Why Do People Hate so called Style Snatchers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mikeyb2001, May 7, 2019.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    REPORTED....for 2nd hand blacklisting....

    Not really.
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  2. Eve YouTuber

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  3. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    No, I’m not. I may not own anything in game, and sure, I’ve been inspired by other’s Sykes, but other than my “evil space ghost” I’ve not really duplicated anything else that anyone else has done. I can’t stop anyone from doing the same, and if they want it’s fine. Can’t stop anyone from making their own versions of Frozone, Cobra Commander, Bebop or Rocksteady either, which are the other pop culture characters I have. Can’t really stop anyone from duping the rest of my original characters either, but I don’t have to like it. Those characters are my identities as I play, and anyone ripping off those looks completely with no differences is stealing my identities. That’s what it comes down to. Why would you want to look 100% like another player anyway? Use some imagination and change a few things like colors or a few parts to make it your own. That’s all I’m saying.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Sums it up quite nicely.
  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    have over 19 toons and each one has their own type of style about the only thing that ever gets me to change one of them is if i change powers as to me some powers just dictate a diffrent look to your toon :)
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  6. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    For me, it's usually the follow-up question.

    Person1: "What style is this this [body] piece?"
    Person2: *scrolls through many pages to get exact name* "it is name X"
    Person1: "Where can you get it?"
    Person2: >_<

    Because it's a style from long ago. Now have to Google the collection name or where the instance it drops from.
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  7. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    If I see something something unique I haven't seen before or noticed, I'll ask what style, not to copy but just to see the name, I'm more a style junkie more then anything else.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Generally speaking it depends on how im asked whether it's posed like a question or a demand.

    Sharing color codes and styles is something done at the individuals discretion and isn't something you're immediately entitled to know :)
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  9. SuperBell Loyal Player

    This is why my character runs around naked. Don't ask me questions.
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  10. Batrederik Dedicated Player

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  11. IceRaven198 Well-Known Player

    Honestly I change my style so often in one day on my main I'm usually asked what I'm wearing, so I just tell them and if they want to know where to get it I usually tell them to Google it or go to the forums lol
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  12. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    it's better than the beggar who ran up to me in a watchtower wing and asked if i had the 3 rarest token of sin collections via private messaging and wouldn't leave till i told him so i teleported away instead. they could have THOSE weirdos and hand-out seekers targeting them instead.......
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  13. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    I take it as a huge compliment when I see someone ape a style I posted. It means to me that I did such a nice job that it's worthy of copying. (besides with all the people playing in this game over the last eight years I figure even if they're not copying my style, there's still a really high degree of probability that more than one person would have come up with the same idea at the same time.)
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  14. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    During the Halloween event I saw someone whose pumpkin-orange was much better than what I had so I asked him for the color code and he graciously gave it to me. If he hadn't, I eventually would have found what I wanted. If someone likes one of my character's appearance and wants to know what I use (never happened yet) I don't mind sharing.
    The one compliment I did notice on my Ice Hero's outfit was that it is pretty basic and that is what made it attractive to that person.
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  15. plumcrazy Well-Known Player

    My toons and look and name are all unique and my property any other duplication republication or anything else is simply copyright infringement and not the real plum crazy
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  16. Brit Loyal Player

    Bingo. And it will never end.

    Me: Came from a collection.
    Them: What's the collection?
    Me: Alien Technology.
    Them: Where does that drop?
    Me: The Tomorrow District of Metropolis.
    Them: Where is that?
    Me: Near the Green Lantern people and the Sinestro instance.
    Them: What are the pieces called, so I can find them on the broker?
    Me: I don't remember them all, but the rare one is called the Oan Disabler.
    Them: Can you buy me one?
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  17. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    I don't mind sharing styles but thats because I just switch it for another straight after :p
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  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    i would write that person back and say they are too needy
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Individual pieces, sure. You want the set? Does a chef give out his secret recipe?

  20. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i guess mine is either just so neat looking or such a complete oddity that people just sort of stop right up close to me and stare for a solid 5 minutes............