160 artifact on test

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrPlumberman, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    You didn't answer the question, we know what buffs and advantages these artifacts give, what do you think is acceptable grind for one of these 160 artifacts?
  2. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Please, use the private messages functionality to discuss personal affairs. We MUST keep this thread on topic. The issues we have right now can affect the game forever in a really bad way if not solved before they go live.

    I know that most of us get mad at posts and people here and want to express our feelings about the others in the fastest way possible, but this isn't a discussion about cosmetics, base items or the upcoming dc movie where off topic posts won't affect the game at all.

    Thank you for understanding (At least i hope you got the message) ;).
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  3. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    And if you're a WHALE...stock up.

    Seals are the best thing you can buy on the marketplace right now.
    We've all heard of those people who spend thousands to get a fancy material or aura.

    You need only simply stock up...and there's your steady revenue of in-game cash.
    They've actually made it easier (and cheaper) for the whales to purchase their materials...and perhaps, if you have enough cash, have a degree of control over the pricing on the broker overall.

    The system is a boon for those of you who like to throw money at the game.

    I don't dislike the actual leveling system.
    Just the monetization of it.

    If everything is able to be acquired in game...I have no leg to stand on.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Well first off I don't call myself "superstar" you're the one calling me that in order to belittle me in your own mind, personally insulting someone as misdirected and weakening as it is to ones position can give a delusional sense of satisfaction, if you feel you must continue with that be my guest, but the more you do it, the more it simply undermines your own credibility.

    I get it you were upset that you blew seals to 120, its rough but we're talking about very different odds here 40% v 20% and 10%.

    With that being the case it's a given the odds are worse at the higher levels they're designed that way. Like I said I experienced 1 outlier in the 10 odd artifacts I leveled to 160.

    The norm you'll experience is probably somewhere between 10 - 20 seals or you can buy a seal of completion, with the latter probably being the smartest choice.

    Although you could gamble on seals of preservation and come out on top if you're blessed.

    In your thread you were attempting to distort the reality by implying the experience of leveling is worse than it really is and a distortion or exaggeration of the facts is still a lie no matter how much you want too maintain the opposite.

    I get it you're upset and you didn't like the way I approached your previous and you've probably been waiting for a reason to lash out at me, that's fine but try not to make your arguments personal you'll only end up derailing your own position.

    You're allowed to not like it, that's fine I understand why you don't, I just don't totally agree with you.

    I don't mind content being in capsules if odds are fair, I don't mind game content on the market places if they're appropriately priced.

    My problem is that the grind is excessive , nothing more and nothing less.

    You don't have to agree with me but do yourself a favor and articulate your position more comprehensively.

    Explain to everyone why you agree with the duration of the grind etc.

    If you don't like the breakthrough odds then fine, jump on test server and bang some out, see how it goes, my experience is all transparent and out in the open for everyone too see.

    To answer your question, the math does not escape me I've clearly pointed it out in this thread and made a video for everyone too see, which is more than what you've done...
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  5. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    It's gotten to the point that you no longer have to play. You can now buy your way to the top.
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  6. JackUSPS Well-Known Player

    It's just another step in an alt-unfriendly environment.
  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Agreed. Folks need to take their petty squabbles elsewhere.
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Artifacts will continue to increase in max rank. I am confirming if this max rank increase was intended for this update.
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  9. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player


    welp... i guess 1 arti will do.
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  10. spack2k Steadfast Player

    yeah but its not so much about the increase of the ranks its more about the amount of xp between the ranks, not everyone intends to play this game till devs retire/go on pension just to reach the max rank.
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  11. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Welp im not doing Atrifacts anymore. Tks for the answer Mepps.
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  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Then please do something about the XP we get from metal, cause this is just ridiculous with the rate it's increasing by
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  13. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    I think Mepps just read the initial post and is responding to the initial post. Well Mepps, you are in for a treat. I suggest getting your morning coffee or tea (which ever you prefer) and saddle down for a while as you go through every post in this thread as it illustrates major concerns regarding these new max ranks.

    I really hope you consider most of which we think would be a meaningful grind vs unreasonable grind.
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  14. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    Fatal Star they have been doing 2x nth metal weekends once a month u should save ur nth metal and only use it on those 2 day of double nth exp when u spend on leveling up ur artifact
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    I agree. We really need to have increase.

    Oh and Fatal, I was right. :p
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  16. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    Mepps, recently content was re-balanced to account for artifacts. If this has to happen again, it makes them less 'optional'. Can I therefore request that for the integrity of the game all breakthroughs have a 100% chance of success.
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  17. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    there is no problem with the exp to rank up artifacts the problem i see is the same problem with time caps. the real problem is every one wants their hands on it right away i mean why??? so everyone can have the same progression days after a new rank comes out. i was really hoping dcuo would stop doing that. if u dont have time to play u shouldnt be playing an MMOrpg online. iv got lots of time to play yet only give them 1 to 2 hours a day and i can get 3 artifacts to 160 in a month thx to booster bundles which i dont buy. i let others buy and under cut everyone in the broker than i go pay for my progression with in game cash like a smart guy would
  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Shhhhhh. You win this round
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  19. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    there is a new seal that does this in the market place go look for it
  20. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    This is exactly what makes it so distasteful. 10%-20% success rates are a disgrace.

    I sincerely hope augments are nothing like this.
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