I had an idea...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AquiloFury, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    They are all still here. I've filled out out more than a couple support tickets since then.
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  2. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I'm all for removing money from all in game trading between players and no more sending money in the mail. Make all of the money flow through the broker.

    Then make the shared bank have a slot for in game money so that we can transfer money to our alts.
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  3. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I wouldn't mind a cash spot in the shared bank or just have all toons share the same money. But taking away the ability to trade cash is a terrible idea imo. The trade market would be almost dead, but even worse, the ability to buy and sell from league mates and friends at a discount would be taken away. Funneling everything through the broker is just not a good idea imo
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  4. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I am aware BUT its not like it was when just about everyone was on here screaming to the Devs DO SOMETHING. Yeah all three groups still advertise but not one right after another over and over and over to the point where no one can get a word in on SHOUT and at the time No one could post anything on LFG to try and build a team.

    They are still in shout. They are still on the LFG . and they still show up in the Watch Tower. So all that stuff that was done to try and get rid of them really didn't do anything but slow them down. And in the process made communicating in game for regular players more interesting and at times more difficult. The point being they ARE persistant and will find a way around just about whatever methods are put in place to stop them.

    It really bothers some folks .. ME? as long as I can find a team and chat with team mates without constant interruptions I just ignore them.
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  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    At present, people that can't send each other money (Premium Players), but can send each other items get round this by sending e.g. stacks of soders. There is a "tax" between what you paid, and what you get for selling at the other end, but the usefullness of working round the barrier outweighs the loss of ingame cash.
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  6. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I think it's not possible to solve all of the problems that people find within the current system *within the current system*. We / You are going to have to think harder to come up with a solution - one that removes the gold sellers and still makes "enough" money for DayBreak.
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  7. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    They are just as bad. You have been lucky because they have not bee in the same phase as you. They just happen to be in the phases that I am in. xD There were 4 spamming all night in the WT and a couple in Metro & Gotham up until server reset. I didn't check other phases.That was just the phase that I was in.
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    what you're not considering is both players and Sellers are in on it. You're trying to find a solution for the gold seller problem you have to factor in the player that is trying to buy it too. And I doubt that's possible
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    there is no solution. Anything less than SMS verification per account isnt going to stop this. and you and I both know daybreak isn't going to go that route much less anyone else
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  10. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Stopping all cash transaction except on the broker would stop 90%-95% of it.

    Besides, we don't have to stop it. All we have to do is make it to where it is not profitable.
    After that..............it will stop.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Mailing money...sure, as long as the shared bank has a 'cash' slot. I think getting rid of hand to hand trades of money is a bad idea. A lot of legit trade is done outside the broker, like giving money to a friend/teammate, selling expensive items direct vs placing in the broker (save the listing fee), selling resets or paying someone for a mercenary service ("need beast Tank for COTE feat run...1 mil" or the like), selling items in excess of 1 billion (capped in the broker), or selling names, leagues, etc.... All that goes away or becomes very cumbersome if cash trade goes away. You are penalizing the legit users to impact the gold sellers, which they WILL find a way around anyway. I'm also annoyed with them in trade and shout, but not so annoyed I'd give up all these other things to slightly minimize the gold spamming.

    You know the phrase "Don't let the terrorists win"? Apply that mentality here. If we give up features just to keep them from also being able to use the features, the gold spammers win.

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  12. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    They are killing the broker and that will be the only way to stop them. You're wrong here. The hand to hand trades with money are when I come across the most shenanigans. Most of the iffy stuff happens during the trades between players because they feel safer. Its just like building rapport with anyone you do transactions with. The shady ones wait a few times and then they start testing the waters and build up to the big stuff. If they are legitimate. Then they can use the broker.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Please....sell me a reset on the broker....thanks.

    Yeah, you can get scammed during trade, but that's not what you were talking about, you were talking about gold spammers. I personally only got scammed 2 times(I'm ashamed to say) and that was way back when Exos were worth 300-400K a stack and I was trading 12 for an expensive item (aura?). The guy got away with 8 stacks and bailed on the 3rd trade window....it happens, and it happened without money being involved. The 2nd time was someone asking for a few broker items for an item he had...I went to the broker and bought the items at a few mil apiece and guess what....he disappeared...why, cause they were his items I bought and they were WAAAAAY over priced as I found out later. Again, no money was changing hands.

    Linkdeath was abused by scammers....so we lose linkdeath (you can argue that it did or didn't work, they pulled it due to the glitchers), we had the ability to trade seals and that was pulled due to scammers, now we want to give up trading currency so that the gold spammers are inconvenienced? No thanks.

    In the words of Capt. Picard...."This far...no further!"

