Kryptonian Time Capsule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 27, 2018.

  1. tukuan Devoted Player

    Thanks, I suppose I could always just open the X capsules on the toon I intend to use the artifact on but this way I feel comfortable that I can sit on it until I figure out who I want to use it on.
  2. tukuan Devoted Player

    There's a couple I quite like but I'll wait and see how common they are and subsequently how many show up on the broker at a reasonable price. That said, if not the same styles a similar set on the MP would make sense to mollify the people requesting hair styles for some time.
  3. myandria Item Storage


    There is still no *failsafe* option to the time capsules. For example, what if I don't want ANYTHING that is offered within the time capsule. and I mean ANYTHING? We should have a *choose none* option, have the capsule disappear and be able to receive at least a few marks for our trouble instead of being stuck with choosing SOMETHING and having to dispose of it ourselves.

    I also agree that putting hairstyles in Time Capsules is not a good move. Hairstyles are slim to none and should always be offered so that every player can have quick and easy access to them; they are a character creation staple.

    Will it ever be possible to have Time Capsules that just have loot drops, period? No collections, feats, open this to get that; just plain and simple LOOT DROPS?
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  4. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i kind of like the back style though, if it's as easy to procure as the past gear pieces and isn't nearly as much hassle as trying to get a bloody knife i'd actually consider going for it.
  5. Schimaera Devoted Player

    You can choose quarks. If you really don't need them at all, then thanks for supporting the game :D I mean really, some of the quarks styles are neat and worth saving them for.
    Or you can just get some crafting mats or Tactical mods to sell with quarks. They are the last resort if you don't need the other items.

    And even then, you can just simply get the most expensive item from that capsule and sell it. Or save it and sell/trade it later when new stuff get's introduced or for when you want to start an alt (with the TC gear) or whatevs ^^
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  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This is what Quarks are for.
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  7. 0xDJBx0 Well-Known Player

    I counted this really quickly when I briefly logged on / off a few minutes ago, so please forgive me if I'm wrong, but ...

    ... new seasonal feat points + d.o.'s. Part 3 feat points = 0.9 skill points


    This time capsules feat points = 3.6 skill points

    Right ??
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  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Ha! I ninja'd Mepps ... by nine minutes :D
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  9. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Wow, this new TC really makes me want to quit.

    I'm so grossed out by this one-- nerfing Heat Vision to sell it back to us. Making the changes to the controller role that have been asked through for years-- but locked behind a grind wall.

    Knowing that more artifacts are going to be churned out at a high clip makes leveling ANY artifact feel pointless. It's impossible to know the right artifact to work on so working on none and ending my sub feels like a better choice.

    Just disgusted with the direction DCUO is going.
    • Like x 15
  10. SuperHarley Active Player

    YES!!!! THANK YOU for NOT listening to the CRY BABIES and for giving us MORE REALLY cool STYLES.

    THANK YOU for the artifacts!!! IT's SUPER GREAT we have another option to get stats that IS NOT playing content. PEOPLE who don't have time to play a lot can CATCH UP by buying TCs and most of us LOVE it, BUT, it's NOT really enough, can we have NTH metals in the capsules like we have QUARKS? IT'S almost IMPOSSIBLE to get all artifacts we want to a high level without playing 24/7!!!

    THANK YOU for the hair styles!!! I'll buy a lot of TCs just for them, please keep up with the AWESOME work.
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    Is there EVER any plans to put the items in the quark vendor that are in older time capsules so they can become obtainable for new and returning players that have collected a significant number of quarks?
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  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

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  13. Saami Loyal Player

    I disagree. Imo this is not SUPER GREAT.
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  14. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    Solar Amplifier
    • Devastating Pulsar: Amplify your Heat Vision with the following upgrades:
      • +10% eye beam damage
      • Your eye beams overheat and explode, damaging enemies near your target
      • Your eye beams burn your target, making them vulnerable to burning effects
    Wait - I thought HV already causes burning?? Did that get changed?
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  15. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Would love to see new and cool stuff in the Quark vendor. If I ever see the acrobat gloves (7 and a 1/2 years of running the vault never got these) and the OP Kryptonian Helm, I just need the style... reasonably quarked, I'll be satisfied.
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  16. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I thought the tool tip read that enemies around your target are now vulnerable to burning effects
  17. Coelha Well-Known Player

    This is just a shame. You are now trying to duct tape powers and roles with artifacts locked behind TCs, RNG and P2W. If the feats, gear and almost all new styles locked behind TCs weren't enough... I'm scared about what is coming next with augments.

    Let's be real here. When you aren't announcing cosmetics locked behind loot boxes you are releasing rehashed content or giving us the last things we would ever ask (level 160 artifacts with 10% success chance? I mean, really?)... What about PvP, raids difficulty, weapons, bugs? Nah, let's give the players some hair styles and pretend everything is awesome...

    I just LOVED this game in the past and I really like all the friends I made here. WM/AM/GU47 and all bugs weren't enough to keep me away from here, now there's simple no hope. All you do is release a TC, release some piece of content that is just a copy of the last one with another storyline then release a BB and a new artifact to make us buy more seals and catalysts.

    The art team of this game is just incredible and so are many of the developers. I'm really sorry they have to work for such a miserable company.

    Oh well, what can I do? I guess the queue times already say a lot of what's happening with the game, good luck for everyone.
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  18. myandria Item Storage


    Yeeeahh... quarks.....the currency I have not used yet and have not seen anything in the Quark Vendor to use them for...

    That is why I suggested marks; marks are more flexible than quarks.
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  19. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I read somewhere these artifacts are on the quark vendor? I'm not seeing them, only the assassin capsule artifacts...
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  20. Wet fluffy Well-Known Player

    Promethium Lockboxes perks with a game subscription seem such an age away now. Miss those days.
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