Livestream Anniversary Event and New Time Capsule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 3, 2017.

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  1. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    Hi guys,

    This is more of a survey for the developers to let them know how we are feeling about the current status of the time capsules. Feel free to put in your own input, too vent to or simply agree with how the wider community are feeling about how they affecting the game.

    My personal opinion (if they are to stay in the game): reduce the amount of TC drops, make stabilisers achievable daily rather than fragments, increase the odds on trinkets / aura's & remove exo's / collections... and put stuff in them that we actually want. (*hint, perhaps something by my avatar choice)

    Anyway, go nuts!
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  2. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    This thread is created for one particular video/stream, yet you link the generic channel page??? instead of the video/stream for which the thread was created? /sigh. (poor marketing in my opinion) Perhaps mention in the 1st post to seek the videos tab and view the most recent video? It's more timely over time than posting a link to the channel most users do not observe because they expect to get game relevant information WITHIN the game. Nice AM and WM that were never included in-game and results in users trying to teach users in game and being insulted randomly for being aware of AM and WM and teaching AM and WM to new users.

    ps. DCO is a relatively bad game design for a user to go to a website to learn how to play a game mechanic. While Planetside2 did Tutorials well with it's website, it's still WRONG. (imho) Take a user outside the game to learn about the game is bad. Lowest common denominator becomes the team mate in a team based game and.... I'll rather leave your IP than wait for them to learn outside the game or for a vet user to be insulted for offering advice in-game to some one not performing adequately in group content. Continueing to ruin the mmo genre (imho) without in-game tutorials. An mmo without refining New User Expience is doomed. Especially when they alter mechanics over time.



    the 2nd video is especially interesting and insightful, no? Something to learn from, no?

    IP Fan example ( too excited for IP) from the demo days in 2009....

    in retrospect, I'm half way to writing off the gaming industry from my personal experience. Yeah, Go F yourself Video Games. You can't deliver what your marketing offers. OR, Hold marketing on a short leash or stop Marketing entirely. I prefer canceling al marketing all games. When they release when ready to launch and perform well, word of mouth will travel. no doubt. When games or movies launch prematurely.... = BvS. and more than necessary dislike bad movies unable to setup more than it was supposed to. in an attempt to catch up to WOW/Marvel.

    I dislike WOW and have been waiting for a franchise that I actually like to create a good game in the mmo genre since then.... still waiting.... ( i will not play a moba)... Marvel Heroes 2016 has my interest at the moment.
  3. DC Urban Committed Player

    No thank you sir. A friend told me he got disciplined for using the like button inappropriately. I laughed because it was funny. Venting will get more players removed from the forums. They don't like ppl talking about the game.
  4. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    as if devs could create without WB and DC approval. hehhehhehhehhehheh
  5. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    First, I want to thank you for arguing my point about attaching feats to the cosmetic items making a lot of sense from a business standpoint throughout the majority of your response here. :cool:

    Second, EVERY item in the TCs is tradeable so being able to complete everything without spending IRL money IS possible. I didn't say it would be easy.

    To answer your question at the end though, it's really quite simple. Selling direct on the MP won't keep the lights on. Everybody blew up at the cost of the Batman Cowl and I have no doubt in my mind that these items in the TCs would cost the same if not MORE if sold directly on the MP. Would you be willing to drop $40-$50 for the Phoenix Material per toon?
  6. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    My assesment is the actual people that would spend the most money on the game will not be here for long if this is the total business model.

    People that do want everything ir at least try will start missing things and feel like they cant keep up so they'll stop spending money because whats the point .

    This is too much. People when they left would come back because they knew wut to expect. This I have no idea and I dislike it.

    They're putting their own nail on the coffin. During the lul of content I came mid dec and I was close to catching up but i dont see it happening now.

    You don't throw out more tc's " throw cashsulpes!" Rite after xmas .

    I don't like where the game is heading . Thanx Joffsfer!

    It's also making everyone I play with unhappy and this should be a place to get away from the real world.

    There's a difference from good business and being ripped off and this is starting to feel like that.

    The content was good but who gives a ****. If kids can gamble then I should be allowed to curse.

