I had an idea...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AquiloFury, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. Great Architect Loyal Player

    You're still saying everything whilst saying nothing. WHAT backdoor?
  2. the solowing Steadfast Player

    The old "the devs allow goldbots" conspiracy
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  3. Dene Devoted Player

    That is not how I made/make most of my money but thank you for assuming

    Why are you yelling at me? I am well aware how some make their cash... good on them.. if they make it that way then at least it is not against TOS - those are the people you should be yelling at
  4. Dene Devoted Player

    It is funny how long that conspiracy has been around. The fact that people believe this seriously scares me
  5. the solowing Steadfast Player

    I'm not yelling at you lol I just have a very animated opinion xD it's not you lol
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  6. Dene Devoted Player

    All good.. I kinda am the same.. if it seemed i was telling you off I apologise

    I kinda get light heartedly defensive and I think some take it like i'm freaking out LOL
  7. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    • Like x 1
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Wow...you are assuming a lot there. I'm sure I've sold a few 20-30 million dollar items out of the TCs, but have never sold any of the top ticket items because I've only ever gotten 2 of those(void essence and planetary whatever for the bubblewrap material)...and I ate them. My money came from hustling 1000's of regular collections or base items, then parlaying that into buying booster bundle auras or TC items, or whatever (Black Smoke, bought for 20 mill....sat and cared for it for 5 years....sold for 1.3 billion) and a whole lot of patience and inventory space. That and buying seasonal items to sell later or sitting on seasonal/event collections (yeah, i'm looking at you short term St Paddys day event....).

    Even if you are talking about those who are selling the 100 Mil+ items, so what? They bought or ground out Stabilizers...got lucky...sold items at a going rate. Again, I have to point out....no one is MAKING money from TCs or gold sellers. The money is in the game from other sources. If I get lucky and pull 10 100Mil items in a row from TCs, that didn't suddenly MAKE 1 billion in game cash...the money was there, I'm just going to get it transferred to me when I sell my items.

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  9. Knarlydude Loyal Player

  10. Great Architect Loyal Player

    A "back door" implies a deliberate inclusion to allow certain behaviour. What you are talking about is an unintentional glitch / exploit. Please know the difference.

    Speed hacking is not a "back door", for instance.

    Your language implies that this is a deliberate inclusion. It is not.
  11. Great Architect Loyal Player

    What you *believe* is possible as a simple fix, because it looks trivial to you does not mean that it is a simple, trivial fix. This is the root of the majority of "Why can't they" posts.

    Since the idea was to close down gold bots, then this is - in any reasonable scenario where you apply Occam's Razor - an oversight. The *applied* fix reduced gold bots to a manageable level. And that is what it was intended to do. If you had other expectations for that fix, perhaps you need to start opening bug reports on the issue, rather than claiming it's deliberate?
  12. Great Architect Loyal Player

    And how does one deal with that, without including an innumerable level of false positives? Both I and the dev team are waiting for your simple solution.

    You're not even saying how it is possible - just stating that it is. Show me the exploit. Then I can think of some solid ways to stop it.
  13. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Log in on a free account see how many messages you can send. Relog and try again. Then try it again. Either a timer was not set in place or the relog is resetting the timer.
  14. not_again Dedicated Player

    The cash you both "earned" in this game is 99% glitched money from years ago. The only way to generate new money in the game is to complete content and sell items to other people for cash generated from completing content. I am in know way accusing either of you of glitching that money, but the glitch is the source of the money.

    I feel confident in saying that I have more SP then both of you and I have more in game cash than both of you combined. I just expressed my opinion and both of you made assumptions that I was "poor." I did not have things that both of you do have.

    I also have nothing to be jealous about because I have everything I want in game! The devs have already leveled money once and I think they should consider it if they truly want to stop the gold sellers. If there is no gold to sell then the sellers go away.
  15. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Thank you. I shall look into it.
  16. Dene Devoted Player

    Been playing sing '12 and only hit 400 late last year.. so yeah im betting you do :)

    Not sure on money.. but if you do.. WHOA nice! I am one of those players that treats AH like part of the game, as opposed to "I need to make money to buy things I want" if that make sense ? That is why this idea freaked me out. It would be like someone getting their CR halved and just being told "we had to"

    My fear with this idea is 1. Yes, i'll lose my precious money (LOL) but more 2. The kind of player who would glitch will also cheat the system by storing money in mail and other exploits to get around it and we are back to the beginning
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  17. the solowing Steadfast Player

    They shouldnt take it away but they need to put in items that actually COST something. Rather then trying to stick it all in paid lockboxes
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well la-de-da....not sure what SP has to do with gold, but that's great for you. If this money is from the old glitches years ago (which was supposed to be cleaned up as part of the old cash leveling you speak of), why did it take 4-5 years to rev up the prices? When I was buying BB items from the 2nd BB (OG nimbus-red/blue Plasmics) I was doing so with 5 mil-20 mil max. Only recently, like around AF3 launch has the money gone off the hook. Not saying that what you say can't be true, but why did these people sit on their 100 billion dollars to wait for AF3 to come out before running up prices?

    The only 'cash leveling' that should even be talked about is maybe a decimal point move. Everything get decreased by 1 zero so it's even across the board. Your billionaires would become 100 millionaires and your millionaires become 100 thousandaires. The gold sellers would have to go to selling 1 mil for 3 or 4 bucks and that would make them a lot less attractive.

    Either way...any change that's made only punishes the the people who are playing by the rules. The glitchers and cheats still get a pass or at worst are treated the same as legit players, which is BS.

  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I suggested the same somewhere in this thread or another. Make a 2nd chance vendor with a cash option (account bound items of course)....1 billion for phoenix material or the like. Make it limited time only maybe to drain some of the coffers for the uber rich, plus it would drive down the broker items as they now would not be the only option for some items.

    Right now I barely spend any money other than repairs, which are negligible, with in-game vendors. Even my premium toons are rich in their escrow, just from selling stuff to vendors or pretty low broker sales. Getting cash in game is easy, getting rid of it is not.

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  20. not_again Dedicated Player