DC Queueniverse Online

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nawanda, May 17, 2020.

  1. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I'm sure you discuss this too (there's no way any of us would let you forget it), but I'd still LOVE the ability to fill spaces in my Duo/Alert/Raid group with Legends PvE characters.
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  2. Mr.W Committed Player

    I have to respectfully disagree with this. The no cap thing was basically the pre-revamp survival mode & the devs actually stated in a live stream that the cr differential was actually starting to push the dev to in that direction where a standard tap melee or tap range from npcs were would eventually 1 shot which was one of the core reasons for the current revamp.

    At least for me extremely hard hitting enemies that you will eventually be forced to kite or 100s of waves of enemies or dozens of 1 shot mechanics per boss doesn't make for entertaining content. For me I love objective based content which goes hand & hand with content mechanics. That's why I & many others I know loved amazon fury 2 so much. Halls of Hades is a prime example ppl loved to explore finding the different weapons which diversified the intensity of Cerberus as well as gave the fun of optional puzzles. Sure this can be greatly expanded on for 2020 standards (doesn't mean make us fly from china town to little bo like t4 raids lol), but bring exploration back & have the optional objectives greatly impact how each boss' mechanics & difficulty.
  3. Mr.W Committed Player

    I agree that older content should drop max marks too like back in the day but i don't think it's fair or even makes sense for players who took the time to grind 400-500+sp, leveled with end game gear passed cr 300, and leveled their artifacts fairly high (if not maxed) all just to be weak enough to be able to be squashed in a t3 raid by a cr 70 boss lol.
  4. Brit Loyal Player

    In Everquest, an even older game that is also under the Dimensional Ink banner, there is an interesting system of "Mercenaries". You can effectively hire NPCs that will fulfil certain roles for content. Can't find a healer? You can just buy one. They won't be as good as an actual talented player, but they will be there and will do their job at an acceptably mediocre level. Ditto that if you needed a Tank, or a Crowd Control character, or some extra DPS, or whatever.

    In DCUO, allowing us to recruit Legends to join our teams would be an excellent way to handle this. And while having them be recruitable with in-game currency would make an excellent cash-sink that might finally start to mend the economy a bit, I think I would actually prefer for them to be recruitable with Source Marks. Superman doesn't need your money. But if you think of Source Marks more as the currency of favors ("Hey, you help us out a lot, so we give you this extra gear." "Oh, you saved the world doing X, Y, and Z; well, I guess I can come with you this time to help you do this thing you want. I owe you that.")
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  5. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Been saying this for awhile, and others have, too. Somewhere along the way, someone hit on a brilliant idea I fully support: Let us use AI Bot versions of our Alts to fill out the group. I currently have 30 characters, so that would make me very happy! :D
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  6. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Why not just have an option for a default que time then it ports you to the instance. From there people could fill roles. This would be an easier programming fix to implement. There's already an option for role specific and in-progress options in the Settings. Programming-wise, this option is similar to that Class, method,etc. Now it's not as simple as this but seems like a decent compromise.
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  7. Tilz Loyal Player

    Oh Boy, those times
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So right now, assuming you do not have a full group, the system knows to fill the empty spots with matchmaking. Why not a checkbox that would allow no matchmaking? It's kind of already there as a full group skips the matchmaking entirely and goes right in..it's just not a user option. It would still be on the user to put together a minimal group for things were multiple hands are required (like AnB maze or FOS2 split tunnel), but it would allow a semi full group of 4,5 or whatever players to get into content no one else is queuing up for or shouting in LFG. Like 'task force X' make the group lead the one who sets the option and users who only want full runs can build a group or queue normally.

    This would honestly address #2 as well as once you were in a raid/alert, you could fill a missing spot with a villain as task force X allows invite of opposite factions...but right now you need the spots filled to get in, then can swap later...which is a hassle in itself.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The biggest issue I see with the bot option is coding. They'd have to create code that improves upon the normal NPC dummies we have now. NPCs generally stay in the way, do not focus on what you'd actually expect them to do and go down like nothing (How many times do we have to go around picking up WW and Superman?) Added to that would be that most of the time the reason for getting into old content is feats, some of which require some co-ordination...not sure how to get an NPC then tell them to stay away from the Essense in ToTD so we can get it done, or to build statues if they get turned into a spirit form. Hope Hawkgirl will keep with the group when we try 'The Floor is lava' feat in Hive E. I can imagine yelling at Nightwing to quit turning the cog in Prison break when you have to co-ordinate the 5 cogs to proceed to the 2nd 1/2 of the prison..."God! ...quit hitting the cog, Dick" (it's ok...it's his name). Which one of the NPCs would be placing cards down in DM, or grabbing them from inside the portal? I ran BBS for the 1st boss feat last night and it took 2 times because we couldn't get a human to stop burning Zod before we were at 80%...wait till Supergirl or Superman is in there....they hate that guy!

    Not saying it can't be done, but it's a whole new set of code, not just turning loose what we have now as selectable player fillers. Yes they might be able to fill a role, and maybe it's adequate for just getting a run done, but anything more seems like a stretch.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Nerfing things will not attract more players to the old content unless you also put rewards in there. High cr people mostly run old content because they can get in and out quick. They've tried this before and it failed cause while in 2013 and it was end-game, a struggle in Paradox was 'fun', in 2020 when there are tons of other appropriate tier things to do, it's not that 'fun' for many. The end result for the new players is the same...no one queuing up, so implementing a 'queue group as is' kind of option and allow a group of 6 or 7 appropriate level players to get in by themselves vs being grouped with a goon(unless they choose) or having a never ending queue time. It benefits everyone.

