Dec Team and Mepps Please Eliminate Scoreboard

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DC REBIRTH, Aug 10, 2017.

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  1. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    Please get rid of scoreboard.

    That thing causes more trouble than its worth. No one will ever have a power they can depend on (perpetual, constant and endless nerf calls) until that thing is removed. It's not needed. It serves no purpose other than to feed ego, and there is enough in the community without adding to it. We don't need anymore.

    If people need to figure out there damage, they can look at 2 things in the game. They can watch the numbers coming off of enemis or sparring target (s), or

    players can look at damage text in chat tray.

    Both are perfectly good options to me sure damage. I know some people are going to argue, "well we will never know who is doing what in a raid or alert" (stated in typical dcuo community whining voice).

    Here is the thing most other mmos don't even have a scoreboard. Typical mmos force players to work as a team.
    The scoreboard in dcuo actually is counter productive to that. It rather cause people players to care less about working together and getting through content and playing the awesome mechanics you guys (devs) designed. Rather than, these guys concentration on being top of the leaderboard. And when they don't make it top of the leaderboard, they begin to complain about every other powers damage. Then come the hopeless and endless calls for nerfs.

    This needs to stop. I'm certain you guys have better thing to do than constantly scrutinize every power every month. It ridiculous.

    Please get rid of scoreboard. It is not essential to core game play in any fashion at all.
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  2. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I wonder if the scorecard helps sell power respec tokens?
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  3. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    Furthermore, when you guys created the game DCUO was the most innovative game in the industry with 2 unique elements

    1. 1st super hero/villain mmo
    2. 1st mmo to have 4 roles

    #2 indicates a really team and tactical aspect that was new to the mmo industry. It was the first and I believe the only one still to this day.

    So, why on earth do we have a scoreboard which actually detracts from that very purpose of the game and the unique roles in the game.

    Pleas eliminate the scoreboard.
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  4. Roocck Committed Player

    The scoreboard is what lets me know if I need to get back on the target dummies to work on my loadout to get better results for my next run, why would the dev's eliminate this? Giving the players the option to enable or disable the scoreboard under in-game settings is would a better choice of option. DCUO is a unique MMO game and for that reason is why it's different. Some of these MMO games use third-party addons to see the dps output.... We all know that players are always going to find something to complain about no matter what the dev's decide to do, regardless!! This revamp was one of the best things that DCUO could've done to balance everything out, players are not putting in enough effort to find the right loadout that suits them, but rather come to these threads and complain about how some powers are op and ask for a nerf. This is just my opinion on this thread, not trying to get anyone by any means upset... Apologies if I do!!!
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  5. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    No apologies necessary. And I agree with you the revamp was necessary.

    The scoreboard is like one of the most divisive instruments in the game. An alternative to the scoreboard could be key. But as it stands right now, that thing is the single reason why powers are always being nerfed. I for one am sick and tired of constantly having to change my load out because some cry babys need an ego fix so they can manipulate there way to top of leaderboard.

    3rd party app might be an option. But this thing in game needs to go.
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  6. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Be aware, this thread is going to turn into a trigger feast sooner or later.

    Regards-Someone who made a thread on the subject of removing the scorecard himself.
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  7. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    "If people need to figure out there damage, they can look at 2 things in the game. They can watch the numbers coming off of enemis or sparring target (s)"

    Aaaaand..... Stopped reading.
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  8. Lugo Well-Known Player

    as a tank it makes me feel good when i have double or even triple the damage in as everyone else
    when im on my troll i like to see how much power i gave to the team
    in my head, im like the mom and im taking care of all of you
    with these type of things, its usually the people who need to be fixed rather than the "problem"
    the scoreboard is fine, but i'd say rather than having the first page be based off who does the most damage, it could have a category for all the roles sharing the first page so it couldnt be implied that damage is #1
    so damage in, damage out, healing out, all that all on the first page or whatever
  9. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    Ikr..but it needs to go.

    But people want to enjoy content and emersion, not feed somebodies ego. These guys are missing so much that is actually in the game because they are so concentrated on scoreboard.
  10. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    And yes, some mmos don't have scorecards, but players also develop their own. People want to see their progress.

    What youre talking is EGO, which is totally unrelated.

    If you're going to suggest something, have viable alternatives.
  11. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    People tried to make this argument for years and they didn't do it...don't know why they would do it now.
  12. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Scoreboard is the only reason we've had so many damage changes in this game... the competition is real they are even trying to get tanks damage nerfed now post revamp cause ... yup the scoreboard..never mind that the tank doing more damage is only helping the "team" no no who cares about that they are way too close to them dps numbers .... so of course tanks need to be nerfed... its not that mediocre dps need to up their game

    Scoreboard is probably the majority of the reason why things get nerfed or buffed.... pvp is very little , although removing the scoreboard will not stop the cries for nerf... the small very small pvp community we have here will still have people within it.. crying they lost cause something else is op... most people will laugh it off and chalk it up to the person complaining just doesnt know how to pvp... there will also be legitimate arguments as well but luckily dcuo has made it to where they can mostly adjust pvp stuff with out ruining pve side

    Eso has zero scoreboard people are still able to figure out how to get the best possible dps with out a scoreboard or even a parser for that matter... there are testing dummies now but prior to that people were able to do so still even on ps4 where they cant access all the player made addons...

