Your requirements for elite raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ice Lynx, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    In LFG I see shouts "exp pm cr sp" all the time, added with "prec dps only" lately.

    So, guys, what exactly are your requirements for players wishing to run elite raids?
    In your opinion, how many cr/sp should one have to be able to join groups for, let's say, FOAe and SGe?
    How much is good enough? What kind of experience is required?
    I myself would like to try and run newest elite raids, but so far I couldn't find a group that would let me join them. How is one supposed to gain experience if nobody really gives a chance?

    If I am to form my own group for that, what should I look at?
    Since skill and knowledge can't really be measured in numbers, what do you guys pay attention to when shouting for people?

    Not complaining or trying to start a rant here, just genuinely curious. :)
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  2. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    I'll be honest with you, other then with my league or friends, I HATE RUNNING ELITE RAIDS! It's pure luck, and sps don't mean much on all this of course. You can have million sps if you have no idea how to survive, it's sad then... Basically, everyone is asking for sps, but in the end, one or 2 wipes, and people leave groups...

    In the end, if you don't have skilled friends or the league, it's pure luck with pugs...
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  3. Brit Loyal Player

    I just random queue it and then leave if we ever wipe twice on the same boss.

    On a normal week, it'll take me 3-4 tries before I actually complete it start to finish, but I will eventually get a good group of people who know what they are doing.

    But I am overwhelmingly anti-social, to the degree where if I have to talk to another human being, even just in the LFG channel, the game becomes un-fun. I prefer to pretend all the rest of you are just my pets, controlled by an AI of varying skill, and that's why I have to heal you while you stand in the middle of huge glowing circles of death refusing to move.
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  4. IceRaven198 Well-Known Player

    My only requirement for elite raids is "BLOCK WHEN YOU SEE THE BIG SKULL" but finding 7 people that knows how to do that is like trying to solo Darkseid, Doomsday, Starro, and Nekron all at the same time at level 10 ;)
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  5. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    That's why I mostly talk about LFG as it's my only option.

    Wow. Is it really possible to just blindly queue up for it and get through it? xD
    I attempted it few times, none was successful though. On previous weekend me and my buddy tried it just for lols and waited for hour or two - nothing popped, so we gave up.

    Same here, actually. Though I am personally not ready to go as support (tank) until I've beaten it as dps at least once. :(
  6. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    Then you shall alter it.
    I recommend that you watch it on youtube with these Elites raids, gain the knowledge you seek. If you want;)

    But you may form your own groud itself.
    Connect the chat tab to the LFG within and you can form the group.
    When you invite players:
    Easy setup elite: 2 tank, 2 heals, 1 trol, 3 dps, (you always looking for Sp/CR)
    Survival setup elite: 2 tanks, 2 heals, 2 trolls, 2 dps
    Fast burn elite setup: 1 tank, 1 tank/dps, 1 heals, 1 troll, 4 dps. Paying attention to the health bar on, bosses (is a must) The skull cloud, will always appear over their heads. And, you need motivation; what may motivate one person, may not motivate you. No more, no less. That is the way. So if someone likes to play harder content and work on their charactes to participate in elite raids for those perks, then that's it. ;)
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  7. E Clip Dedicated Player

    I make groups only for content that is easy to pass with completely random people, which is all content except SG and FoA E. Besides the minimum CR to enter, I have no other requirements. For current Elite I never make groups in LFG, only with league mates/friends that I know can do their job.
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Back when I ran elite regularly, all we looked at was SP and mods.
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  9. Batrederik Dedicated Player

  10. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    I know about setups and I watched a few videos, though most videos I've seen are league runs with voice chat.
    Plus, theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge are two different things.

    Today I spent most of the evening trying to get into elite groups - I always get either "full thx" or no reply at all.
    Sometimes, whether I try to join someone or form my own group, I get a feeling entire LFG has me on ignore, lol.

    Since my only motivation about newest raids is enhanced Etrigan's style (just the style, not even a gear), I guess I'll have to forget about it for couple of years and continue sticking to regular. Just hoped I could spare myself some additional grinding this time, which already burnt me out, instead of constantly buying two sets of gear at full price. :oops:
  11. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Even groups that ask for SP you can get away with just sending CR, more so if you're a support role. But I do also chuckle a bit at all the "exp only" posts in LFG. No one has patience anymore and a couple wipes has them either leaving or starting to degrade other group members. It can get pretty toxic in the first weeks of an episode in elite. You're best bet is to wait a while and get in the groups when all the sweatys and tryhards have had their fill and the rest of the community is finally starting to dip their toes into elite content.

