Lower Level Content Near Impossible To Complete

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I just leveled an alt villain to level 30 and now it's time to do the daily challenges, duos, etc. Well, one of the objectives it gives you once you hit 30 is to complete the Gotham U duo. Well, I queued up for it and 20 minutes later I gave up. How are we supposed to complete content when no one is doing them? Even leveling it took a while to do the alerts. It's hard to get new people when the older/lower level content is almost impossible to complete.
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  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Villian side been dying for past month bud
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  3. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    If they had faction token id switch just have no time for that. Stay alive dc, stay alive.... Lol
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  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I feel you. At least the vault gives gear now. :)

    There are other threads like this popoing up, cause of the lack of content. I just found out there is no cross play until T4. So not only are the lower tiers not very populated, but also being a villain makes it that much worse. Been struggling with my villain alt doing T7 and low T8 stuff.

    Only bright spot, event this week that's open to everyone.:)
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  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Your both feel free to add me if u need help lvling a alt. I got nothing but time these days
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  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    and yet from what some on here say theres new people coming into the game like a flowing river :D
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  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, not that I've seen.
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  8. Hendrix Well-Known Player

    <responding to OP who just leveled up a villain>

    You are right. And others have already identified that it is the villain side that is dead. I just leveled up a HERO using a free account and got to now cr66 with 53sp in 5 days, ran all alerts, all duos, got feats, ran all 3 FOS raids to get the gear to make cr66. I did not do anything special, I just ran the content as an experienced player, no gimmicks, q-d for everything, pugged. Hero side works way way way faster than it ever did when the game began. So there are several observations to make:

    1) Villain side is almost dead.
    2) Players at endgame are so bored with the outrageous grind that it is more interesting to level up a new toon to experience content. (there are others doing this, I know b/c I teamed with them during the process). Endgame grind is too boring.
    3) The level-up process includes a "CARRY-FACTOR" that did not exist when we first had to run raids as they were created. You level so fast now exactly b/c there are cr150+ players in tier2-3 raids. (note that the carry-factor does not prevent learning raid mechanics b/c the lowbies being carried are on their lowbie alts created b/c low level challenge is more interesting than end game grind).
  9. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I may have to delete him and re-create him on hero side I guess.
  10. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Don't bother. I've been leveling up some Alts on the Hero side.
    Outside of Solos and Duos; it is quite rare to queue for an Alert, no less a Raid.
    This is the new normal. Leveling up is slow. If you wish to wait for Alerts; it is slower.
    If you wish to wait for Raids, you're dreaming. Moving to Hero won't make it go faster.
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  11. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    My experience was different. I had 0 luck with raids.
    Perhaps I had no patience waiting for Riads to queue; or maybe it was the time of day.
    The Raids I got into were a total failure.
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  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    But...but...but....there are so many new players the game needs to be stat clamped so their experience isnt ruined xD

    I knew this comment would be coming from ya since this was being discussed the other day :p
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    couldnt resist lol
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  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    a faction token is needed now more then ever, or a faction merge or merging EU villain side with US villain side. Something has to be done, especially if the DLC doesnt bring ppl back.

    b/c the bonus currency weekend did NOTHING for the villain population which it usually does when they do those kind of events, the population usually doubles but past couple there was hardly if any increase.

    its so bad atm that ppl are literally having issues finding DPS' for end game raids lol
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  15. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Not sure I would say levelling up is slow.
    I made a few new characters.... and you speed up throught the levelling process pretty quick.

    And even quicker if you get the Luthor Starter pack.

    The Devs really want to get people to end game ASAP.

    Yes.... getting into Alerts and Raids now takes FOREVER.
    But you can level up quick just playing solo.
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  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yea they should really just merge the sides now there really isn't a difference any longer just keep it were we all have to work together to save all of us
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  17. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    If anyone needs help on hero side PST. Just don't randomly group me.
  18. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I agree completely. I just leveled a villain alt myself and was trying to go slow like a new player and it’s really hard. I am currently CR 86 and still have Bludhaven in my inventory along with all the Batcave raids and other low level content because the que never pops. T5 is pretty much impossible to complete. Origin Crisis alerts along with Mist and Strike alerts are impossible because no one is doing those alerts. Villain side is pretty much dead
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  19. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    When are people playing that they have difficulty getting into Hero-side alerts and raids? My alert queue times are 5-15 minutes, and my raid queue times were about the same when I tried a few weekends ago. Tiers 1-3 seem to have pretty fast queue times. Or is 5-15 minutes a long time for the newer generations? I know attention span has reduced since the internet became public domain, so maybe that's where my confusion lies?
  20. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I suppose I should have added "Compared to prior to the Revamp".
    Before the Revamp, Raids were a quick leveling tool.
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