Rage and Atomic is getting adjusted.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by pitbullb3, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Who complained about these 2 powers? Rage melee combos were fine because of risk and Atomic seemed fine
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  2. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Risk/reward is a player created dynamic and has no place in any MMO.
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  3. Wallachia Devoted Player


  4. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    In an action mmo with AOE 1shots in melee range, It's a game dynamic
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  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Rage melee combos are not fine, lol. Plus it has the best super charge in the game. I love being OP, but reality check y'all!
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  6. majosea Dedicated Player

    no worries players will just switch their powers
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  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Berserk is strong, not the combos. Without SC rage is fine
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  8. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, no. They are over performing man. I can run some stuff today and keep my SC off. I'll post a video.

    It should hit strong, just not as strong as it does. Just like JH, some genius thought it w0uld be fun for rages combos to hit 360 with the should only be a frontal cone. That is what helps make the melee combos so out of wack.
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  9. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Atomic mid-range/range was parsing on par with the rest of the powers mid-range/range (non-broken ones). This was unwarranted for Atomic anyways. On the subject of Rage melee that's not always going to be an optimal option for Rage dps. New/harder content won't allow them to melee as well as certain boss fights because of their mechanics. Rage range is pretty poopy compared to some of the others so I guess Rage players just got screwed along side Atomic.
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  10. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, Really?
  11. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I'm being overdramatic for the lulz.
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  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Parsing does show the range of these combos. Melee combos should hit melee range, not the entire room. Earth JH was doing the same thing. These are things parsing will not tell you and what makes it look balanced.

    Rage is not the only power that's been screwed, so they can join the list.
  13. Harlequin Devoted Player

    So Frost Slam, Cold Snap and Bitter Winds should hit like trucks because melee, right?
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  14. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    The content is where most of these skewed results are coming from if you want me tbh. Certain content caters to certain powers better and makes them look "OP". Let's also not forget how overgeared we are for the instances (in a sense) and that plays a factor in it as well. Boss mechanics play a role in what you can and can't get away with too. Both parses and content can technically skew results for multiple reasons. You also need to factor in skillset. You could be running with someone who hasn't quite sorted out their power yet and found that optimal loadout so that's going to make other powers look "OP".

    Doesn't change the fact the only real complaint on Atomic has been in regards to PvP and self heals being too strong which I agree with. I think Rage should get to keep the melee damage as well since they have to lick balls to dps like that, and that makes it a huge risk and should be rewarded.

    When the new content comes this month there will be a new list of complaints I can guarantee that.
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  15. Harlequin Devoted Player

    So much this. This "risk/reward"crap that has led to the community (and some devs) to think melee abilities should have a higher damage ceiling is the result of content design catering to ranged play and punishing melee play. The maximum potential of ranged should not be less than melee on a stationary "Patchwerk-style" (google that) fight. Different styles/powers should shine in different circumstances based on the design of the encounters.
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  16. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Most definitely.

    Believe me, my main is rage and one of my alts is atomic. I love how hard they hit, but I'm a realist and don't want OP powers. Rage will have to have another adjustment if they release content where they can t melee. The range, I mean c'mon. Ranged rage would have to supplement iconic powers, and that to me shows imbalance of the power. Not every power should do well from range and melee, BUT if they have range and melee moves, they should hit as they are categorized.
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  17. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    That may be true, but I'm pretty sure I remember some of the DCUO staff saying that risk/reward was the reason for Rage/Hard Light doing high damage back when Rage was first released. Since I'm going off of memory with no quotes to back it up, take that for what it's worth. ;)
  18. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Here's how I see it from a rage pov and a logical view imo, id be happy for beserk to be a 100% sc, it makes sense that the combos would need to be adjusted in PvP if they were way out of line and causing 1 shots or killing too fast etc.

    I'm only speaking from a pve perspective now, rage is mainly a close combat melee power, it's supercharges are close combat it has 2 range viable moves the rest are all pretty much close combat, imo I don't believe that outrage needed that adjustment, its risk vs reward regardless if that was a player created thing or not.

    I mean who in there right mind would want to play a powerset where your practically in the enemies face (because that's the majority of the rage design) where you have massive chance to get knocked out and quite often to not put out more damage?

    I don't know how much outrage was adjusted but I didn't think outrage was hitting thst hard on live atm, so seems a very strange adjustment to me. But again I do think beserk should either be a full sc or lower duration, i opt full sc.

    Can't really comment on atomic but I've heard the complaints.

    But I don't think il gonna go any further with this because yet again it's quality dev time that gets wasted on...... balance.... something that just goes around and around while time could be spent else where on better things, like content, styles, Ui etc etc.

    This is not a cry its just my opinion, I shall accept these adjustments and carry on :D
  19. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Cold snap isn't point blank melee, but if it was, yea it should hit like a truck
  20. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Atomic wasn't over or under performing this is a ridiculous nerf when only a few powers were over and under performing

    If this goes through they've lost my Sub maybe for good they need to get their **** together
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