caused by the tank, and 0.5-1% of the damage to the target completely "these are the same 2% of the damage to the target completely, but unlike these of your 2%, my option is balanced not only for large but also for small content (or you average tank makes more than 12000-15000 DPS in the raid?).

    So what? and I, for example, with tank artifacts, tank specialization, and tank gear, can make a new alert completely solo. This does not change the fact that in comparison with other tank artifacts it is poorly balanced. You definitely need another useless artifact like Lazarus Water which 95% of the playing time will be in your chest with a dead load?
  12. Trexlight Devoted Player

    No i read it and understood what you were saying. I was still saying your 800 in your example is still well enough as it is, even in small content. Of course you wouldnt use this in a Solo honestly. In an Alert its still helpful again, even with 800 healing. We dont really need the Tank damage to have its own % when it isnt designed to be self sustaining self heal Artifact. its first purpose is to pull adds together easier and then it has the self healing which just sprinkles on heals alongside your healer. Its not meant to be the entire heals which your proposal leans to more.
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  13. Mr.W Committed Player

    Ok i understand solo's & duo's (especially the category this artifact is in) it's not "needed" however the whole purpose of investing in any artifact is so its usefully in most content. I understand that the healing potential of this artifact can make it difficult to balance but as it is im not seeing the healing being worth the metal outside of how this dlc's open world scenario. I get your example of with the 1.6k-2k healing but my mystic symbols can heal me for 5k per hit i take but I wouldn't consider that broken, especially in elite when adds hitting for at least 20k & bosses do 60-80k with basic attacks.
  14. Mr.W Committed Player

    I totally get we don't want the artifact to make healers a mute point, but as I said in another reply I can get tics of 5k off my mystic symbols artifact per hit i take yet it's not overpowered or broken & good healers can still out heal me. Yes, im not going to deny that the way this artifact functions has the potential to be exceedingly powerful which makes it difficult to balance so my proposal is maybe change this from a pure lasso artifact to an Amazon champion one. That way the healing effect can be changed to something like

    (Amazon deflection no longer reflects damage & stuns but can no longer be block broken)

    & reduce its cooldown by 10% at rank 200.

    Its a strong effect given nature of Amazon deflection & worth the metal but still in the realm of balanced since it only last 8sec & the reflect damage/stuns would be given up to have to full duration of the shield guaranteed.
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  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    So in other words you want them to completely redo the artifact to do something completely different. That will definitely not happen since it was asked for previous artifacts. It can be hard enough to getting changes to current ones.
  16. Mr.W Committed Player

    Not necessarily. What I would want is for them to increase the healing on it to at least match what my 7 symbols can do so its a more valuable option in most content (that requires a tank) . However, if the majority feels that would make it too powerful then i feel changing its function is next best solution.
  17. Mr.W Committed Player

  18. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Them changing it from one Iconic to another isnt going to happen. Its best to come to terms that this Artifact belongs to Lasso and Amazonian Deflection wont be added to this one. Down the road it possibly could be but thats better left to creating a new thread with the desire of that Iconic having an Artifact. We should be keeping the discussion on this Artifact pertaining to Lasso as thats the feedback needed.
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  19. Mr.W Committed Player

    Fair enough lol. I just feel then that then healing potential should be bumped up to at least match what my 7 symbols can do.
  20. Mr.W Committed Player

    maybe 2 or 3% healing at the 120 & the 200 rank effect can be added that stuns 7 enemies tethered to your target?
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