Why not bring SM back?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Not Mad, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. High Troller Loyal Player

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  2. Heywiar Committed Player

    With all do respect, I think the dev team overlooks how much SM has kept people around. Almost all of my friends quit and are no longer paying for the game due to the absence of SM. (And i have many people that I have talked to that can share the same experience.)
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  3. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    I think it's not due to sm keeping people around but more over the lack any difficult content, it begs the question as to why even gear up to begin with when the content is either beat day one or is made to one shot you in ridiculous ways to which you can't do anything about because of the death limits, which all in all leads to frustration where as in sm an attack could wipe the group multiple times yet with pick ups you can save the run which makes the appreciation and satisfaction of beating content rather than having ultraman backhand you even though you were miles away.
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  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    For the record, I wanted to play SM quite frequently, but at the times I looked, I could never find a group for which I had the proper progress point. I'm sure there would be a great many more players interested in SM when the game isn't otherwise fresh with new material if only there were some improved method of organizing groups, such as, perhaps, advance sign-ups, or daily or weekly sign-ups.

    Perhaps not. I'm just thinking I can't be the only person who would have enjoyed playing more Survival Mode but found it too difficult to find a group most of the time.

    I love pets. I really wish I'd had more opportunity to try for some. Since SM is going away, any possibility of getting some of those pets, or some similar-but-different pets in some other way?

    I LOVE PETS [though we also desperately need more inventory/bank space for them].
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  5. High Troller Loyal Player

    I'm falling into that category as well. I went full elite gear because I figured SM would eventually come out. I figured wrongly and regret the grinding. I'm convinced I should move on, but keep my account.
  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    actually Wave was glithe and exploited to hell and back...
  7. Elusian Crowd Control

    I'm kinda twisted on this.

    I don't mind Survival Mode not returning cause the 3rd rotation became pretty stale, however CR-scaling didnt helped in that regards as the "skill" gap could jump pretty high between two rounds. Bosses were never proper balanced based on composition. The good thing of CR-scaling being removed is that a round wont take up an hour or more at the very high rounds and would be back down to 10-15 minutes at max.

    I missed the first SM wave tho, only tried casually when I had time left over but still was bored partly on the 3rd rotation like those who played every single one of them.

    The death limit is the only thing that Elite could learn from SM. The mechanical overlapping exist in both creating scenarios that the player is out of control. Elite isnt for the Elite anyway. The past raids were all what I've seen more as a normal raid. Feats getting solved just by stacking more support roles (people learned from SM). The only good recent feat was Elite Victory but it killed itself because of the healing "bug" that exist through its time of relevance and was fixed when the feat was out of relevance where every geared random group got it.

    There could be a Dev Discussion thread about Feats just to brainstorm ideas based on known encounters.

    One negative impact it will have is groups who were going for SM usually replayed the hell out of new content just to be geared ready. Since there is no reason for it anymore there is no need to heavily replay besides once or twice for friends etc. but the game focus is on Time Capsules anyway these days so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I've got everything I could possibly get from Survival Mode in terms of challenge and achievement and I won't shed a tear if its gone forever.
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  8. Heywiar Committed Player

    Yeah, I spent replays to get my gear from this DLC so I could be prepared for SM. Now, there is no point so I am not going to bother buying anything to progress my character.
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  9. High Troller Loyal Player

    I feel motivated in trying more difficult games to conquer. Elite was tanked on my 106 SP 215 CAR Atomic tank with white mods. I don't see how they are incorporating SM into elite at this rate.

    I might return to grinding if SM were to be released. In the meantime, dailies and or weeklies for me.

    High refresh high resolution gaming awaits me.
  10. Heywiar Committed Player

    Exactly. I, among almost all of my friends, have zero motivation to carry on anymore.
  11. High Troller Loyal Player

    At least I'll be keeping my troll and two tanks up to date with regular loot drops. I can no longer grind for elite gear without any sort of survival mode. And elite gear still gets outdated by loot drops in following episodes, making the grind utterly useless.