    My sub end within a few days!
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  7. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    First, LOL at $300 on keys. I haven't spent that much money on stabilizers across all three TCs combined. Second, you said "just playing the game is supporting it" inferring that spending NO money on the game was supporting it. If that's not what you were intending, then I'll digress, but if it was it is that kind of attitude, the "gimme" stance where everybody expects things for free that is a driving and huge problem with this community.
  8. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    They could put a one month, 3 month, 6 month, and a 1 year Legendary Subscription in Time Capsules and non legendary members, who think/say its not worth it to sub, would spend several hundred dollars on time capsules to get a TC sub loot box.
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  9. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Let me start by saying, I don't agree 100% with the way TCs are working right now. I firmly believe the release of these new ones was far to soon, I believe members should be able to get a COMPLETE stabilizer dialy, and the excessive Exobytes and the useless Mainframe Bots are serious issues for me.

    That being said, as of today, I've opened about 25 TCs and spent about 26 mill on the broker and have already completed the collections for the Corrupted and Orange Mist Auras while I'm sitting two away from getting the Void Material. I've only gotten 3 emblems and two pieces of the gear, but have no doubt I'll be able to get them either from the TCs or selling extras from the TCs to make my money back and buy what I need from the broker. It doesn't take 100s of millions and in fact it could make some people 100s of millions if they know what they're doing.
  10. Proxystar #Perception

    You have no idea what it costs to keep the lights on so let's not pretend you're

    A. Privy to daybreaks financial data
    B. That you're pretend knowledge of such is a counter argument.

    You can make the items tradeable all you like but you and I both know who controls the economy in this game. You and I both know about the duped money. You and I both know daybreak do zero about third party gold sellers. You and I both know they do nothing about real world transactions: despite all of this being against the EULA.

    I'll answer your last question in a moment but first to ask you one.

    Do you think it's acceptable that collection pieces go for 100mil plus on the broker? Do you think that doesn't represent a broken economy?

    In terms of your question yes I would pay $40 for something on the marketplace. Depends on what it is. I think the sweet spot is $20-25 though and even swtor charge this. I potentially would not for multiple characters though but then they could take a page out of swtors book there too and charge a reduced fee to transfer.

    As I've said though the problem isn't the rng boxes themselves its the layers upon layers of rng. It's the poor drop rates. It's the neglect of the marketplace.

    Think about it this way what do you think might have happened if they'd released this time capsule as is by put the corrupted aura on the marketplace for $20 at the same time.

    I'll tell you m opinion. You'd have had a happy player base.

    The rage comes from the absolute exclusion of the availabilty of outright purchases.
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  11. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    The si so much lore volume and this early in dev cycle they add RNG boxes.... no. wrong. They cut any any and seemingly all story potential.
    It't not a C property is a WB Executive property. and F them. They have no interest in the creative potential.

    Even more, F the potential lawyers restricting a use of IP property.

    Makes me REALLY want to play ......

    SOE 2.0 was absolute trash.

    Another example of a game that needs a Simple graphics enhancement without any other alteration, much like Crimson Skies. Better textures and performance = win. Simple. Stop adding **** to a great game.
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    You know what I'm calling you out on that either you just got exceptionally lucky on some people selling stuff without knowing what it was our you managed to get something out of a box yourself.

    But you go look up the rare collection on the broker right now and you try to tell me you can get both for less than 26mil.
  13. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    Echoing what others have said, time capsules should not equal skill points.

    Every skill point should be attainable through actually playing the game. They are not right now, and will not be the next cycle. If you're going to keep skill points in time capsules, there needs to be an alternate method of acquiring them that is feasible.
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  14. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    **** this game and it's use of lockboxes! (see sig)
  15. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Yeah, people actually spent that much on keys and I had the same reaction as you. They whined that they didn't get a single useful thing from them in the league chat.

    There were even some threads made of how players spent tons of cash and didn't get things they wanted either.

    If you decide to buy keys, you get stuck into a gambling loop and if you love yourself and your money, you shouldn't be spending a dime on these *Cash Grabsules* as somebody else called them, because you lose more than you gain.

    And yes, I guess I didn't explain myself better, for which I apologize. As I said already, I was one of the people asking for cosmetics in the MP, I didn't want anything for free, I NEVER expected anything to be free.

