How many times has your main changed powers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Quantum Rising, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    Just curious. I think I've changed powers like 10 times over a few toons and of those 10 I think 3 were on my main.
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  2. Saami Loyal Player

    Zero times. I like Fire and im too op for FotM :cool:
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  3. Eve YouTuber

    I started as Gadgets as free to play, and as I subscribed, I changed to hardlight for like 5 minutes lol and change
    to Rage quickly because I didn't enjoy hardlight at all, at some point I changed to Mental because my favorite
    color is purple, but got easily bored with it and went back to Rage. And then after revamp I changed to Earth
    and stuck with Earth since then. So 6 times. lol
  4. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Zero. I've been ice ever since I started playing, it's my favorite powerset and fits my character the best, and I'm pretty happy with it. :)
    For other powers I have a bunch of alts. :D
  5. Tilz Loyal Player

    too often :oops:
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  6. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Celestial from the start
  7. Attackfrog Active Player

    Zero. I make a character for each power.

    And thereby master nothing.
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    I refuse to answer - as it is a NUTS answer.. although not as many times as I have changed names LOL

    Back to mental.. my original power
  9. spack2k Steadfast Player

    tried every tank power multiple times + one time troll power & 1 time heal power for the feats
  10. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Zero times so far, Cele from start. But I'll probably change to tank and troller at some point just for the feats.
  11. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    I have changed my main character's power only once but solely for FEAT related purposes and then I changed back to Nature almost immediately. I have many alts with different powers.
  12. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player


    I have alts to play other powers.
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  13. Ekart Committed Player

    Main started with Ice, then Nature (for like 10 minutes to get the feats), Quantum and now back to Ice.
    Alt was Hard Light, Mental, Water and now Earth.
  14. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I did the "change class for bonus feats" thing on my main a few years back so I went from controller to tank to healer back to controller all in the span of a few days. Planned it out carefully.

    I don't like changing powers. I like keeping my toons as close to their concepts as possible. I still have the free respec token we got when that accursed revamp went live.
  15. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    and then a villain for every power...and then a different move with every power...and then...30 slots later...sigh...
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  16. Road Kill Active Player

    I guess you ain't one of the OG's from 2011?
  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I try to give my active characters (characters I'm taking through tier progression) equal play time so I don't really think of myself as having a main character.

    That being said, I've changed powers four times on four of my active characters. One character switched from Fire to Electricity to help replicate a character I made and liked in CO. Fire never really clicked with me as a power anyhow, so if Electricity hadn't come along she probably would have been deleted or just used for storage.

    The others were changed because a new power came out that better matched the character concept I had come up with. One character was a Superman family fangirl, and Earth (mixed with Brawling) was a better match for a super strong character than Ice so I switched after Earth's release. My Munitions character's concept was something along the "super soldier" lines, so Munitions fit better than Gadgets. And when you've got a character named WaterCooler using the Water skin and rocking a lot of aquatic-themed outfits/gear, the switch from Ice to Water was kind of a no-brainer. :D
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  18. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    3 times, once to get all the tank specific T3 year (and the styles I had in my bank), and once to get all the controller specific T3 year (and styles I had in my bank), and last time was to change back to sorcery.
  19. BlackOpz Well-Known Player

    1 Time after YEARS. I have a toon for every support class so I dont have to change to play a different class. My other toons are name locked to their powers so I'll never change them. Also havent changed my toons outfit since creation (it kinda kool that people RECOGNIZE my toons even if they havent seen them in years if I run into them in an instance or PVP). Finally changed my Gadgets to Quantum after lusting at the power since its creation, My fave color is blue and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that Lift and FREEZE move. I had made a testing toon for it when it came out and planned to do an advance to 170 with it but decided against it because I didnt want ANOTHER alt to work on when I already had a T8 troll. This will prob be my first and last power change.
  20. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    I am assuming you are premium...I mean no disrespect in that I say it because it is the only way what you said made sense...I fully understand buying a whole slot then a power would get pricey getting a q guy if you didnt only real comment is it is a shame you waited...q was glorious when it was introduced...sublime..I remember doing Bludhaven at lvl...even with the wind up animations of its original load outs it was devastating...I was no 1 DPS I was already wearing T gear and I was only lvl 25...or something...(sorry this was years ago now )...I rarely felt more "Super" than with initial q ...then they nerfed it...boosted other powers...q is middle in most everything at the can still do worse than q in this game power choice wise