    The same people who only want experience are mostly the same ones who will be on this forum or posting YouTube videos complaining about the game being dead, too easy, and boring in a month. First off they are limiting how many people they will play with because of their cancerous attitudes towards players the think aren't on their level, and second, of course it would be boring when you've went full tryhard in the first 2 weeks and are left with nothing but a greasy sweat covered controller for the rest of the episodes lifespan.
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  12. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    Yes, of course***. You doing the same reason I did, long time ago...
    You seek knowledge, It's in the Youtube, the key to destroying the ELITE raids or .. win* AND Yes, that Youtube holds secrets of the Elite, secrets that have been there for a long time.. That's why you came here. To find out about the Elite raid.
    To find a way to beat it **. You take your computer.
    Click on the player button, activate the youtube, gain the knowledge you seek.

    Yeah it can be tough* i know.

    The LFG players, do it without mercy. If you want to be victorious, you need to keep doing what you're doing. Don't give up* this is your game. Can I count on you:oops:

    (GROANS) Unless you take risks, Dragonnes, do what must be done.
  13. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I can only go by my personal experience, but I don’t see as much visible interest in Elite this time. Interest isn’t there as much in LFG (and takes a long time to fill a group); interest isn’t there as much in private channels; lack of overall interest seems reflected in the friends list (that friends list now has a lot of missing names).

    Why is it? I can only speculate. But I see no requests for “first boss only” runs. Those are gone. So limited participation turned into eliminated participation.
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  14. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Well let’s not forget, it was beaten with groups who weren’t even full CR from last DLC....People just either tend to do league runs or are total deuches when looking for groups...they never refer to my first sentence! I pug everything and i am always full elite within the first month...not so much this DLC(im half as of this post), very hard to get in on a full group run, always lacking one role... :(
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  15. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Don't care about CR and SP. I like fully leveled Phylacteries and people who know the mechanics. I don't care about prec players because they are not essential for the content. I want from might players that they have at least two armories for DPS.

    But of course LFG doesn't care for that and only asks for highest CR/SP and prec dps because how could they know how good random players are or not.

    Prec is the easiest to shout for because even a monkey with tied hands could do damage as prec dps.
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  16. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    My problem isn't about the knowledge, it's about getting into group and putting that knowlegde to practical use. :rolleyes:
    I came here asking what makes group leaders choose one player over another, what criterias they use to pick people.

    If you were to build your own group, what would you ask from people (besides cr/sp)?
    Would you even consider running with some random player who has never done this elite before? If they accidentaly cause a wipe, do you kick them right away or give them a chance? Not intending to sound mean or something, again, just curious. :)
    Anyway, thanks for your time and advices.

    Darn I must be worse than a monkey :D I tried precision on test and almost broke my mouse with it, lol.

    I agree. I understand that everyone wants a perfect group and fast smooth run, but it's really disheartening and frustrating at this point, to be honest.

    Maybe I'll try to form my own group later on or just risk it going as support (which I suspect will be a fail and will put me on many ignore lists xD ) and see how it goes.

    Thanks everyone for your opinions - keep'em coming, it's always interesting to hear about other's experience. :)
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  17. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Interest is there, people are just not being able to Roflstomp first 2 bosses through LFG on a daily/semi-daily basis anymore, because the Elite content this time around is actually decently difficult and require more communication and teamwork from the group. Leagues are forming for this all the time, whatever roles these leagues are missing when forming, they LFG for if they have to and those spots get taken QUICKLY.

    What's left, is the average groups who are used to smashing first and/or second boss through random LFG'ing just as if it was the regular version, and those groups usually fill up fast aswell but disband just as fast, lol.

    The Elite raids this time around will require the players to actually make an effort, just as they are supposed to. No more random LFG and expecting to just cruise through a boss or two every run, then rinse/repeat for best-gear ultramega.
  18. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I also wonder the same things. I thought I was going to try Elite this time around but I don’t want to deal with toxicity that some of this community can bring. Also, some of the requirements I see in LFG is crazy (looking for x role, must be 270cr with 400sp, experienced only).
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  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I love how unforgiving Tala and Fate can be. The mechanics are so basic and logical that it amazes me even more that ppl struggle with it. It's 90% discipline in these fights and it usually only goes awry when somebody was not aware where they were standing or when they only rely on visual aoe instead of also looking at the bosses who always have tells/emotes for one shots
  20. Shattered Psychosis Well-Known Player

    I don't normally have requirements, but when I do decide to be picky, I ignore anyone who responds from a LFG post that includes their sp in the tell. My golden area is the 300-400 range for sp because I want people who have played for years, but I want to avoid the completionists. The majority of players I/ve personally seen with this habit are either themselves or associated with/play with people who care about skill points and think having a high amount is the same as knowledge or skill in content. Not the case for every completionist, but I've seen many with 420-430+sp that can't even do their support role at a high level or have to ask for help on their main role or are bottom dps compared to someone at 330-350 who's just better mechanically. I don't want people who try to oversell themselves or think bringing in someone with 40 more sp is going to change a fail group magically. I don't want people who just put "inv" and not their cr or role, and I'd be cancel'ing the queue and kicking anyone who spams "hit x" in group chat during the countdown, as the majority of those players I've seen are impatient and are the first to complain in a run that doesn't go smooth.
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