Toxicity/swearing/inappropriateness on consoles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Comixfan, Jan 29, 2018.

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  1. Jak-Man Committed Player

    Why? Don't want anyone to know that you cheat?
  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yeah I definitely glitched. Ban me now Mepps, I'm guilty

  3. Comixfan Committed Player

    The filter is only there to block the swear words. It does not give permission to swear. Swearing is still against the Terms of Service.
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    like daybreak wants us to?
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  5. Comixfan Committed Player

    Still not a word about this from the devs.

    Got told to kill myself twice in game yesterday by two different players.

    What a disgusting state of affairs. I'm on the verge of quitting this game (again) because of the ridiculous amount of toxicity I'm seeing & experiencing.

    Are Daybreak really that content with having their company's name tarnished by a multitude of toxic players in their game on console?

    Blizzard and Riot have been very active and public with their efforts to combat toxicity in their games. Here's hoping Daybreak can step up to the plate and start addressing the toxicity in their games too.
  6. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player


    we some dem f--- bois crew come at us. we gunna make u criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and uninstall yo game wa wa yup yup ha ha
  7. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Of the things that are constantly brought up on the forums this is one of the few subjects that has some merit.
  8. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I know, but it happened, it's over. Obviously they don't want us discussing it because threads are deleted and warnings/bans are handed out, not to mention it's a hot topic for derailing. Bringing it up constantly will only make matters worse.
  9. The Anxient Loyal Player

    I don't see how it could get much worse than players knowing there are no real consequences to being cheating garbage.
  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Cause then the people bringing it up and discussing it will get more punishment then those that actually cheated. No it's not right but beating it to death doesn't seem to help either, and I'll be damned if I get perma-banned for talking about an exploit while the people who did the exploit can play and post all willy nilly with no repercussion...
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  11. Eve YouTuber

    You just learn to ignore it at some point, It's an issue that most likely won't change because people
    allow themselves to behave in certain ways. I don't think the developers are going to ban each player
    who say a swear word. I got told horrible things, after PvP matches or people who sent me se.xual
    tells. Or when people rush in raids\Lpve, leaving others to be destroyed by the adds, That aren't meant
    to be skipped. I reported some of them, but honestly just put them on ignore and hanging out with my friends.
    They don't deserve any kind of attention. The fact they behave like this and say the things they do,
    say more about them than me or you. At the end of the day, we're here to enjoy the game.

    Have a good day :)
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  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Well, to be fair, the original comment only mentioned unpunished exploits and glitches generally. Not any specific exploits.
  13. High Troller Loyal Player

    I get it. You want someone to do something. You don't want to report these players. Time-consuming. I get it.

    Use ignore to ignore these players. You can place over 360 players on ignore. I know this for a fact.
  14. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    First things first. The Inmates run the asylum in DCUO and have for a long time. The devs for some ungodly reason think the hands off approach works. Unless something is reported with a support ticket nothing will be done because they do not pay close enough attention in game.

    Now that being said. When you /report (space) [name] (space) reason all that does is flag the logs, chat etc.

    What you have to do if you want something done:

    1. Take a screen shot or video of whatever the issue is.
    MAKE SURE THAT YOU GET PICTURE OF NAMES and vulgar, hateful comments.
    This way there are not any misspelling of players names or incocent people accused.

    2. Fill out a support ticket, send in screenshots and or video.
    Make sure that you file the issue under community standards or it might get stuck in limbo for a bit.

    3. While you are waiting for e-mail that tells you that they cannot tell you what they did...... Gather more issues that you can document. When you see the E-mail pop in your it &
    you will see an update support ticket. Click on that Then add any more issues that you found while waiting to on e-mail bout the support ticket. Keep updating that one ticket until you feel like you have helped DCUO manage their situation.

    Just remember on the internet and with DCUO ..........if you have no visual proof you have no case. If you are not proactive then you will accomplish exactly nothing. The devs do appreciate the help. I think they just get busy doing a lot of other things and they cannot catch everything without a little help.

    These people do get dealt with but they cannt tell us. Sometimes a vulgar name might get changed to something hilarious and the culprits will not have a clue.
    • Like x 1
  15. Comixfan Committed Player

    Thing is, I do want to report these players, and I want others to report them too.

    However, the current reporting system is clumsy, time consuming, and off-putting to many.

    As for ignore, while I do add many to my ignore list, it's not helping put a stop to the problem.

    Daybreak need to step in and do something about this as a matter of priority for their own reputation's sake, if nothing else.
  16. Comixfan Committed Player

    While typing /report etc and the screenshotting/recording video may work for PC, it doesn't work so well for console.

    I'm not sure what it's like on PC but my original post was referencing the state of the game on Xbox.
  17. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Xbox can get to text chat just as easy as a PC.
    Did you read what I posted? please read the whole comment again.

    You must fill out a support ticket with a screen shot and or video. All the /report does is flag the logs / chat.
    Also, if you are so adamant anout the toxicity issue then I would think doing what needs t be done would not be an issue whether you think its easy or not.
  18. Comixfan Committed Player

    I know what needs to be done for a report to be successfully made, but then I've been playing since PC launch.

    How many people playing on consoles know how to make a report? I'm betting very few, given there's no actual menu option for reporting; you have to manually type it all out, and there's nowhere in game that I'm aware of that tells you what you need to type for a report.

    And even if a player did know about manually typing out the report, how many would be bothered to stop playing the game to load up a browser/go to their PC and submit a ticket to finish the report?

    It's a very poorly implemented system that needs to be revised/updated urgently so as to help reduce the rising tide of toxicity on consoles.
  19. Knarlydude Loyal Player

  20. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    pours one for...


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