Final Plea for Better Crafting

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by coldchilln88, Oct 22, 2017.

  1. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Please, please, change how we mod. I use to fully mod both roles every dlc. Ever since you bloated and slowed the process down you have taken all the fun and flow out of naturally modding gear.

    It used to be something i looked forward to because it came naturally and didn't require you to run a mission a million timea to get the ridiculous amount of mats needed. I could gear up, mod, then enjoy my mods. Its just a chore now. By the time i get even one role close to modded oh look new gear...

    Please. Change something.
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  2. Surtur Well-Known Player

    More like the devs need to cut the fat from crafting. The amounts needed are ridiculous and I am to the point of tossing in the towel and refusing to do it.
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  3. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Literally the same. If it was a way to encourage more replays or slow down modding it failed. Because all it does is make me not want to mod at all and with stats mattering makes me care even less about the game if i know im not getting full potential. And everything in game can be beaten without them.
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  4. Noxious Flora Well-Known Player

    Betas for life.
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  5. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Except that's literally a waste of time for me.
  6. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Yes, we need a discount if we have the gear mod gears unlocked. I cannot mod my healer gear like I used to anymore. I will not use the broker to buy the mods I want either. That is a waste of millions.
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  7. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    What do people do with their time in this game? I spend over half the week with barely enough time to run my daily missions, and on the other 3 days of the week I usually oversleep at least two of them and get like 3 hours of time online. Sometimes I do manage to get a few extra, but the point is that I am absolutely flooded with materials. So much so that I am able to help my league members craft and I am still buried in materials. Then again, I also just pulled the Special Forces mods out of my Age Of Justice gear and put them into my new gear.

    From the way it sounded though I thought that Artifacts were replacing equipment mods.
  8. TestReporter Loyal Player

    It's really hard to mod when u have alts (even 2 roles is hard) with complex and simple materials overpriced, also with the number of savaging materials required to mod. I think they should decrease the number of simple and complex materials required, increase the number of exos and decrease the number of saving you need to craft a gear, this was never required in the past, why now? Or, they could decrease the number of materials required after you crafted X mods of that tier.
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  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Redo generator mods as well. That's an even bigger pain.
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  10. Surtur Well-Known Player

    I'm an altaholic with alts ( that run both roles) in every tier that hates grinding the same thing over & over & over & over & play the broker & trade............:oops:

    I also PVP.............:eek:
  11. Surtur Well-Known Player

    I use alphas mostly because I change gear so often.
    End game I mod VIII's. I refuse to do anything after that. Wayyyyyyy to many things needed to make mods at end game. It's not fun.

    If I did not have to grind end game content mindlessly to make those mods it would be different but it's not so I do not go past VIII's.
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  12. Tilz Loyal Player

    I actually like the way that they kinda do mods + generator mods in seperate DLCs.
    Next DLC there won't be new generator mods.

    That alone is a first good try.

    Things I would like to see:

    - Don't put the plans for Generatormods for MoV. Just let us buy them.
    - Essence costs: 20 per mod and that over all upcoming DLCs. It doesn't make sense to increase the costs every DLC!! (it really doesn't)
    - Keep the material costs lower and also constant over the DLCs

    I really don't see why all the costs are higher every DLC. Yes ofc, the mods are better, but you still need to play the content and that doesn't really change from DLC to DLC. Same DLC length (like 3-4 month) should ALWAYS(!!) cost the same. Just different essence stuff from salvage ofc.
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  13. Surtur Well-Known Player

    That in green I agree with.
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  14. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Yeah I agree it's gone too far.
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  15. DanXVII Committed Player

    Think it depends on the amount of gear drops per DLC, as they have increased so does the essence required. They do need to be lowered regardless or just scrapped, it's so counter intuitive.
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  16. Surtur Well-Known Player

    Yes, way too far.........

    Doing these things would make a huge difference within the game and it would make the R&D menu work a heck of a lot better. I have way too much stuff in there.

    1. I think 8 bytes, 8 simple & 4 complex should be max for any mod.
    ( keep aphas & betas as they are for learning R&D )
    2. All Mods should scale ( PERCENTAGE BASED )
    3. All cola buffs should scale ( PERCENTAGE BASED ) like the extreme colas.

    DCUO could scrap 90% of the R&D programming space by doing this.

    Don't get me wrong. I like to R&D but what DCUO has is really really messed up, monotonous & tooooooo time consuming to say the least.
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  17. krytine Loyal Player

    This game has gotten out of control. Way to much fun has been removed. I have been playing and molding gear for 6 years and had no problems with keeping my toons moded (3 of them) I know this is an mom and all but enough is enough why is it we can't get 1 essence for green 2 for blue and 3 for purple every time. Narrow the luck on RnG stop help balance things some and reduce the essence needed to like 10 per mod 1 focusing element and like 5 cores.
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  18. Wallachia Devoted Player

    This thread's title sounded like an anime attack.

  19. hoaxone Committed Player

    Well...none of that extra stuff changes the game or impacts the outcome in anyway so don't stress over it guys and girls.
  20. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Thats besides the point. It's an mmo. There is no real winning. The only winning is making your character as strong as possible.
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