Stat Revamp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mahlania, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. Mahlania New Player

    Noone asked to change the mechanics of the game. We just wanted skill points to mean something. There is nothing wrong with AMs in and of itself. You guys could have just made it less cookie cutter where it took more skill and thinking than just 1234123412341234.

    We really only and mainly complained that people with 200 CR and 100 SP can keep up with someone with 200 CR and 300 SP. It should be our skill points that determine how we perform and not our CR. So I applaud what you guys did on that.

    But, breaking the promise that we can play from the tray is bad. I know you have the hybrid, weapon expert, and whatever you call the power setup....but even with the power build, I can't solo an instance without having to use my weapons. When I want to play from the tray, I mean 100 percent of the time. I'd rather not see any weapons at all on my toon.

    I also am a controller and I don't want to go back to being just a battery which is exactly what is happening on test and exactly what will carry over to live is this isn't addressed.

    This is my view and opinion. Some may agree, some may disagree. If you disagree please state your point with civility.
  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    nothing wrong with AMS?

    *Looks at how many times people say Trollers aren't wanted in alerts due to Power-regeneartion from AM's not making them needed*

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  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I'll have to respectfully disagree, AMs were very flawed in design and needed to be redon-

    know what **** AMs, I'm glad they're going away. Too bad for you though I guess.
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  4. Korlick Loyal Player be fair, neglecting roles in Alerts is a much older problem. Since they introduced the role-less buff.
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  5. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    If you want to play from the Tray pick the combo powersets, they by design are meant to be played from the tray and still are on the revamp. There are some powers like Ice that have a lot of versatility and can be played in any of the 3 playstyles maintaining similar damage output.
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  6. Mahlania New Player

    I never said AM's didn't have problems. All they had to do was reduce the AM regeneration when in a group and buff it when solo or duo. I just don't want to go back to be solely a battery again. And I said
    That means I thought there were problems. They could have just corrected the problem and kept it in. I just dont want to lose my preference to play from the tray and have no weapon attacks needed.
  7. Mahlania New Player

    Tried it, still ran out of power and had to use weapons to rebuild my power bar. I don't want to use a weapon at all.
  8. gemii Dedicated Player

    troll wise should i start modding my gear vitalization/power for the revamp or should i keep pure vit in the yellow socket? & for the white mod... power efficiency or keep the supercharge one?
  9. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    The only one that i may say that have power issues still is HL; Cele and Atomic are more power friendly in comparisson.
    Maybe you are stacking too much high cost abilities in your loadout.
  10. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Vit/power works better IMO.
  11. gemii Dedicated Player

    alright thanks preparing to make troll my main role so i was curious. How about the white mod? should i get that power efficiency that grants 5% less super power usage
  12. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I can agree with you there, but the Advanced Mechanics DPS stuff as is right now didn't fix that problem; it made it worse.

    Let me put this into perspective:
    What did AM's do? Allow DPS to produce really high DPS by pressing a simple button combination; and for most of the powersets out there it allowed DPS to be self sustaining.

    What are the trollers supposed to do? They are supposed to provide power by using POT(Power over time) along with their instant burst, and then debuff and stun.

    Since DPS becomes self sustaining with the AM setup we got right now+Role-less buffs made controllers completely useless in alerts.
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  13. Zlohsac Committed Player

    No, don't mod Vit/Power. That is a terrible mod. If the game really is reverting back to pre AMs and WMs, mod pure Vit. That's what we did back then.
  14. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    I do not want to be made to use a weapon if I don't want to. it should be use what ever way you like. and it will work. using a weapon with atomic tank. how will that work???
  15. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    "If the game really is reverting back to pre AMs and WMs"
    Don't make this assumption. The game isn't reverting to pre-AM and pre-WM. Revamp is going to be its own iteration of the gameplay mechanics.

    What people are going to quickly find out is that Power is a very important stat under Revamp rules. It directly governs how many tray abilities you can use and how fast you can regenerate your own Power pool. The more Power you have, the faster you'll earn it back from the in-game passive regeneration mechanic. Power is as important to Controller role as it is to Damage role. I've spent dozens of hours testing Controller role on Test.

    Vitalization only benefits Controller role. Large amounts of it gives a modest boost at best to power over time and power dumps. Current Revamp mechanics encourage Controllers to spam power dump. The more Power you have, the more you can spam it.

    People are going to be in for quite the shock when they see the meta changes under Revamp. Individual players are going to be responsible for managing their own Power pools. Controllers only provide a modest supplement to group power regeneration. Bad players are going to burn through their Power pool very quickly and there isn't much the Controller can do to help out.
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  16. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    Players being responsible for there own issues.....What a concept. :)

    How long will it be before people start trying to run 3 & 4 controllers for power dumps?
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  17. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I would go with the HT extended Supercharge, but thats my opinion.
  18. Mightyhon Well-Known Player

    Is the stupid auto pot still there so that I only get to press instant power? Lol if I can play the whole role with one button haha :D
  19. spack2k Steadfast Player

    u can play the whole role with 1 button but would be nice to clip debuffs from time to time :D
  20. Zlohsac Committed Player

    That's why I said 'IF'. And if this doesn't turn out to be the pre AM and WM days and it's something else entirely, that's fine.

    I started trolling back when you NEEDED 2 trolls. There was a debuff troll and a PoT troll and sometimes there were trolls that focused on Dom. I miss those days.

    I never said power was an unimportant stat, more power means a larger power pool. But troll gear gives you the necessary stat increases in power that you really don't need to mod for it.

    I'm not sure if you played during the pre WM and AM days but your last paragraph describes it to a T. Trollers weren't able to keep everyone full all the time. Especially power hungry DPS that went through their power bars in seconds and put a strain on the whole group. Thus why there was complaints from trolls that felt like all they did was spend the entire time trying to keep DPS powered and they felt like they couldn't do anything else. It took the enjoyment out of it. Trolls were just batteries. And that started the game down the path it's on right now. When in reality, those power hungry DPS should've learned how to manage their power better.
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