So we're in need of a new episode very soon because

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dr Nastiobous, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. Dr Nastiobous Well-Known Player

    80% of my league is at 220 or higher on there mains and it's hard d to keep things fun interesting for people. At the very least a time line would be real nice but that maybe asking to much, I have heard rumours of around the middle of March but that is to far away if true.
  2. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Only 220? As long as there are OP pieces and Elite feats to get, an episode is never done LOL.
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  3. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

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  4. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Is 80% of your league over 330sp?

    When a new dlc comes out, you guys are just gonna run through it and be bored again.
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  5. Mazahs Loyal Player

    If they are 220(ish) they have quite a ways to go.
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  6. Skandov Well-Known Player

    Yes it is, because a lot people don't wanna throw cash at the screen just to run repetitive content a million more times to get pieces of gear that you don't really need, to be somewhat competitive.
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  7. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    And are you guys modded?
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  8. Dr Nastiobous Well-Known Player

    I would say sp's are over 250 for most and we do feat runs with just about every thing we run but ya it's gotten to the point of being repetitive thing is getting to most and activity is dropping because of this, I think making regular content harder like in the old days would be less of a grind and would make each episode last longer but what do I know.
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  9. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Maybe they decided to not run after useless gear locked behind RNG and pay walls :thinking: . There is no content where OP gear is needed, since SM is no longer a thing and elite raids hardly get any balance changes.
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  10. inferno Loyal Player

    Sorry, bud but i have 12 alts sitting at cr 220. That number isn't that hard to get especially when the anniversary event dropping 191 gear easily. I hope your league knows that 228 is top cr now but even without op gear, at least go for 224 with all the 195 gear or 225 with elite gear.

    It may be a while before the next dlc so you and your leaguemates need to create your own personal goals to make the game more interesting. I.E. skill points race, pvp gear, elite gear and etc.
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  11. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    There's plenty for you to work on. If you're bored with grinding current content, start grinding older content and pick up a lot of the missing feats. If you have only 250 SP and there are almost 400 available, you can do all the stuff you didn't do when racing up the CR ladder.
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  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Here's yoir timeline.

    Valentine's event
    Spring event
    Starro event
    Then sometime in may or june, new content.
  13. Hraesvelg Always Right

    In games like this, you need to set your own goals. Is OP gear needed? Nope. Is it there as a stretch goal? Absolutely. If you set a goal of a mid-range CR and low SP, and you meet it...great? There is more to do and get, but if you choose not to, why does it matter if there is something else added? The end of all episodes get a little stale, but until you've done the Elite gear and all the really haven't done everything there is to do.

    I usually don't like to use analogies, because they're by their very nature not exactly like the topic being discussed, but are occasionally illustrative. Let's imagine you've handed a plate of food to a child. It has an entree, some vegetables, and a dessert. The child eats the dessert, and part of the entree...and then demands more food, where there is still part of an entree and all of the vegetables. Would you go grab another piece of cake for the kid, or tell them to eat their vegetables?
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  14. gemii Dedicated Player

    itching to do a fresh new set of repetitive dailies ey?
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  15. Aaron7K Active Player

    R.i.p Lol
  16. Dr Nastiobous Well-Known Player

    Most are with top modded gear and yes I'm at 224 253 sp so yes I have things to work on and do, others not so much, I thought they said new content every few months? I could be wrong but man it'd be nice to get a new episode soon.
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm personally looking forward to a break. I ground the heck out of the Anti-Monitor (got 14 raid runs after reset last night) and with valentines coming up (which i'm hoping I won't get sucked into grinding) I hope to get back on track to 228 CR and knocking off some lingering feats myself. I do agree the content is a bit repetitive for E3...I think because the bosses are always the same. I look back to AF2 content where we had 3 raids all with different bosses and mechanics. Mixed it up a bit. Also the cutscene videos are super annoying after the first few times....and seem longer than most, but that might just be an illusion. Mid-March will come soon enough for me and then it will be crammed with St Patty's day as well, so the grind will continue soon enough.

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  18. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    So why are those who have not helping those who need? Isn't that what a league is all about? If you want to get stronger as a league, you have to help each other.
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  19. FaLeX Dedicated Player forsaken order

    i only counted about 50 players out of 300 that are 220 or higher (not sure how many chars are that equals 80% is ???)


    Maybe help the lower level chars level up & grab feats along the way?
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  20. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Don't forget April Fools and the St.Patrick's event.
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