Shut Up And Take My Money!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Elijah Seed, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    I need another DCUO Marketplace sale with an added Member Discount.

    Yeah. I know we just had one. And I need another one. But a better one than the one we just had. Deeper discounts and EVERYTHING in the Marketplace on sale. Especially stabilizers and replay badges.

    Plus, I NEED ALL of the materials and auras from that one time capsule last year that contained the Glowing Material and Glowing Aura. I don't mean another overpriced useless MEGA-capsule. Just THAT one time capsule. Hell, JUST those two items would do it for me but, if I'm being honest, I want ALL of them from that ONE time capsule.

    So Daybreak, if you're reading, this make it happen please. And while you're at it make that mega-stabilizer pack you had some months ago a permanent item on the Marketplace. You know, the one that had something like 40-50 stabilizers. And add a mega-replay badge pack, too.

    Shut up and take my money!
  2. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Idea: For every year you've played where you've been a Member for at least 6 of those months...

    2% Extra discount during sales. So, 5 years = 10% extra discount on top of regular membership discount.
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  3. L T Devoted Player

    stabilizers go on sale from time to time. I'm pretty sure when they sell the 40 pack that's actually considered a sale. Sadly, there isn't usually another general sale with styles and replay badges until November.

    Not sure which time capsule you mean. The power set themed materials came from a "overpriced useless MEGA-capsule". The power set auras came from a different "overpriced useless MEGA-capsule". I don't know that they were ever labeled "exclusive"-- so they might come back at some point-- but I wouldn't expect it any time soon. The broker is your friend. Glowing material is only like 50-70 million last time I checked.

    The green mist aura and lantern emblem set came from the original time capsule (just "time capsule" on the broker). They're not too expensive on the broker, and the drop rate for the rare items seemed pretty good at the time.
  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    That word, "need" -- it does not mean what you think it means.

    It does not mean "want."
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  5. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    Yes but “Needs” would be defined as goods or services that are required.

    “Wants” could be goods or services that are not necessary.. But that we desire or wish for.
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  6. Merlin2574 Well-Known Player

    Since you're just wanting them to take your money, but you also want them to give you a discount, how about everything for a penny?

    Not going to happen.
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  7. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    Alright, you lunkheads.

    I went ahead and looked up the source of the materials and aura and you were right. They did come from that truly awful "resurgence" mega locked cash grab box. I thought they were from one of the normal awful locked cash grab box. Still, ALL of those materials and auras NEED to be made available in the game for everyone who wants them or NEEDS them to make the character they choose. And since they were only available by spending real money then DbG should have NO problem just putting them up on the Marketplace. Cut the RNG lottery of opening multiple cash boxes. Just put them up so those of us that want to create our "ultimate" Green Lantern themed or Sinestro themed character and NEED these materials and auras to do so actually have them.

    It's ALL about DbG making money so shut up already and take my money!

    Also, it would be real nice if we could slot different materials in place of colors in the Styles section. Keep the current ability to apply a material to entire pieces but also add the ability to slot materials, too. Somebody told me that the last Booster thing was suppose to allow that. I didn't see it. But if that was in fact the case then add that to the Marketplace as well and let us unlock that ability for ALL characters on our account.

    I have REAL money to spend on DCUO for these specific IN DEMAND items, so make them available on the Marketplace, shut up and take my money!
  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It's already been said many many many times over and over that's not technically possible, so it's not happening...period. Yes it would be nice to apply materials to different channels, but it just can't be done. As for the last Booster Bundle's material, what you were told is that the closest they could come to allowing you to sort of apply different materials to different channels was through the new Chroma Material. Chroma Material had three different Material/Color set ups that affected all three color channels...and each box contained 3 variations those particular Material/color combos.

    Here's a video from MagnetoxFirstxClass (forgive me for not spelling your forum name correctly ;)) that shows how it all works.

    As far as these and other past exclusives being made available on the Marketplace...that's a different can of worms. I personally believe there will be more Chromas or other materials like it in the keep an eye out in the forums and on twitter.
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  9. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    Nope. That is NOT what I was told. If you had been part of the conversation I had in game with whoever it was I chatted with you'd know that I was told specifically that the last Booster thingie was suppose to allow the slotting of materials in place of colors. And when I looked at the Booster thingie I didn't see that as being an option and so I didn't buy any more than just the one useless Booster thingie that I bought. THAT was the core of the conversation I had with some random player in game who responded when I asked about slotting materials in place of colors.

    Of course, the player who told me this was wrong. And of course I didn't care enough at the time to look into it any deeper than just reading the Marketplace description. Boo on one and hoo on the other.

    I got real money to burn on DCUO but NOT for RNG cash grab boxes. Just specific items that I want and NEED to create specific character appearances. Being able to slot materials in place of colors would REALLY make three of my characters appealing to play. Right now, I just can't stand to look at them because they do not have the materials and auras I need. They're just too dull and boring to look at and therefore not worth my time to play right now. But should DbG let me buy the materials and auras I need to bring them alive then that would change. And I hope DbG adds them to the Marketplace soon before I get so bored I just quit playing altogether and take my money to some other game that holds my interest. Then I won't have ANY money to spend on DCUO at all. And THAT is a future just too terrible to contemplate.
  10. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Show us the link.

    Wait, you don't have a link to a dev saying this? You were told it by some random player?

    We're supposed to be interested in that, why? Who cares what non-fact some idiot on the forums spouted? Why are you bothering to tell anyone else this? What point does it make other than "none"?
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  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Well then you and have fun with whatever else you decide to play. The world doesn't work like how you want it to, and while I would love to just straight up pay for the cosmetics most people playing would rather gamble for a chance (and no matter what people say on the forums, money is saying otherwise). Buona fortuna.
  12. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    So, now that DbG has made an official announcement regarding upcoming content ( hopefully DbG will use this to enable adding ALL of these materials and auras to the Marketplace so those of us that have the money and NEED them for our characters will finally be able to acquire them. Hell, even those players that have the money and don't NEED them would have access to purchasing them if they want. Let's just hope that when DbG adds them to the Marketplace they apply to all characters on account and are NOT tradeable.

    Talk about an EXCITING cash grab!
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    What color is the sky in your fantasy land?
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  14. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Yeah....thats not gonna happen. We have been asking for that ever since they introduced them in TC's and was met with silence.
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

  16. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    I don't expect DbG to add ALL of these materials and auras to the Marketplace right this instant (although THAT would FAN-TAS-TIC!) I understand that it will take a little time for them to activate the code, add that code to the Marketplace and troubleshoot to make sure it works properly.

    And because of the high demand for these specific materials and auras I wonder what the price point will be for each of them. The same as all of the others currently for sale or will they be higher priced since they are premium items? I just hope their prices aren't too high. I have money to burn on DCUO. But I suspect not everyone does.
  17. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Look at the auras and materials in the Booster Gold vendor. Look at how many Quarks they're worth, figure a Stabilizer opens 1 TC and 1 TC drops a minimum of 20 Quarks. 20 Quarks = $1 so if a Material costs 6000 Quarks...
  18. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

  19. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    B I N G O
  20. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    Is your N A M E O?
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