Revamp sucks or players sucks?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by William Campbell, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. CdnAtheist Well-Known Player

    I vote revamp sucks.
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  2. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

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  3. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

    Its simple, players are genuinely bad at the game it's a by product of CR differential.

    I don't even blame the players at all the dev's were warned what type of affect this would have and they did not listen preceded to implement AM. The irony is people need to learn the game again (well those that game during and after update 47) or face being frustrated where they will leave.
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  4. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    People just complain too much, the game is in the bestest shape it has ever been, past couple of years, if I were the dev's I wouldn't give in to the complainers but just try to analize they issue and expand from there...

    Speaking of exppanding can we please get new iconic power's daybreak.
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  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    My vote is certain players suck, and certain parts of the revamp suck.
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  6. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    You mean how if the JSA members get injured 3 times, you're toast?
  7. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    That's the way I see it; except that there are so many of those players that the Revamp magnifies it.
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  8. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Can't we all just suck together?

    Wait, maybe I should rephrase that ...:oops:
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  9. TANK69 Well-Known Player

    Those players sucks who thinks revamp doesn't sucks.
  10. spack2k Steadfast Player

    yeah, i experienced that with stats revamp lol
  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    See the key statement u made, "i was barely healing." You're the healer in the run and you're barely healing people. There is many things wrong with that. And thats the point of the revamp.

    To the OP imo its mostly the players. There is some broken stuff that needs adjusting but for the most part its player who never paid attention to anything before who are still trying to play the way they did b4 the revamp. Meaning ignore mechanics and burn. Cant do that anymore. And the devs stated multiple times its intended to be that way. I know many players who have adapted quickly and are having no problems at all
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  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    Oh yea come do a run with me. We shall see who "sucks."
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  13. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    ....I think YOU suck....(please note that I didn't even read that huge wall of text so I don't really get to say that you suck but still....)
  14. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Agree 100%. I'm collecting healer gear because I'm getting tired of horrible healers. You see a post where a dude is having issues and another where they are soloing end game content with no worries. Could it be that people just don't understand the new meta of the game? Pretty sure people are lost with no road map of how to get back. Not saying healing is easy, but it's not that bad.

    To the dps's seeing rage timers, wtf are you doing wrong? The only horrible damage I've seen was last week. Most people have found some type of rotation by now. If not, that's on you. Plenty have put in work to tweek their loadouts. This is how you become better.
  15. Juiceman936 Well-Known Player

    My villain toon has absolutely no problems solo healing end game raids. He is electric.

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  16. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Cool. Make a hero and come and school some people. There are so many bad healers now. Lol.
  17. Redd Blur Active Player

    I have to agree with this. There are great things about the revamp and not so great things. While I would love to hit a bit harder, i have very little issues with my dmg output as is. While I would love to have my stats matter more, and go into the lower tiered wrecking stuff, I have no issues completing instances. It's all about knowing the mechanics of what is being run.....alot of which people don't seem to get. I ran pug and they didn't seem to understand that they shouldn't hit the switches in HU when there's no need to. We wiped even after I tried explaining to them. They didn't want to listen. I went back with my league mates and finished the whole thing in about 10-15 mins.

    Bottom line, know the mechanics, know your loadout and rotation, and everything will be fine.
  18. Control Creed Well-Known Player

    So you want me to post a video of waiting for the queue to pop for a tier 5 duo for an hour on EU PS / PC? Really? When it goes back up, just log on for yourself. Unfortunately I didn't have the forethought to record a video of it popping in 5 minutes the day before the update, sorry. Given that there is open content I'm sure you have a logical reason for this that has to do with player skill or SP or (please don't) LFG or Leagues.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    It's definitely the players that suck; it appears basic mechanics are too much for the majority of this player base.

    If you can't just dps through everything then it must be broken.

    If you aren't personally top of the scoreboard then it must be broken.

    Because everyone is the best dps in the game...
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  20. Lucifercare New Player

    I haven't played DCUO ever since revamp came out since I am on vacation. Before the revamp hit I too was collecting some unattund gear to switch for nature healer. I am currently a 190cr light dps which is really good so I will get some high cr gear for my switch to nature. I have heard that nature healer is power hungry and hard to play, but I just think that those people who are complaining are not managing their power properly. I used to play nature healer back on ps3 when it was WM and AM times, and I was really good at it. (I am now on ps4 btw)

    If there is anything that I am going to miss from AM nature healer is using Harvest to burst heal and give more Hots plus the spread. Also the power regeneration from insectoid form when using your heals. I can't wait to actually try out the revamp soon!

    Seeing the feedback on the forums recently has definitely helped me to be prepared for the revamp. I think it will be good when I play it.

    1 more thing... I have been thinking as to what my loadout will be. I will spec for hybrid.

    Savage Growth, Metabolism, Swarm Shield, Flourish, Bloom and Insectoid form.

    (Insectoid form Loadout) Savage Growth, Metabolism, Bloom, Flourish, Swarm Shield, Regeneration.

    I know my loadout is a little weird so let me explain real quick. Nature healer has been known to be a HOT power so my loadout will focus just on those. Flourish will help refresh the Hots which should be enough hopefully. I will test it first. If it is bad I may switch bloom with roar or blossom.