    I wish they brought back SM. Give us a hard to achieve challenge in between releases.
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  12. Cyro Committed Player

    Pvp dead, sm no more. Tune in to 2019 when they get rid of pve to make dcuo into a fashion game!
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  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    PvP - pile of dust
    PvE - very slow balancing process, takes months for fixes
    SM - on the far back burner
    Elite - a cluster****, although getting updates and changes finally

    Time capsules - on time and updated regularly every 9 weeks or so

    :rolleyes: I'm sure the art team is loving their job

    If they put as much effort into every other aspect of the game that they do into making sure stabilizers sell, this game would probably be one of the best MMOs on the market
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  14. DemiGodRick Active Player

    i wonder why sm isnt a permanent thing as yet :/. its the only end game content available at least when i use to play back in dwf. its better in game at all times. people will complain saying its less worthwhile because its always there but make it like lpve. all they would have to do is cycle maps according seasons how ever they base it off. ppl still play for loot or a challenge and bragging rights? sm loot will prolly be worthless anyway due to time capsules. sm, pvp and skillpoints were my everything in dc. all gone now :(. ofcourse all my opinion.
  15. iMeMoriezZ Well-Known Player

    To conclude everything...
    *Balance pfft hybrid and weapons
    *Make elite conten actual ELITE CONTENT
    *Add Sm for players that appreciate the mode(keep skilled players active during off periods)
    *Eliminate TIME CAPSULES
    *Listen to your community about other things, get everyone’s perspective on how they see things not just a hand full of people.
    Those are the short term things that ALMOST EVERYONE WANTS, how about some moves happen ??
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  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    You forgot:

    *Create flying pigs (base pet)
    *Give me everything I desire for free instantly

    Actually, though I agree with the pfft, hybrid, weapons balance and Elite content difficulty suggestions. Time capsules I actually like aside from the feats. In other words, remove feats from the things, they're perfect. The styles are way better than anything we've gotten before, via textures, effects, etc.

    The biggest thing waiting to see is:

    *Style unlocking baby

  17. TestReporter Loyal Player

    "We don't have new cosmetics for sm", releases a new TC. :rolleyes: Why not say: "We don't have new cosmetics outside of RNG and p2w" :rolleyes:
  18. IamShifty Active Player

    I believe you're wrong. You're basing the opinion solely on the fact that it's a end game event only, to the devs it looks like a small number off people participating, but nearly every end game play I know and even those I don't, participated in most SMs. If the past SMs seem to have diminished in activity, well honestly that's your guys fault for being way to repetitive, there were other arenas and other bosses that could have been used to make more SM maps, and make creating styles easier. You guys are taking away what most players want and honestly just feels like you guys are getting lazy in this games content.. but whatever floats your boat, it is all about the money over actually making your player base happy I guess.
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  19. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I don't know where you get your numbers from. How many people actually made it to round 4 or 5 do you think? How many played it ever again after beating round 10? Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but the story you're spinning is bogus.

    Most end-game chat was still about getting groups for the episode content, not SM. Thursday the groups that wanted to run it got it, and by Friday things were done except for a few stragglers still trying to beat 10. And the next week after that? "Nah, already beat 10, no reason to waste time."
  20. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Well, the first 2 times we got the SM maps there were a lot of people trying to run it, many of my leaguemates were playing only for SM and i remember seeing a lot of friends/leagues and some randoms trying to run it too. It decreased after because no1 wanted to get a back reward, the same pets and a title that no longer meant anything.

    Ofc most of the players were still running the end-game episode, because SM is mostly for organized groups/good players, pugs/low skilled players usually ignore SM, thats why it was made and was stated many times that SM is for the top players to have a challenge. SM wasn't something to run everyday either, because it required a big amount of time.

    Not going to agree with the guy and say that every end-game player played SM, because in DCUO a end-game player is just some1 who can pay and hardly means any skill/grinding.

    But Mepps answer was just disappointing and in my opnion it was just a excuse to not say: "We won't release any content unless it gives us a lot of money". They knew very well who SM was designed for and were also expecting no1 to beat the first one.

    I may be saying a lot of ********, but thats what i see after all this years playing dcuo and SM, i doubt the devs have any idea of how SM used to unite leagues, friends and keep players entertained. It had a big value in the game and probably will be one of the most missed things.
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