Why doesnt Daybreak Give us A Way to Buy In game Money from them

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mikeyb2001, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Because it would utterly destroy the in game economy. There's a reason countries don't just print money ;)
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  2. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I see it completely different. In game cash is free so tossing a few hundred million is no big deal. When real life price tags are attached well we all know how well the $20 Batman helm went over.


    I say sell cash. The "it will be worse" arguements kinda moot. Currently it's pathetic and unrealistic obtaining items so that's as bad as bad can be. As is stinks
  3. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Simple economics show that it will be worse... with access to more money prices will just go up, they won't go down.
    Which means things will just end up costing more at the end of the day.

    I suppose in theory if less money existed because people quit because they were outraged well that could work, but it wouldnt serve DBG well.
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  4. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I've seen others just like this but normally who ever is doing it is duping groups of 4-6 at a time and then putting them on the broker for cheap to kind of cheap trying to stay under the radar.
  5. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Obviously, normally whoever’s doing it is only *half* stupid (for cheating in a video game in the first place) :D
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    1) don't remove the cash cap, make it something within reason like 20K. Still limits the Premium/Free player, still gives incentive for the Legendary sub for those who have and want to spend large sums of money in game.
    2) Assuming the step above, raise the prices for everything vendors sell...T8 Gear is still under 2K because of the cap....raise the cap, raise the prices
    3) Stop dropping so much cash everywhere. used to be if you ran a low level raid you might walk out with 1000+ cash and some items you can sell for another 1000 or so at 250-300 a pop. Now it seems like every piece of junk green gear is worth 4K+ and just cashing in on the daily runs (like E3 or whatever) pays over 2 K each. I've got a few premium toons I don't even actively sell items and only run enough for cats and whatever the current 'free' stuff is, like E3, and they've got millions in escrow without even trying
    4) add some more stuff to buy with cash in game, maybe a few 'rare' base item vendors (non-trade able items), or the 'rare' style vendor with marks and cash? Most of these have lost their broker value anyway after they introduced base amenity in the MP (blue toothbrush 400K last I looked?).

    Just my 2 cents (see....already burning up some of that excess cash)

  7. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    The thing with the broker is that the devs need play the broker everyday to see what is going on. They definitely do not do that or these kind of things that look like major dupes would not happen at all and the groups of 4-6 would not slip through the cracks as often either.
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  8. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    Bad idea, prices on the broker would be crazy. i prefer a vendor like the quarks vendor but with the items being tradable than selling in game ca$h.
  9. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    This adds to the point that I was just about to make. I often joke about this in shout chat sometimes when someone posts about something they are trying to sell. "Welcome to DCUO. The only game where you can sell or buy junk for 20 million or more." Maybe some people wouldn't have such a problem if other people weren't going Donald Trump on the game and selling items for extremely high prices just to make some serious dough.
  10. Mikeyb2001 Well-Known Player

    thing is that the gold sites already provide a means of trading real for ingame money hasnt affected the economy thus far because its a bannable offense to use them however if they sold it themselves they get the profit instead of a third party
  11. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Yea it is a bed idea for us, but its a excellent idea for the dev to make real money. So put it in game.
  12. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    First off that's bannable, yes you mentioned it, just putting that out there again because Im not defending it but I'm going to say why it's not the same thing.

    A gold seller sales money that was created in game, they had to do a function in order to make that money appear. I also doubt they make the money that they sell just by selling things to vendors, chances are the broker is involved somehow which means the in game money they are selling for real money probably was created on the broker somehow, which again means you're just moving existing money in the economy around (well and of course the broker fees leech some money out too).

    If daybreak were to sell in game money on the marketplace any individual would be able to "print their own money". While that sounds neat the more folks have access to money, well it drives prices up. A good example of this is when the first cash exploit happened on the PS servers. Things that went for cheaper suddenly became more expensive because folks realized someone would pay for it at that price. Which means if the price goes higher due to the increased money people can print on command.. the users will basically be in the same position as they are right this second, out of luck because things are too high.

    Solutions maybe found for the issues at hand but printing more money isnt one of them and never will be.
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  13. xD25x Dedicated Player

    No one really gets banned. Look at the one basic player. He got banned. Bought an account. Got banned again. Bought another account. Got banned recently only to be let back in. That Super moron did the same thing.
  14. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Well even if you want to use that logic it still makes the rest of the post still valid ;)
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  15. xD25x Dedicated Player

    Very True
  16. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Because high school economics
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  17. Roocck Committed Player

    Kill the broker? Players with these ridiculous prices is what’s killing the broker.. This would make it harder on gold spammers...
  18. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Easy way to kill gold spammers, or increase their time to make new accounts is to disable global chat functions until level 30. Some games have disposed almost completely of gold spammers this way. Or as some games have, enable global chat for below level 30 but only players 1-29 can see that chat. A true nail in the coffin would be to disable global chat entirely for free members, unless they reach level 30, however this might not bode well with part of the community. Perhaps a more acceptable solution would be to restrict global chat and have a cooldown for free and below level 30 members to 5 min instead of the regular 30sec as it is for everyone.
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  19. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Have they not already done that and is it not the real complaint about the broker?

    Spend real money buy stabilizers.

    Next open TC.

    Take from the opened TC the gear, aura, and any other special item and list them on the broker.

    Collect your game currency.

    Granted it is not direct but it essentially is the same with 2 -3 steps added.
  20. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    It's not a moot argument. It's a factual one. Economies inflate when new currency is minted. Virtual or real world.

    Here's a video explaining why countries don't just print more currency:

    If real world examples don't convince you, because this is a video game and therefore there's no way they could be comparable, then just go log into the test server. The prices on the test server are appalling, because you can print as much money for yourself as you want, simply by opening Currency boxes.

    A few weeks ago on test, while waiting for the Anniversary event to pop, I ran Arkham Asylum and got a Scarecrow Cleaver. I sold it for $50,000,000 on the Broker on test. I wouldn't get anywhere near that on Live for it. But it sold within 2 days, because you can just acquire that $50,000,000 by opening boxes for a few minutes. I'm now $50m richer on test. But because of the high prices on test, that $50m barely gets you anything, so it's not as useful as $50m would be on live, where the economy is far better than on test.

    If test isn't good enough, then just go back in time to the last cash glitch. The difference between a cash glitch and selling currency is that one is intended and the other is not. One could argue that the cash glitches are less destructive on the economy than selling currency would be, because at least a cash glitch will be fixed and those who exploited it will be punished (... LOL, sorry...), where as a currency product is endorsed and kept on the Marketplace, so people can continue using it.

    They both achieve the same end goal - printing vast sums of money and adding it to the economy. Would you say that the cash glitches of years gone by were beneficial for the economy and keeping prices reasonable?
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