Roleless buffs and the hate they bring

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Winter Sabel, Sep 13, 2017.

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  1. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

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  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Yeah, that's cute....but no. When you wake up in the ship you are a DPS, when you manage to get off the ship you are a DPS. You have to wait till you get to level 10 before you get access to your secondary which point the only thing you get to augment your support side...a paltry ring, and a quick email paying some lip service to your other role...the one that's not DPS.

    Also, your second suggestion has been mentioned here before, and it's still a bad idea. That's essentially punishing players for not playing a support role. In a balanced group, someone has to play that person gets the shaft for not being a support role...yeah, that'll go over sooooo well with this community. The point is to find a way to encourage people to play support roles...not punish people for playing DPS.
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  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    But that's not the roleless buff doing's stupid players. When I queue into an alert, I don't ever tell anyone to go DPS....unless that player is doing such a craptastic job playing their role and won't accept a quick lesson in how to actually play their role. If a troll isn't doing power dumps and some debuffing of the boss, why should hold back the whole group???

    You remove the roleless buff instead of getting "bullied" into going DPS you'll get people cursing you out because your not healing/trolling/tanking right. It won't change the nasty, it'll only shift what they get nasty about. The only recourse for you is to put them on ignore and try again.
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  4. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Are you playing the same game as me? The fruit has been plucked, and all that's left is a withering vine.

    You cannot introduce tutorials after a game has been out as long as this one, and expect it to do any significant good. There was a missed opportunity long ago, probably on that detour we took called role less buff...
  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Ever heard the phrase "you can lead a horse to water, but you can' make them drink"??? We have lots of tools...not everyone is going to all of a sudden start taking advantage of them. Too many players in this game have a pure button mashing mentality. It's the reason why we have mostly tank and spank content. Forcing them to think more strategically won't actually work. And with the current population, we can't afford to weed out too many paying players all at the same time. The revamp has made all of our easy content "hard" for the average players. Taking away the roleless buff will make it nigh impossible for those players.
  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That would be true if they were all ready to try to get better....but look at all of the complaints right now after the revamp. So many are complaining that they can't beat content. Not everyone is adapting right now, taking away the roleless buff would be the worst idea ever.

    Also, you do nothing by removing the buff but leaving the underlying issue untouched. There's a reason we got DPS heavy to begin with, which eventually necessitated the roleless buff. If they don't fix that we'll be right back to where we were in the first place oh so many years ago.
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    So your solution is to further kill the population as the less capable who are still paying and playing leave? Because that's what will happen...or we get an even more watered down version of this game to compensate.

    You say it's too late, but there are still new players coming in...if we can get some of them to learn, maybe we can reverse this terrible condition. We sure as hell won't do it by having the attitude that it's too late or by kicking the crutches from under people who are already adjusting to a major change.
  8. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Duos were not always a walk in the park. It was much later they started being dumbed down. Alerts were so hard, you had to bring roles.

    The removal of buffs now, would not work. Currently no one truly no one loves being a troll. Removing the buff isn't going to magically make all these trolls start appearing. I mean, in raids right now two trolls should be brought, but most think more dps is the answer. I would be fine with them being removed, but thinking this will magically fix the issues we have is a dream. The ques would suffer the most from this. Our DCUO community is mostly made up of leagues where 3 to 6 people run together. You'll have random larger leagues, but the size of the league doesn't determine anything but paying rent. You'll always have cliques of people who enjoy playing together. These are the ones that wouldn't suffer, but they are the minority. There are a lot of solo players out there. While this may be an action MMO. With the removal of a type of prize, OP item, from raids. There is ZERO reason to run raids but just once a week.

    Like I said, I'd be fine removing them, but it won't help like you think. Content will be to hard to turn people away. There's also a large portion of the player base that just socialize on the game more so than trying to be an elite player. Sad to say, but the buffs are needed.
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  9. krytine Loyal Player

    I agree with you that roleless buffs need to go but it is said by mepps they won't. So maybe make it a fraction of what it is now like half. So that these so called elite players could do these but most wouldn't even try it and that way roles learn there role in alerts where mistakes can be easily over come.
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  10. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i would only agree if they would bing with each DLC two duos, an alert and an elite alert.
    the alert could be easy, so it would be beatable without roles and therefor, buffs not needed.
    devs could bring the need for roles simply into the elite version of the alert. win win win win.
    also the same with raids (no kidding). i realy liked antimonitor and starro 8dps random Q's.
    just do as i tell you and everyone would be happy (i am sure noone believes me... right?).
    just call me crazy, but sometimes i think i live in a world with everyone else being insane ^^
  11. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    I could go along with that. I'm just of he opinion that running without someone in that role should be more difficult but not impossible when compared to actually having the role present. And the controller does a lot more than provide power, contrary to popular opinion. :)
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  12. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    My comment only described what the system will do if you turn off role optional alerts. There is still thehumwn part of the equation... you know... the ones who queue in with roles they cannot or will not play just to get their queues moving faster.

    I'm not disagreeing that you should be able to do 4 DPS if that is what you want. All I want to see is that it will take more time when you do that than if you have say three of the four roles covered.
  13. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    The roleless buff stuff isnt that big of a deal so im not sure what the big deal is. I feel like people are more mad that players queue as two roles but only dps.

    If i blind Q (which I do a lot) and its all dps and no one says anything? Sweet we all get to have some fun, if someone asks me to switch i will, or if i know i can be the tank for 3 dps or heal thats cool too.

    You just take everything on a case by case basis. Weaker dps obviously need a tank or heal to make up for their sloppy playstyle: standing in one spot, never blocking or rolling, just being terrible and spamming duel pistols etc.
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  14. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Good luck. I have been fighting for their removal for 3 years or more.
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  15. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Last time I ran a 4-man there was a damage penalty for DPS stacking. Perhaps you should give that time to work rather than whine for roleless buffs to be removed like it will be some panacea.

    Btw, I don't know why trolls would want it removed. Back in the "good ole days" one of the reasons for 4mans failing was either A) the troll was a complete waste and no one else could do their jobs because of it or B) someone scapegoating the troll for wipes regardless of what was actually happening.
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  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    as much as I agree that roleless buffs are bad, dont blame it on the DPS only players alone.

    I've known ppl who run primarily support that wont run support in alerts just b/c of roleless buffs. But come here and complain about them lmao

    and let me ask this, how is talking trash / calling names tied to roleless buffs?

    I can only think of 1 way and thats if someone queued as both roles of their power but wont / cant do both roles simply to make the Q pop faster.

    Other then this I dont see how those 2 things are effected by roleless buff so please explain.
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  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I mean I get not liking them but lying / bending the truth is totally different in order to get something removed ;)
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  18. Streven Dedicated Player

    I'm not a huge fan of the roleless buff but I dont think removing it will fix anything. Just run your role and ignore the haters.
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  19. light FX Steadfast Player

    People get an idea in their head and think it will fix everything. Im not a huge fan of the roleless buff but the idea that removing it will somehow correct things and make this game so much better is simply not true. It will not make people act nicer to each other and it will not make people play support roles more.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Didnt we have this thread last week?

    Oh yes that's right we did.

    Roleless buffs are the new stat clamps huh.

    I do not support the decision to remove them.

    They're there to support queue times because dps player out number support I suggest you deal with it.
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