    I've spent a crazy amount of cash trying to support 9 characters with 290+ skill points, I've got all items from the MP, I occasionally buy SC for replays, too.

    I really bought a lot of things and never, ever asked for anything to be free and I've been supporting this game for years.

    What makes me upset is the fact that they lock items connected to feats in RnG boxes, as one person said above: It lures you in to buy them, so you get your feats done.

    I DON'T like it and I will NEVER support it.
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  16. mexmex Dedicated Player

    ok I do agree till some point, personal experience here and observation

    1st round, fairly easy, enough time, i did finished everything but only because of friends and league mates gave me some stuff, I also expend 25 millions ingame cash I think I spent 10 bucks in stabilizers

    2nd round, didn't finished mist aura didn't finish phoenix mat either, i did expend around 30 millions still, lost some league mates just because they think the game has gone PTW as a result less people in the league remain active including me, logging once now every two weeks. to get the last piece of the mist I need around 15 millions, plus 15 millions for one of the phoenix mat, and 100 millions more for the flaming phoenix feather too that is around 130 millions of in game cash. Plus what ever might come too in the next rounds, didn't spent real cash. not in this but got a poster bundle, and some aura packs and other cosmetic stuff from MP

    3er round lots of people angry in my league as I played today, and some more ready to hang the cape, haven't got anything simply because this time I won't support this TC at all, for me is like a SP sell in disguise and those mods are for the next revamp so the core mechanics of the game are slow down, according to the test, so those modes will be needed to accelerate the powers cool downs. for sure won't spend a single cash anymore in anything, until I feel ok with the direction of the game again. if ever

    So the thing is this was a fair game once, I have been a sub member for almost five years, and never felt before as I do now.

    I was a player used to gring to top cr, I don't care anymore, after I saw how many reach top CR without playing the game as I did, instead they logged in once or twice, spent 200 bucks in TC and where 189 just like that after some replays spam in oly mostly and they were done in less than three days. Well I refuse to get into that EXPENSIVE as hell rat race.

    So I am falling behind no matter how much I played if I don't hand over my money, I do not replay, I won't get the SP tied to this TC any time soon, and I won't get a lot of the grinding feats attached behind crafting stuff or op stuff, because I won't replay, yea maybe eventually if I keep running the content, once is out of relevancy for me i might get those pesky grindy feats from AF3, ( don't think so because I will be busy crafting the modes in the next content )

    just doing simple mat counting the SP from the three rounds of the TC plus the event There are around of 20 SP hiding behind pay walls, because you will need to replay the event if you want to finish the feats out of there. And hey I am not frustrated or mad or anything like that, but still I strongly disagree their ways (devs) regarding all this.

    20 skill point in 3-4 months already behind a paywall. do the math for a year, even the most committed players will get fed up eventually, how is this good for the game in the long term, I know is working for their business, so far, but they are actually driving players away, committed, good players are getting tired of this model real fast.

    There just to be up to 4 members of the same family in our league at some point, they are all gone now simply because was to expensive to keep up, the couple plus sons into the game. Remember is not only TC plus Replays, it is also the cost of the legendary plus TRK among a few other stuff to keep up, is just way to much.
  17. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Time capsules would have been good had it not been such a blatant cry for money. Take away the sps and they wouldn't reek of desperation. It's pathetic, how many cash grabs there are now. People need to wake up fast and stop throwing money at this crap. There needs to be a law against virtual gambling if there isn't something out there already.
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  18. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    It really is a wonderful game and always has been, but adding SP to TC is the worst part.
  19. Nuclear Winter Well-Known Player

    So, 35 pages on this thread that and not a green name in sight to offer some kind of explanation, justification, or other attempt to defend this, the most blatant of money-grabs yet. The silence speaks volumes.

    P.S. LOL that the OP still only has 7 fanboys likes
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  20. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    This x100
    I have no issue with styles and any vanity item being a chance thing, but having feats attached is just not right.

    As for the second comment on the thread, they have always and will always allow/accept/appreciate feedback. Your friend sounds like he/she simply doesn't know how to properly give that feedback.

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