Showing a little appreciation for the members free flash helm

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lukelucky, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. krytine Loyal Player

    Ok here you are on the forums and the devs cater micro transactions all the time for premiums and you say you get nothing ok sure move on then
  2. BestPlayerAfrica Well-Known Player

    buying individual episode on purpose in 2017 LUL
    this option should be removed ROFL
  3. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    As a legendary member, I thought this gift was great. An actual gift for people who subscribe, no strings attached - no random garbage. And in addition, every player got a gift as well (the base pack). Seriously, a great job on the part of Daybreak.

    Haters gonna hate, but this was just a good thing all around.
    • Like x 12
  4. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    cap cold...and flashs...not at all surprised
  5. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    totally agree with all this plus i loved the flash base pack
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  6. judgeday1904 Well-Known Player

    This yes is a GIFT
    I had my complains too so this time i say thank you DB
    This was a great move and a good idea
    We should complain when is time for that and say good work when that happen too
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  7. Controller Devoted Player

    This gift "almost" makes me want to make a Flash-Inspired Electric Healer. My Celestial toon is just sitting there at CR 100 collecting dust.


    Thanks for the gift.
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  8. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    Thanks for this devolopers :D Now I hope you have a certain flash emblem in the near future :D
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  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    First of all there was a part 2 to the weekend gift.. Everyone regardless of F2P, Premium or Legendary also got a Flash Lair furniture package that has a ton of items. Those things are in the lair of one of my alts and look pretty cool. So its not like F2P and Premium got Nothing.

    Secondly yes its a great looking cowl but guess what? I am a legendary with 20+ alts.. Not one of them is a Speedster and they all have established costumes that I like and have no desire to alter. PLUS unlike some here I enjoy the idea of being unique not a "clone" / Earth 852 version of a DC comic legend (in other words not one of my alts is named XoxoxoxBatman2000oxoxoxoxox) SO with one exception the only thing any of my heroes did with the cowl was accept it into inventory Now since all my alts also already have all the feat associated with the number of styles collected... basically to me it was a nice gesture and I though a fitting tribute to a founding member of the JLA but not something I plan to use..

    Third.. considering how many ways they seem to find these days to get us to open up wallet and use Credit card how about the fact that the thing is actually free? or have you forgotten about the $20 Batman cowl they "offered" to sell us?

    Lastly.. Its a cowl! Its a style piece not a piece of armor. It adds nothing to your CR. It doesn't grant a 1%, 3% or 5% bonus to all your stats ... It just looks nice. To ME its kind of the same reaction i have when people moan and cry about not getting that special aura. i get it.. players want their alts to look good but the cowl or the auras do absolutely nothing to it easier to play the game .. they just look cool. let's use the example of the BATMAN cowl they tried to sell for $20 again. When they announced that my immediate reaction was " I wouldn't pay you $20 for his entire outfit" AND that's from a player who considers Batman his favorite DC character.

    Now there was another way they could have gone .. and allowed everyone to have the cowl and ONLY the Legendary get the furniture pack but guess what? Depending on the person and their likes and dislikes that would have ticked of some one as well. Sounds to me like you are just about to the point where you are ready to leave this game anyway and just looking for a good excuse. You already make it sound like this is not the only game you play and that there are things about the way the game has to be played you don't enjoy.. If you want to leave.. leave Honestly? Depending on what Stats Matter does to this game I may be gone shortly after it arrives.
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  10. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Firstly.... my Alt is called XoxoxoxBatman2000oxoxoxoxox......
    so don't even try to make a character using my good name.

    The name is already taken and it's myne...... MYNE I SAYS!!!!!

    Secondly.... oups..... no secondly. This is all I got. ;)
  11. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I hate to be that guy.....But are people really excited about a head style and some base furniture? Is there something more to it that I'm missing? I've been a member for about five years, but I haven't been able to log in and recover the gift yet. I'm genuinely asking if that's what it is....
  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Some people.... like me..... have been waiting for that cowl for quite a while.
    And now at last...... we have it. ;)

    Heck.... I would have paid 1500 for it.... twice (I have 2 accounts... one PC one PS).
    And I will not have to pay any extra to get it on any characters I own.

    If you do not care about the Flash Cowl..... that is fine... but some of us are very happy to finally get it. ;)
    • Like x 8
  13. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    With my name and toon being created initially from my love of the Flash character yep, I'm really that excited about the head style. As soon as the St. Patty's Day Flight race comes around next month and I get that Feat out of the way I'm going back SS and gonna rock my Flash inspired costume non-stop. :)
    • Like x 6
  14. light FX Steadfast Player

    Oh i think its pretty obvious the next TC will have it. During discord office hours yesterday when mepps was asked about the theme of the next TC he said "the next TC will be here in a flash." And this was after he said the qwardian 1 has only been out roughly a month right now which is true, came out jan 4th. And how they are doing a target of 9 weeks roughly. So the next TC should be around the 1st week in march.
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  15. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Okay not to nitpick.. well actually YEAH I want to nitpick. OKAY so since its "FLASH APPRECIATION WEEKEND" They gave us Flash's cowl but the thing can be recolored and last I checked there ARE a couple EVIL Speedsters as well..

    Professor Zoom AKA the Reverse Flash is the Flashed arch nemesis and pure evil and wears just about the exact same outfit just uses a yellow color scheme instead of a red one. SO grab the cowl and recolor it and POOF instant bad guy.

    The Black Flash Sort of up in the air if this guy is evil of just the Grim Reaper of the Speed Force .. BUT take the same cowl and recolor it BLACK and poof ... yet another non hero is born.

    Oh and by the way.. in my other post I mentioned helping like 4 "Flashes" take down Captain Cold yesterday. TWO were dressed in Red, One in Yellow and the last in all Black so players are already doing exactly what I just outlined here.

    Now as far as the part about him getting bent of of shape over NOTHING? Totally agree
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  16. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    So THAT explains why I had to name mine XoxoxoxBatman2001oxoxoxoxox! Dang it Magneto you beat me to the punch again LOL
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  17. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    Speaking as someone who really isn't that into the Flash cowl (it's great, it just isn't a great fit wit any of my toons), I still think the gift is real good. The base item pack will help enormously with my alts' new League Hall. (as a side note, I also like how they've introduced the aura for the Valentine's event, I know a lot of people don't but it's something I can legit get for free or I can get ingame cheap given the collection pieces are ongoing.)

    I really hope this causes a fair increase in subs & it's something the devs look at doing occasionally going forward. I for 1 really liked the aura packs, you knew exactly what you were getting, & I bought both (despite issue with vapors). Unfortunately they didn't seem to sell great hence them thus far stopping at 2.

    Keep encouraging subscriptions in this way & the future could be bright!
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  18. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I concur. Great gift, awesome item, really nice to have something extra for members. The base items are great too, and a nice way to show appreciation for all the players.
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  19. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I could care less about the cowl or the base items from the flash pack. Thing is Dcuo opted to do something very generous for members. The items are irrelevant imo. The gesture is why I expressed my gratitude.

    Dcuo has done very little to show sub appreciation over the years. Its just nice seeing some focus on subscriptions holders
    • Like x 6
  20. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    if they did stuff like this, out of the blue...its a cool thing. when they do it to, try to, stop people from bit*hing...its lame!!!