    The dps field train... they go out into the field see about what they are hitting for and how many resources it takes to get those larger numbers.. and they practice and practice and practice... they go into instances they dont need anything in just to practice their rotation and see where their numbers are hitting... they also watch about how long it takes for them to kill specific types of adds and bosses this all helps in seeing how they are doing in damage and how they need to build their load out

    The scoreboard is not necessary for any of that..

    That game however the only cry for nerfs is pvp based however they arent like dcuo when it comes to pvp... when they nerf something for pvp its felt in pve... they havent found a way to seperate it fully... and their pvp community is massive compared to dcuo.. i n face the majority of their community is pvpcentric... look up any eso builds and most revolve around pvp

    Do i think they should remove the scoreboard completely in this game?... nope...i think it needs a revamp...

    They need to remove total damage out completely... and break the damage down more... so its not a omg this guy did more damage look.... type of situation i want more info on there about damage and if that isnt possible then i want damage moved out completely and in its place add pick ups..

    The best way you can find out if someone is a benefit on a team and causing group wipes isnt based on the amount of damage they are putting out unless there is an enrage timer which very very few actual bosses have in this game.. i the majority of those are from the first year of this game...

    The best way to find out if a player is beneficial or a detriment to your team is... how much damage are they taking in ... how much power are they using.. how much healing are they recieving how many times have they died how many terminals or whatever the mechanic is for those fight are they participating in and how many pick ups are they doing...

    Thats where you will find where you are falling behind.. damage is rarely the cause...
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  13. High Troller Loyal Player

    Please do not get rid of the scoreboard! Otherwise I couldn't compare my damage out when in tank role wearing all tank gear! Example:


    I like using scoreboards like this to gauge how other powers/players are progressing in the ultimate rotation revamp discoveries. Mepps said there are competitive builds. I have yet to encounter any player with like 3-4 exceptions. I am looking for those players/builds. Without the scoreboard, I have nothing to gauge the progress.
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  14. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    How many times they die...EXACTLY! If you are a healer and only the same person keeps dying....who is the problem?
  15. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    I like the scoreboard. Trying to guage your damage based off of "Well, I feel like I'm doing better" and looking at numbers floating up is frustrating. I'm playing Marvel Heroes as well, and not having a scoreboard kind of stinks. You guys would love it.
  16. BLK Well-Known Player

    I have a younger friend on console(xbox) Who has spent over 70$ since launch on power respect because he has to chase the scorecard and be top dps even without having more sp then the people he is going against.

    Its just frustrating for me to see his mentality and other young people with the same mindset. And even with the stats revamp he keeps switching 1st day it was oh nature is great then he gets beat by electric a few times and celestial a few..Leads to him switching to elec then to celestial. Last night he was beat by quantum and mental(with more sp) and that blew his mind so now is he looking up vids/post about those powers because they are "OP"

    Its sad and i asked him what would he do without a scorecard to chase? He calls me a Sh*T talker..:oops:
  17. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    Well said....

    I know some in the community want to compare there damage to gauge how they are doing.

    The problem with that is that it's not necessary. Comparing damage numbers is not actually a part of the content objective. Completing the content is.

    If people want to compare damage for whatever reason here is simple alternative:

    Individual scoreboard where no one can see each other numbers. If you want to comoare, then all you have to do is ask the other players.

    But the scoreboard in its current state is bad for for the game.
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  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    And the total damage out number is not even a good indication... of how good a dps someone is actually.. its already been said that those numbers are misleading ..but who cares my names at the top of the list so i must be better than you its obvious...let's e add 4 other dps and see if i can beat them to... screw a support role
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  19. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    Because we are barely 2 weeks into revamp and the whiners are already crying about how they are being beat by every power.

    If you cruise the forums, you will see someone has suggested ever a power be nerfed. And when you take the totality of those post, EVERY power was suggested for nerf, with exception of Sorcery.

    This is an issue that needs addressed NOW.
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  20. ALEX33016 Well-Known Player

    How many times are you in content and you notice that someone is dong absolutely nothing. Like they are just standing there? Chances are they are in the middle of a raid and checking their damn numbers...

    You said it well by saying that "Comparing damage numbers is not actually a part of the content objective. Completing the content is." 100% getting through the raid/ alert is the objective...not who is #1. At least, make it so the numbers are only published at the end.
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