Dev Discussion GU 85: Augments!

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Avair, Jul 18, 2018.

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  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Your Tetrahedron of Urgrund at level 60 gives you a passive 1% might that isn't linked to the "MIGHT OF URGRUND" effect you get at level 80. At level 100, you get 2% passive might increase. These aren't related to the "MIGHT OF URGRUND" effect granted when using a superpower.

    If your other artifact is Scrap of the Soul Cloak, you get another 2% passive might at 120 not related to the effect of SOUL TAP. They're passive, and nothing indicates you need to hit a power to get them.

    So, to find out your base might that the augments in question are actually giving you, I would remove all artifacts, and also all skill points. (While I believe the base skill point might is considered in the total base might calculation, I'm not sure if the 10% bonus is, so it's easier to calculate without it.)
  2. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Artifact bonus as the actual Tetrahedron effect you don't, the rank bonuses to might just as the elite ability mods you do because that is a constant buff

    Passive buffs don't have the impact you think they do, if I take a omeaga cola or ultimate cola it buffs 5% or 1% of my might at that current time whatever my might stat is 5% is added. If I take a nitro cola after I took that omega the values change accordingly. If you take an omega first then a nitro you still have the same might as if you took a nitro then omega.

    Even with your further required testing it doesn't change the fact that it's not 4% and only the decimal points changed

  3. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Whatever your might is at the time you enter combat to proc the cybernetic mighty cores it should be 4% higher than when you weren't in combat (with 2 rank 15 breakthroughs) that is the bottom line no further analysis required
  4. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Your base might you mean.

    Not all the percentage might increases from all the different sources (SP, artfifacts, white mods, league hall buffs, etc.), since they're all calculated off of your base might, not counting each other.

    It'll be good for the devs to double check the numbers, but this isn't the first time this has come up, so I wonder if there's something they're not telling us about what's included in the base might calculations.
  5. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Could you Find a Way so we can Mark these Important so we dont Accidentally Feed Them into Another (The Episodic Ones)
    I have Fed my Troll one into a Troll one 2x Now...Very Frustrating. I am used to only seeing what is feedable in the Fortify Tab.
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  6. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    REF: New Exobyte Crafting Plans
    Will plans be made available to upgrade Flawed and Solid MIghty, Vital, Cybernetic, etc, Exobytes?
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  7. Ekart Committed Player

    Remove the breakthrough option from adaptive augements or lower the amount of catalyts needed for each of them. The numbers are just absurd. The same goes for a failed breakthrough at 85%. I would rather build mods again, then put up with this crap. o_O
  8. SpiceMJK New Player

    Hello Devs and everyone at DCUO. I love the game.
    On this topic allow me to say that I also love the Augment system, though I have had some terrible woes which I hope can be fixed.
    I am a disabled adult that started with DCUO years ago... always legendary except maybe the 1st couple weeks to a month.
    I play no other game and have no desire to even try. The only entertainment I have is television and this game. I took about couple years off due to PS3 issues way back and I wasn't able to borrow from a friend to afford a PS4 and make it all official again. I borrowed his PS3 beforehand, it was about a month or two before they became obsolete.

    As I was saying, I love the augment system and see the potential over time for building up all my current 12 toons and maybe even more too. Money is always the issue because I am disabled and cannot work due to my physical handicaps and I have an elderly mom that I have a lot of responsibility for as well. You get the jist, I'm sure.

    The augment system, as with any other "learning curve" was hard to grasp at 1st, even though I tried not to rush through it to truly understand the right way to do it. Of course, I failed on my 4 highest toons. Now I answer shouts for raids, get in and get kicked upon inspection because I did not properly insert my golden exobytes into the 4 lower slots. I put them all into one. This caused me to lose the benefits of almost 3 golden exos. When it's seen that I have 2 lower augments still at 24 on these 4 toons I get kicked from higher CR content. My leagues have been sympathetic to a point but when I'm doing raids where the group stats will probably matter I am left out. Pugging, forget about it. Kicked immediately.

    I did the best I could to learn everything I could before hand, watched the videos a few times to try and grasp everything I could... but I still made this horrible mistake which I am so depressed and have this never ending anxiety about now. The meds I take for my medical disabilities can only help so much and usually hurt me in other ways, but that's what is needed to just stay alive for me now.

    Nonetheless, I am at my wits end. I am playing but I am shamed of my stats by others and I want my DCUO back.
    The videos said that the 4 golden exos would bring my stats to where they were or better with the old system. I took that as a promise when I saw that. But I am losing my only outlet for a social life and mental challenges.. as well as dexterity exercises that help with my nerve damage at least in my hands and wrists. I even advised friends and league mates to do their augments and live now with that shame, in game. It's horrible. All from not having a detailed instruction on how to install the golden exobytes. This really has depressed me badly since I found out that I did this wrong last week... my guts fell out to the floor because of this. I need my stats back. I put so much extra R&D into these 4 toons that I had saved on all 12 of my toons and it helps but it should be so much more on these 4 toons and everyone I play with KNOWS that. I am not a lying type. My only social entertainment I refuse to become a liar in... many others do, but I cannot stand liars, personally. All that time, extra equipment, Exos, materials, etc etc... yes, it has helped... but what? 193,000 I lost, times 3.. on 4 toons! I have less stress in my life of trying to survive and live than I now do in my favorite game... please do something about this. Please don't just say it was my mistake, my fault, etc. I'm already living with that and my heart is constantly skipping beats when I think about it. My cardiologist has noticed. That's bad. hahaa.

    Well, in closing, if you care to check my toons, they are Spice Nicey, Spice Nasty, Spice Omega and The Shwartz. 3 heroes, 1 villain.

    Please help me... Michael
  9. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    You need a different league. Join The Rebel’s if on US servers !

    We could not care less about your stats.
  10. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    I'd recommend putting this in as a trouble ticket. I honestly don't think the devs actually follow these threads much after the first couple weeks. Hope they help.
  11. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    But I do have to say - like you I think the new system is good, but maintaining multiple toons looks to be nearly impossible. There just aren't enough hours in the day to get enough gear to get enough exobytes to fortify your augments for more than maybe two toons. I say that based on 12 augments per toon (2 AA & 4 OA for DPS, 2 AA & 4 OA for support role). Based on how it's going so far, I think I'll be able to max all 12 for my primary & 1 alt just by the time the next Episode is released, at which point the max ranks will increase. And I play quite a bit every day, more than most people have time to play. Which means that all the rest of my alts will fall behind with each new Episode.
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