Roleless buffs and the hate they bring

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Winter Sabel, Sep 13, 2017.

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  1. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    Removal of roleless buff is a must if DCUO wants to remove a lot of the toxic BS spread by DPS and the DPS only mentality.

    Every end game alert that I have run lately I have had DPS refuse to run, call names, talk trash to other players and it all because of the roleless buff.

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  2. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Support this 1000%.

    For all roles to be accepted in this game you have to remove the buff.

    IF toys are a crutch in PVP, then the role less buff is a major crutch in PVE.
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  3. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I support this 1000000%

    But do know that, just as we had crybabies saying that "many players disliked the CRD removal" (vide announcement thread about stats revamp), that would spark a huge tearstorm in the community.
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    Toxic players are toxic players because of who they are as people. Imo removing the roleless buff will not all of a sudden make some people change who they are. Im not against having it removed. But this is the internet and people will act like ***** regardless.
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  5. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I dont think the Q system and the game could survive at this point if the buffs were removed.

    Dont believe me, turn role optional off and Q only as a DPS. It takes forever with current tier, older content, well, hope ya got all day to wait.

    Every run would need a troller, good luck with that too.
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  6. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I agree with the idea. I also doubt it will happen because we are part of the minority that feels this way.
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  7. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Nope. 4 DPS could que in and complete the content, the ques would be just as they are now.

    We have a whole host of items at our disposal now that weren't around prior to the role less buff that have greatly increased our chances of survival.
  8. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Without those buffs, content would have to be even more easier than now.

    Theres no way we could run the current alerts without the buffs, as only DPSs. Even with the buffs, there usually needs to be either a tank or healer.
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  9. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    You have armories, supply drops, orbital strikes, backups, henchmen, stat revamp that gave you access to all your powers including group shields, mods, an extream selection colas, white mods, generator mods, gear mods, OP gear crafting, trinkets, ghostys...

    Really, trust me, you have a lot of options... the majority of which came after the role less buff was introduced.
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  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Conversely, you can put those idiots on ignore and keep playing with others. Because believe it or not, not everyone has that kind of mentality, and there's no way you're gonna convince me that the roleless buff itself is responsible for the few idiots you've run into.

    There's an undeniable fact that you all try too hard to matter how many people prefer or are willing to play support roles, this game and others like it will always be overwhelmingly dominated by DPS. It is because of this truth that we have it in this game in the first place, otherwise an incredibly large portion of the playerbase would not be getting through Alerts. You can't force people to play their roles, you can only incentivize people into doing that, and that brings with it a whole new set of problems.

    The best thing that can be done to encourage people to play roles is to have some kind of tutorial early on in the game (either at level 10 when you get your secondary role or at level 30), and to up their damage. Otherwise there's very little point in asking to remove roleless buffs which would do nothing more than to increase queue times, add arguments when people refuse to play roles they had no intention of playing, and further exclusion.
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  11. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    You have armories, supply drops, orbital strikes, backups, henchmen, stat revamp that gave you access to all your powers including group shields, mods, an extream selection colas, white mods, generator mods, gear mods, OP gear crafting, trinkets, ghostys...

    Really, trust me, you have a lot of options... the majority of which came after the role less buff was introduced.

    Not only do you have all of this, but so does everyone that is grouped with you too!!!

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  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Roleless buffs are a mandatory evil for the game to thrive. Simply because support roles are not appealing enough to sway people to play them.

    Removal of the roleless buffs would hurt the game. Roleless buffs allow players to complete an alert in any group makeup which is vital to the game's success.

    Instead devs should have went the route of passive buffs for balanced groups to where playing 1-1-1-1 and 2-2-2-2 would get buffs for balanced gameplay which would promote more people to seek out support roles.
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  13. High Troller Loyal Player

    Did you put these players on ignore?
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    And if you hadn't noticed, all content has gotten tuned up taking ALL of those things combined into account. Even with all of those tools at your disposal and the roleless buff, very few players are good enough to do an all DPS run right now (a lot of people hate to admit it, but there are a lot of average to mediocre DPSes out there). Take away the roleless buff and you're forcing people into failed runs, whether its all DPS or people forced to play roles they know nothing about. That would then force the Devs to nerf the content.

    As Light FX stated, if you're supporting this idea because you think it'll bring less toxicity, you'll learn the hard way that it won't do it at all. Some humans are terrible no matter what.
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  15. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    I never understood why a duo could be designed to be completed by any two players, yet an alert seemingly was too hard and required an imaginary troll, an imaginary healer, and an imaginary tank... isn't that like a grand total of 7 real and unreal players required to beat four man content?
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  16. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I personally do not believe it's always mediocre DPS who can't get through a four DPS run. In my experience, it's more that people focus too much on their DPS and not enough on playing as a team. With four DPS, players have to essentially take turns tanking while the other three players do damage. With four equal DPS, the aggro will swap between each player depending on who is doing more damage when the hate timer restarts.
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  17. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    I support it because I think all roles should be important, not just DPS only.

    A single dominate role is not a healthy MMO.
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  18. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    Roleless buffs were a shot in the thigh. You can run for a bit and then pass out and die. Basically the same here, roleless buffs need to go if the game is to continue on running.

    The game has 4 different roles and each should be present in a 4 player instance. The idea is to work with each other and the roles to survive the instance and beat it for the rewards/feats. If someone dies then it should be a wipe as it should be a near impossibility if you are missing one due to the lack of a support role.
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  19. Dreadshow Well-Known Player

    How do you get all this as a new player at level 30 to do alerts required to progress?
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  20. The Anxient Loyal Player

    While I support removing the roleless crutch, I don't experience the toxicity many talk about in the alerts very often at all. I run four toons only one of which is a dps first/only. I random qeue most times and go tank or healer depending on the toon unless there's already one in the group. Maybe I'm just lucky...
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