  14. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    That's not what I am talking about. I'm talking about people that work with the gold spammers. They will contact people in game if they know that someone has a lot of in game cash. I have people bring me stuff all of the time and I have to turn them down because I know what they are doing.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sure...I get that a lot too....not sure the point. Trade is part of this game...which means scamming is part of the game...also gold sellers are part of the game as they are for almost every other MMO in some way. I'm still not for giving up any feature which I find useful, especially one that is technically a 'paid' feature, since only members can trade money, unless there is an equal replacement. Pull mailing money...fine...as long as I can move it in another way like a share bank or hand to hand trades.

    We can agree to disagree I guess, but in the end I'm not as concerned for someone getting scammed or someone selling gold as I am my ability to do the things I want to do in game, and moving money around is one of those things.

    BTW....gold sellers are not 'making' any money....they are transferring it. I do suppose they get some amount of money from the vault or stabilizer runs, or when opening a TC, but the money they buy and sell is generated elsewhere by other users who are running content or selling items to vendors. If you want to fix the issue there needs to be other things in game to spend in game money on. Getting rid of cash trade and the gold sellers just makes it harder to move the money around....the money is in game already. Here's a thought....make the 2nd chance vendor sell items for cash. Phoenix material(non-tradeable of course) for 1 or 2 billion vs quarks. Get rid of some of the trillions in game and the 100 million dollar items will dry up as will the 10mil for 2 dollar gold sellers.

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  16. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    It's not like DCUO would do it but removing all in game cash transactions in between players except on the broker would be the best way to get rid of the gold bots and bring the prices down within the broker.

    It is the only other alternative left. It would also help the devs find other exploits within the game.
  17. HalfromTynon Well-Known Player

    ..and.. after a ban or two, the hoodlum gold sellers would change their game again.

    (again, i'm not a gold seller, just pretending to be one)

    Shoot. DCUO put a halt to the trash item broker sales. Time to up my website again:

    Looking for 10millions worth of broker items? Hook me up, and i'll hook you up too.
    On my website here, pay me a little real world cash, and make a little short list of the items you want; and i'll buy them in game for in game currency for you. I'll then either mail them to you, trade them in person to you, or we can do the "the old fashioned HalfromTynon trade" for them.
    Not sure of how that works? It's simple. You invite me to your league, I place the items in your league bank for you.
    Win - Win, and with no in game cash paper trail. With the "HalfromTynon trade"... you don't even need to be a subscriber or premium. You can be a f2p player in a league, and we can trade.

    You see? Them dang hoodlum gold sellers have more ways to get things done, than devs can put restrictions on. AND every restriction harms the players more than it does the gold sellers.
  18. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    LOL, That's the whole point of it.
    Make them go through more than it is worth and stop the black market that we have with in game currency right now.

    As it stands right now. The gold sellers only have to concentrate on one thing and one thing only. That is the in game currency. Take that out if the equation and now they have to buy & concentrate on thousands of items.

    The gold sellers would vanish overnight and go to other games that are easier to manipulate if DCUO removed in game currency from all player to player transaction except for the broker.
  19. HalfromTynon Well-Known Player

    Worth. I'm glad you brought that up. :)
    $2 to $5 is nothing to me. I'll spend that on an extra drink during lunch. So, if you ask me to jump through a bunch of hoops and deal with 'hinderances' for $5, be prepared for a smarmy response, and a decline.
    $2 to $5 to someone from a third world country? Food for a week. (depending on which country, food for several weeks) You'd better believe that gold seller is going to jump through all the hoops the devs set up.

    Just because you and I wouldn't do it... doesn't mean they wouldn't.

    But the real point I was trying to get across, is that every little 'hinderance' the devs put in place in order to try to stop gold sellers... will harm more players than it will gold sellers. The harder and more difficult you make it for the gold sellers? you've also made it that harder and more difficult to the loyal paying customers. Out of old fart curiosity... which do you think will be more upset? The customers, or the leeching spammers?
  20. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I'll be honest with you. If DCUO wanted them out of here. They would be gone.

    Prime example.
    The last time DCUO did something DCUO purposely left a back door open so that the gold bots could exploit it. The whole we're doing something about these bots was just paying lip service to the players complaining and nothing more.
    Why do I say that?
    If that back door was not left on purpose it would have been fixed when it was brought up the first day of the supposed fix. It was ignored and nothing was done. That relog exploit the bots are using is a fix that can be done in less than five minutes. Those parameters were left like that on purpose.

    Now back to the in game gold. If in game currency was removed from all in player trades and mail. The majority of the bots would leave.
    The gold bot companies could not provide the people using the black market system with what they wanted in a timely manner. It's as simple as that. The gold bot companies would require to much overhead as far as in game items are concerned. All they want to do is flip cash for currency. They don't want to hold an inventory of things that need to be bought and held onto.