The current Tank crisis

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SparkmanX, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    My understanding is that, at least in terms of DPSing, the power imbalance we see is a direct result of this CR differential implementation and in theory all powers should be about the same when it comes to damage output once they go based solely on stats. Whether or not it's true remains to be seen.

    I do agree with you, however, that each of the powers should have advantages and disadvantages in different scenarios. It's what will make the game more dynamic and require that people learn the mechanics and how to work with each other.
  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    When I used to play I never shouted as tank in lfg and never pugged as tank. I would only tank for my friends. I've tanked all hard raids up til the point I quit the game and the only survival mode I ever actually cared to do was fortress we got to round 11 or 12 I was earth tank at the time.

    The reason I refused to put tank were a lot of the reasons in the original post premadonna dps in pugs die cause they get too close and then want to blame me this got worse after the range adjustments to damage as the closer you are the more damage you do.
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    true, I've met some fire tanks with low SP and tanked like a pro. Was just giving my opinion on why alot say atomic and ice were the best atm to tank with.
  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    And rare vendor and such :p
  5. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    I've also seen a 140'ish fire tank (I wavedox'd later) that had right under 100sp.... do better dmg and drop adds just as fast as a 188 who literally just dc'd. I was astonished, now did I check the 188 players skill points? No I didn't think to do that but point being unless he also had right under 100sp, a 140 out doing a 180 is sorta sad on the 188's part. The fire player is now in my league and I won't let him leave ;) :p.
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  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    and not to mention a tanks dmg vs a DPS' lol
  7. stärnbock Devoted Player

    no. there as lame tanks wich are taking forever from one mob to the other. it is totally ok to choose loot and put in some colas after a bossfight. if you feel the need to change your loadout, tell the ppl. if you taking a break for boiling water, then taking a break for making coffeee, then taking a break for cereals, then taking a break for a cigarrette, then taking a break for taking a piss, then it gets exhausting...
  8. stärnbock Devoted Player

    you still get a tedious small amount of coins in comparision to what we used to get. keep that in mind. also still overpriced stuff in addition. also: yes it helps. a little bit at least...
  9. VariableFire Loyal Player

    I think this might actually be one of the better reasons behind the Skip to 100 option. The game has changed so much that content below 100 is almost unrecognizable. For example, what's the point of adding the reward screens to older content if there's still only one reward?(T3 raids). With this there might be a chance they can get the vendors 100cr and above.
  10. Thomas Wayne jr Active Player

    I wasn't aware there was a tank crisis. When did this happen?
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  11. SparkmanX Committed Player


    Well, as mentioned by other players in this forum. This theme I chose is mostly based on Pugs or what I call Queue. One of the patterns I have observed in each of the comments, is that there are a good number of players who only play the role of tank for their leagues or friends. Perhaps for this reason, it is so difficult to find tanks in Raids, especially in those instances that require two tanks.

    One of the criticisms that I make to my own thread, is that the experience in Pugs or Queue is different in each player. Some players experience these things that I describe and others do not. This may depend on the time they connect, the day they do the raids or maybe it's a matter of luck. On this topic I will make another Thread later.
  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I'll say it. Atomic and ice are easy. That's it. Lol. Really they are though. I am blind in one eye and having trouble seeing npc sometimes. Atomic is such a forgiving tank power. The pulls and pushes are awesome. Besides trolling, this was the only way for me to play another off role. I had to retire myself from healing when they moved the groups health bars from the top to the side. :( I used to be good too. But, I found myself spam ming heals since dcuo's never gave us the ability to move anything on our hud.

    Atomic will always be my favorite. At least until they break it with the game overhaul. RIP atomic tanks.
  13. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    I think fire is the best. Earth and rage have variables that can get them crushed. Atomic ability to kite bosses when needed isnt that great. And a lot of ice tanks, are dpses looking to help a group.
  14. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Rage is actually a great tank, it's the fact that people don't like toRage-crash so they don't wanna play it.
  15. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I really want to switch to fire tank to see what people are talking about. It can't be that bad. I was hesitant before, but with 264sp now and access to mods I could be OP af. Plus earth is getting boring. It's nice cutting damage basically in half, but healing seems more fun.
  16. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    And we really need some freakin dom/resto mods.
  17. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    like you said, "they don't show any interest" <------ because we are not interested.
  18. FearsomeScarecrow Well-Known Player

    I agree. Tanks are easy to come by and other roles as well if people invest in armories. If you're at end content... spend the 5ish bucks and get a dang armory people! I said this a month ago to my league leader and her husband because I was frustrated when I qued up and had like 3tanks or 3 trolls in a raid when I was building a new toon.

    If you play the game you NEED armories for off role/clutch moments. Silly how people play 24+ hours a week and only dps or only tank etc. Armories was a god send and you guys needa use them.
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  19. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    So basically:

    Farm blues when opportunities arise
    Group adds together via group pulls
    Use a single pull for stragglers
    Use Chronometric emitters when things get thick
    Maybe clip a breakout with a heal for when you're block broken
    Obviously turn the adds n boss away from the group

    I don't see how it's not more popular. Using a power in tank role gives you like, what 50-60k health? I haven't played it in awhile. As earth now, all i get is a defense buff which is only around 5.4 extra cause thats my dom, along with the damage mitigation. So when Zeus hits me for 14k and I take 7k damage, I can heal that back instead of relying more on the healer?

    Keep omegas and resto sodas on (or bulldozers).

    Yea I going fire next week, I wanna try this out.
  20. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Uhm, but why?