Developers' priorities these days.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Maxwill, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. Maxwill Committed Player

    Hi there

    I was wondering what priorities do developers have these days...
    Is fixing money glitches and bringing back broker, cash trade and sending money by emails one of their priorities this week?
    Because it feels like it's taking too long... It's almost been a week and I hope we don't have to wait for 2 weeks or more to play this game properly.

    I hope we can trade cash without glitches and sell some things on broker by the end of this week.

    They might be doing the best they can , I don't know, but I do need to write this and express our concerns .
    This game had and still has many frustrating things and I don't know for how long we will put up with those annoying things.
    If I were in their place I would be fixing money glitches, bringing back broker,trades and emails as soon as possible.It would be my main priority.
    Christmas is coming and we don't feel like loging in a game that doesn't work properly.
    Also it would be good for the game to fix it as soon as possible before June next year.Because that's when a new awesome game (Avengers ) will come and guess what many players and members will do when that game comes out and this one is still in a bad or worse state.
    So yeah, please hurry up with those fixes.

    Best regards from one of your most loyal players.
  2. Gucciana Committed Player

    Relax its only been a few days.....
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  3. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    While I’m sure for some people the current restrictions are frustrating, unless you’re personally a Dev, and know the intimate details of what exactly is wrong, how to fix it, how to apply it to a game, etc. you can’t really say it should be done by now. As Mepps stated earlier, they’re currently in the process of finalizing things and will make the appropriate announcements when they’re finalized.
    Again, I’m sure it’s frustrating to have restrictions, but it’s kind of rude to say “hurry up with these fixes” because for all you know, this is priority one and the solution isn’t as simple as the snap of a finger.
    They’re working on it. They said they’re working on it. Just because they’re not giving step by step updates doesn’t mean it’s not a priority. They have to not only figure out how to fix the exploits, but figure out a diplomatic solution that’s going to piss off the least amount of people because you KNOW that no matter what they do, someone is going to get upset.
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  4. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    People act like there’s nothing else to do in the game except trade stuff and sell items on the broker
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  5. Raven Roth Committed Player

    Trading is hardly important to your gameplay. You could stand to be slightly more patient.
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The devs are focusing on creating good content for their manpower, corporate is focusing on cutting cost and increasing profit with a new TC xD
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  7. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Cant blame folk tho,
    Remember... a large amount of people say the in game economy is their main reason to buy legendary.. and right now the economy is down.

    Just the latest reason to push for more legendary benefits
  8. FoolsFire Devoted Player

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  9. Isif Committed Player

    Obviously, something coming from above. "Cash wipe" thread closed by Mepps with a "work in progress" type answer. SOON (true villainy will reign)....insert evil laugh.;)
  10. SkullGang Devoted Player

    To be honest we should be excited that they are even doing anything about it. It's been poisoning the game for too long.
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  11. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Who is this we? Maybe you and your buddy but dont lump everyone else in with your thoughts. This thing wasnt gonna be a magic one day and done fix. Investigations take time and give them as much as they can so they can properly some up with a fix instead of a rush bandaid. Its only even been a week. I too wish the broker was back so i can unload these collections but even if it doesnt come til january when they return, so be it.
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  12. Brit Loyal Player

    I prefer the frozen state of the economy right now, as opposed to the wildly exploiting one we had just a week ago.

    I suppose I will contrast @Maxwill's position with the opposite train of thought. Please, developers, do NOT bring the broker and cash trading back until you are certain the exploits have been fixed. I know sometimes you are tempted to rush something out when it still has some obvious issues that need fixed (IE: Metal II cutscene bugs), but please do NOT rush to turn the broker and trading back on until you have fully and properly completed all the necessary fixes, no matter how long that might take.
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  13. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Who's "our" concerns?

    I would assume that this is currently one of their main priorities, along with fixing the multitude of bugs rushed out on Live server with the new Episode. As far as i'm concerned, they should take their time and make sure that they can come out with proper fixes for the issues at hand before rushing out anything else.
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  14. spack2k Steadfast Player

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  15. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Agreed. There have been recurrent problems with in game economy SINCE LAUNCH. IMO the rush to put a band-aid on the problem has been a factor in the periodic recurrence of the problem. IMO the DEVS should take all the time necessary to implement solutions that may work on a long time basis.

    Frankly I have not seen the Broker being down and no cash trades impact anyone's ability to play and enjoy the game. People do NOT seem to be quitting and it MAY be that progression for this DLC will be on a more level playing field, keep the content relevant longer and promote replay sales (a win for Daybreak anyway)
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  16. Lick Of Frost Active Player

    While I understand that it may be annoying to have to wait to use things such as broker/mail/trades, like the other people in this thread have posted, there are many other things to do in the game. I think it is important that these exploits be fixed properly so if it takes some time it takes some time, let's just be happy they are actually working on it and have a little patience.
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  17. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    It's amazing how many people don't get this lol. SO Accurate though.
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  18. Dwild Well-Known Player

    I have 3 mains that I play all the time. I have 2 alts that I use for storage and occasionally during seasonals. At present one of those alts bank is full of stuff I've acquired in the last week off my mains and can't get rid of. The second alt's bank is about 1/4 full. And I'm not buying stuff off the seasonal, just stacking up holly leaves. So...when and if they fix the broker, I figure its going to take me a couple days just to sell the stuff I don't need and empty out my inventory. Would be nice if they at least gave us a hint about when it will activate.
  19. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

  20. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    Well the CEO needs a new Porsche so they have to fix exploits that interfere with his money.