    And the most important tutorial this game could benefit from for this particular issue is one on how to use LFG. Many new players don't know it exists or are scared to jump in.
  11. xPhantom Atom Well-Known Player

    I know it may not help with getting people into content for feats but it would help with earlier content being run and that is to implement a system like FFXIV have.

    Everyday players will have a random alert/raid that they queue. I'm sure it could put players into content that requires players to fill out remaining roles/slots and it can be any previous content. As a reward they would receive their daily [insert reward]. I think it works amazing for FFXIV and it makes sure that all previous content is always being run and new players progress.
  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Just players arent willing to compromise for the better of everyone
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  13. Brit Loyal Player

    I totally agree that the AI would need to be somewhat improved, but I don't believe that it would be as hard as we might sometimes think. Personally, I believe the existing NPCs are there in order to teach mechanics to observant players.

    Case in point, while during the Ultraman fight, your NPC allies will always break out of the ice and will always die to the heat vision (which should be a clue to the players to stop doing it, but still so many don't care), during the Oracle fight you can actually watch Huntress BLOCKING before the skull attack so that she won't get pulled in. The NPCs in that Oracle fight don't have that same polarizing status put on them, so the skull attack strictly moves them, not actually kills them, but watching her block and not get pulled should be a clue to a struggling player to go "Hmm. We die if we stand too close together. This skull attack pulls us close together. And Huntress has figured out that doing some sort of block animation stops us from getting pulled close together. If only I had a button that also did that blocking animation..."

    In essence, I find myself believing that if they can code the fight and script the boss to do these things, then they can script the NPCs how to respond during those same situations. If anything it should be easier because it is entirely a part of a scripted event. If A then B, which is how computers work.

    The AI will probably never be ideal for feat hunting, but at the same time I don't believe it should be. I think it's important that the AI be adequately mediocre, capable of completing the encounter but never actually more desireable than even an average player. A player should have to be truly terrible for the group to think that replacing them with an AI bot is a good idea.
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That all might be true, but IF you are going in for feats and IF those feats require things like holding burn...or NOT working cogs or other things like that, I don't see the AI being that adaptable. Case in point, go run "League Hall Breach" alert and bring an AI toon along, then try and get the feat to recharge the neutralizer 12 times....it takes a while. Not sure how you tell an AI gun for hire that you want it to kill things....but then NOT kill things. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it seems like a lot of AI rework and for counter intuitive feats it would be near impossible. I can imagine feats like 'no more no less' would be a no go...ever...with an AI player, unless you could lock them out of the room, but if that's what you are doing, an empty slot would be just as productive and easier to program.
  15. travelingtheory Well-Known Player

    Star trek online featured a nearly indenticle system where you could simply que for an elite version of an instance, on lock, for extra rewards and run normal nonstop for regular. I think that would be a good way to entice people to run old content at least once a day. Adding it to featured content like this JLD feature would help but the JLD feature was mostly useless because of the CR limit. Buff players to the instance, give them source marks or lvld armor so it doesnt mess with your CR forced grind. Old content will fill up for source marks or nth metal.
  16. travelingtheory Well-Known Player

    i wish there was a more efficient system for feat tracking, like everyone else who plays.
  17. Brit Loyal Player

    I entirely agree. This would not be ideal for feat hunting. It's purpose would be solely about getting queues to pop, providing additional players where needed, and fulfilling roles that are difficult to find.

    In my opinion, feats generally get accomplished by good players. I would want the AI of AI allies to be poor enough that even an average player is still generally preferable to the AI. I don't ever want real players getting kicked and replaced with AI allies, unless the real player is doing something disruptive like being AFK, intentionally messing up the fight, or incapable of taking very basic directions.

    By design, we want the AE to be "acceptable", but never "exceptional". We're not trying to replace people's jobs with robots here. We're just trying to make sure that players can play the game that they're paying money for. If feat-hunting requires a team of real players, I consider that to be a good thing.
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  18. Xibo Loyal Player

    Here's the solution: Create White Mods to be used with teleporters. For example, a Coast City white mod. You get it and you use it in your teleporter. And once you're there you invite anyone you want.
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    yet the queue system is still a barren wasteland, offering synced with extra rewards for players who are over-geared for a OPTIONAL synced version
  20. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Feats are attached & are the primary reason overgeared players continue to run older content.

    Until feats are taken out of that equation, a synced version is anything but Optional.

    I would like to add a suggestion here(My two cents.)

    Take Four Corners in Assault and Battery.
    Or... Artifact Perfection.

    The last time I was running Artifact Perfection was after T6 had stopped being the main-tier(Now, I've already had this feat along with four corners, but I'm one of those guys who likes to save RB's if I can.)

    Everyone in the rest of the group was extra careful to follow the clues that were available in the raid, however, there was always one guy not reading the group chat and trying to burn through the content and thus.. the feat was blown.

    I think in addition to NPC's being preferable replacing Bad/Griefing Players only, I would love for a "rewind" function to be available in older content for those group oriented feats.

    I can't tell you how inconvenient it is to go through a raid that your loot locked from, only to run it all over again from scratch because there's just that one person who will not listen. (You people know who you are lol.)