Powers you noticed falling behind after Augments?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Kanmaru, Sep 22, 2018.

  1. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    As the title says, what powers have you noticed are at a clear disadvantage after arguments?

    What powers could use a bit of tweaking and so on?
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  2. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    After augments? Do you mean artifacts? Augments are mods.

    Either way, no one likes mental
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  3. Wet fluffy Well-Known Player

    Fire Tanking.

    You can get a little health from going with dominance augments, but it’s a shame we don’t have the option to go pure health like we did with modding. You are also disadvantaged if you want to use restoration augments over dominance. By doing so you lose the health option attached to the dominance augment.
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  4. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I've seen Mental get comparatively weaker; over the past year.
    Any balance that began after Revamp seems to be getting skewed.
    I believe powers that hit for DOT's are losing out to Powers that hit big 1X.
    I can see this in my Munitions toon, that does better with larger hits; than it does when using a slew of micro hits.
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  5. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    I think both have slowly but surely showed us which powers are starting to leave the others behind in some form. I think it’s a good thing. Mostly because we can now see what powers need fixing in certain areas.
  6. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Oh i get it. Because theres no health or power augments
  7. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    maybe it's me or maybe my loadout but I do feel like Ice dpsing isn't performing so well
  8. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    nature and mental have always been sort of under performing so of course those two, fire is just barely viable thanks to a one hit kill ability or two but as a whole it's barely viable, ice isn't too hot right now XD.
  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    the revamp really killed the game for me. why i subbed up for another month i don't know. the styles and materials and the like are fun but actual game play, content and combat is boring and uninspired.

    mental is broke af and has been since the revamp. i just don't want to bother with any of my alts anymore. nature is blah, quantum is blah, fire and ice are awful.

    this is why we have an empty game.
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  10. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    I personally think Fires doing well, with the right LO and in the right hands. I still believe Fire and Ice need some tweaks (more for Ice than Fire), but none the less....doing well in new add heavy content.
  11. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    same really, i kind of had fun with it when i was testing out powers up to 30 and personally see nothing really wrong with it, unlike nature even it's stalled cast abilities do major damage (fire bomb i found was especially a one shot kill on lower adds when properly statted and geared).
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  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Nature is doing great. Mental is one of the top powers if you know what you’re doing. Some powers just do better in precision than mighty while some do better as might than precision. Just gotta find it what works best for it.
  13. Mazahs Loyal Player

    What's wrong with Fire, & Quantum?

    I've seen plenty of good Fire players, and as a Q main I can tell you it's no slouch.
    I can't speak for Nature and Mental though
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  14. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Fire, Quantum and Nature are all in a good place in the right hands. I've never seen a competitive mental dps at raid level. Much less elite raid level.

    I would say mental, sorcery and atomic are in most need of help soley based on how I've never seen those powers dps in current elite content. Personally I really never see water, rage or earth (with one exception) in elite content either.

    I think its not so much powers are being left behing because of augment/artifacts. I think its more a matter of content dictating the power rankings.
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  15. DeRiize New Player

    Mental is broken if you understand, only secret i will tell you is that all the damage comes from stealth, both prec & might loadout need the stealth clip in order to become a beast, Dots are better than single powers due to increasing your crit naturaly because you are hitting more times, very simple. Good luck
  16. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    sorcery does pretty well outside of elite, as do rage and water. fire does as well mostly as a dps and admittedly is rather weak on tanking it's biggest selling point being damage based healing something rage does a whole lot better at. mental and nature however do poor dps if not using a cookie cutter loadout not involving stealth or the form change super charges so those could definitely use a looking. nothing in particular does well in elite raids, they're called elite for the "skills" needed to get through them.
  17. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Do you think the "Improved Stealth Mod" is worth it?
    While I understand what you say; Getting close enough, and not getting knocked out of invis is quite a nuisance.
  18. DeRiize New Player

    Hey buddy, 2% damage buff that you have on your hands is a small ammount, for example 10 million damage + 2% is 200k damage so yes to anwser your question mate, stealth mod is most certainly worth it. Also if you are EU, i could show you my loadout aswell as explain how it works and how to position etc, have a nice day :)
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  19. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    its no secret and its no secret that that rotation is what makes mental suck. invisibility sucks. the double cast sucks. the infinite cooldown of terror tendrils sucks. the slowness of terror tendrils sucks. the pi's suck. the low damage sucks. the changes made to telekinetic push and bolt...suck. the power was over nerfed.
  20. DeRiize New Player

    Hey man all the powers you list are not used in current top loadouts, maybe have a play with mental again to figure it out. As for stealth its awesome :D
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