32 characters max- increase possible?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Sep 27, 2019.

  1. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I was wondering if they will ever increase it in 2-3 more character slots because I really love creating alts and It's hard having to delete them because I have no space for more. I was wondering if we can get increase in slots. I don't know if other people will agree, I personally like making iconics and alts for bases and such, so just a thought of at least increasing it abit. I know for some 32 is already enough, but just giving my two cents about something I would like to see increase. (Of course still have to buy more slots, not for free) : P

    You can of course say why you agree or don't agree in the comments, It's just an idea of course.
    I'm just crazy for alts. (Most of them are around the 240 cr too lol).
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  2. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Note, I'm not for or against this changing - If it doesn't hurt anything, sure, go for it.

    I'm totally applauding your dedication to the cause, though.
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  3. AquiloFury Committed Player

    My wife would support this whole heartedly....she has all 32 filled as well..she has "sister toons" lol. For each character she has a mirror version...same power, same weapon.. same styles..just different color palette. I have 21...and for my personal taste..that's too many lol. I started with two..but when my wife started playing, I had to make more to ensure we could run things together lol.
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  4. Sinbad X New Player

    You've got my support. I only run 2 toons, but hey, if it doesn't hurt anything then why not.
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  5. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    yes please 32 here...4 premium accts...just starting...
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  6. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    This makes more sense as the game continues to increase in size. Back in the beginning before feat unlocks, you could just make a new account. But no one wants to redo the grindy feats on multiple accounts!
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  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    But...armories! LOL
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  8. AquiloFury Committed Player

    Lmao! She has maybe three people with more than the free on you get.. I, on the other hand...have maybe 5 or 6 who don't have at least a second armory...three of my toons have 3 lol..
  9. AquiloFury Committed Player

    Also, I should have mentioned..when I say mirrored...I mean for each hero, she has a villain...same power, same weapon..differrent color pallette. Maybe mirrored was the wrong term..more like a dark multiverse version lol.
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  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    this is how i keep my character footprint down to a meager 6. for now.
  11. loupblanc Dedicated Player


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  12. Eve Creator League, YouTuber


    Thanks for all the comments btw, I hope maybe with support the Devs will think of increasing the character slots.
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  13. Myoxz Well-Known Player

    Right now I have 6 toons, but I mostly use 3 of them. And of those 3, I pay attention to two (a villain and a hero). I don't have time to play with more than that. Hell, there're days I can only play with only one toon. Once I created a toon for each power, but I couldn't keep up with all of them (trying to keep them at the max cr). So I play with 2, some times with 3 and from time to time, with 6.
    I don't know how can you keep up with 32. I applaud you.

    Of course I wouldn't mind if they put more characters slots, it doesn't hurt anyone. It's just I don't understand how can you use them all. :)
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  14. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    As an altoholic myself (24 characters at the moment), I would approve an increase in the maximum number of characters we can have.
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  15. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    That's the word I was looking for. Altoholic :D
    at least by 2-3 more slots, it will make a big difference!
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  16. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    absolutely 1000%. im at 30 right now & NOT using the last 2 spots specifically because i need to save them incase we get certain styles. the ppl that know me, know every character i own is Horror themed, & remains that way, with minor upgrades as they are created for us. however, theres many, many, many monsters and such i cannot create due to the limit of 32, with a upgraded limit, id for sure add more things i never wouldve been able to. a Gargoyle character perhap maybe. or some other monsters of different mythology from around the world. definitely have my vote on it :)
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  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    And I thought I was pushing my own limits with 12 characters actively going through the tiers and 6 vanity characters (some of which started as test characters for new powers). :eek:
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  18. Jack-O-The-Green Well-Known Player

    At one point, early on, I think my alts made up about 1% of the population of Zero Hour. I still have about 18 I like, at various levels, two bank toons, and two on a premium account I needed to set up dummy leagues. But actively playing 32? Man...
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  19. Ekart Committed Player

    1 character is fine, everything else is dead weight. :p
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  20. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Each to his\her own ;)