Beehive yourself feat?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ChipHip, Jul 19, 2018.

  1. ChipHip New Player


    Anybody know where the infiltrators are located? been trying to find them for a while now.
  2. useless Well-Known Player

    Only played shortly last night,used thouse augments,played intro duo,a little open world and quick look at feats....thats 0/51 hive infiltrators ? Maybe it's connected to Hive raid ?
    Since we asking how far up kill Robot's feat is going ?
  3. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    It goes up to 50 (1 - 10 - 25 - 50).
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  4. useless Well-Known Player

    Ty,i'll focus on that while it's new and ppl are doing it :)
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  5. useless Well-Known Player

    Aaaand speed hacker just ruined the fun in fighting...smh
  6. Dene Devoted Player

    i was curious about this too - i have 1/50 but i have no idea how i got 1
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  7. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    same, i have 1/51, no idea how
  8. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Scouted the whole island about 5 times, didnt come across 1. I know "infiltrator" means they might be cloaked or hard to find, but I was expecting something like the cloaked robots on Oolong, not impossible to find. Maybe its bugged?
  9. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

  10. useless Well-Known Player

    hmm...whats with thouse invader bots on Cyborg workshop island? Little harder to kill,what they do?
  11. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    I saw the two i have. They are beehive adds with wings that pop up randomly.
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  12. Draconiano Committed Player

    I can't even find one. o_O
  13. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Infiltrators aren't normal NPCs.

    Look for yellow footprints on the ground while exploring Titan Island. They will lead you to an Infiltrator.
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  14. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Thank you, I was very curious about this too.
  15. useless Well-Known Player

    Ohh,no wonder i cant find them,always flying around fast looking from birds perspective lol.
    Ty for that,was getting frustrated :)
  16. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    This is what it looks like. Jump to 4-5 seconds:

    You can see some of the yellow footprints and an Infiltrator appears. Nevermind the AFK raid camping group.
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  17. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Same thing with me.. At one pint i thought it was a feat revolving around Psimon, Jinx, Gizmo and Mammouth since i had run that bounty and helped defeat Mammouth but then I joined a team and did Gizmo today and STILL have only 1/50???

    So what did I defeat day one and how do i find it another 49 times? :confused:<------------- is confused oh yeah and dazed LOL
  18. Draconiano Committed Player

    Just farm it going from one rock to another, it takes like 20 seconds to respawn.
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  19. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    I have gone all over that island flying/ hovering on the ground and did not see one and did not see the yellow footprints. I started thinking, "maybe if I interact with something" I started turrets, I interacted with people, I fought things, I started following those people that were mental and purple....and nothing. I can't say nothing I finished 2 collections LOL but not one infiltrator.
  20. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    Got it. Thanks. The video really helped.
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