Livestream Anniversary Event and New Time Capsule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 3, 2017.

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  1. Roocck Committed Player

    This is why I have said before that SP should be in the Market Place for sale, do something like 10sp for $9.99, I mean it is P2W...
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  2. Mocky New Player

    In case anyone was wondering where Larfleeze went to after the Xmas event, here is your answer straight to DAYBREAK HQ. You guys should learn from your own storylines and slow the greediness. I feel a lot of negativity in the player base emotional spectrum toward this sudden changes aimed only at our wallets, and that frustration will probably cause more people leaving the game.
    Please, just slow down the greediness.
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  3. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Here's a question, would you rather have the aura in the TCs where you stand a chance of getting it relatively cheap (IRL Money-wise) or would you rather pay $40 dollars for it ala Batman Cowl? Here's a follow up question, why do you have an issue with them making money off the cosmetic items they make?
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  4. Bella1982 New Player

    i agree, ive spent well over 1,000 this last year in the game and im not sure its worth it anymore. i get they need money to keep the game going. but honestly how about just fixing the game like pvp for example. Before you guys start doing all these updates with new content. ive been waiting so long for my toon to be reset from the glitches ive been having. I cant write in the mail because my game will freeze, my toon ceberas has yet to return to my styles tab so i can use it. im not sure i will be renewing my memblership at this point and it sucks because i really liked this game.
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  5. Napalm Life New Player

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  6. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    Never meant to suggest or have it inferred that I was OK it companies doing it. I just feel like we all need to live in the real world, and stop being disappointed in a company that has shown they really wanna make money, not "give back to the players".
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  7. Neelimus New Player

    One more in the "Play and support the game, but boycott the money-grab" camp. Although, the sound of money seems to be drowning out the voices of the long-time player-supporters...
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  8. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    They can, and they won't. And everyone crying right now that they'll quit will do jack squat for the cause.
  9. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Here's a question.
    If you got a Flaming Phoenix Feather (Phoenix Material) or Zeus Trinket; did it drop or did you get it via the Market Place?
    My theory is that they don't drop; or are ridiculously rare.
    I believe that are sold by DCUO via the Marketplace; and then DCUO uses the in game cash to sell to EGPAL for real $$.
    Is that a crazy theory or what? So, If you got it did it drop, or was it Market Place?
  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Blue flash mist aura
  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Flaming Phoenix Feather dropped for me from a TC. Twice. And I also spent 40$ on stabilizers to get it though. I sold the second 1 for 150 million and used 30 million to buy the zeus trinket.

    This time around though I am not spending a dime on stabilizers. I will use the in game cash to buy the items off the broker and the stabilizers I get from the event. I think alot more people are starting to use EGPAL though.
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  12. King Smoker Well-Known Player

    lol devs can't see the negativity in the forums because all they see are dollar signs. #stopthegreed
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  13. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    Normally, I'd consider this a crazy conspiracy theory, but the frantic pace of the TCs with the really undesirable rewards has deflated even my optimism, which is hard to do.

    Yes, I received the feather as a drop from the TC, and yes, I used a free stabalizer that I earned in monster training to open it. But I wouldn't blame anyone for being scepticle. I actually liked the first set of capsules. I had enough time to get everything I wanted with free stabalizers/from the broker. Yes, some of the collections were harder to get, but it felt do-able over 10 weeks (12 would have been better, but I didn't give it much thought because it was tied to AF3, which made sense at the time). Then Amazon capsules hit with the utterly ridiculous drop rates and are gone after 6 weeks.

    No, just, no.
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  14. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    Yeah, the Flaming Phoenix Feather is ridiculously priced lol. I've already spent 100 mil just to complete those pesky OP collections because RNG had me a little fed up (I have about 400k left lol). But that being said, it's really not that hard to make money in-game and as far as buying SP via time capsules go, I'm at about 245 sp, and I'm ok with that. I took almost a year off so there are plenty of feats to go for without worrying about the 2 - 4 sp from tcs.

    I guess what I'm saying is, patience is a virtue. A few sp isn't going to make or break you. I only came back because of the news about the revamp, I had no idea about time capsule when I got back so I'll admit, they caught me (and my wallet, shame on me lol) off guard but that won't happen again. As for the revamp I remain hopeful and optimistic, too much energy is spent on negativity and it more infectious that good positive thinking.

    Work hard, Play harder. Peace out:cool:
  15. Phokus Active Player

    wheres the youtube link
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  16. King Smoker Well-Known Player

    i got the zeus trinket twice... but i spent a good amount of money. it random and the drop rates are abysmal. i never got the flaming phoenix feather in the tc i bought it in broker with ingame cash i go from selling old auras from the booster bundles and rnd item from the new dlc and the op collections. at this moment in the game it is very difficult to make money outside of buying and selling tc items or aura. the market for bytes are gone and the market for classic collection (superboy plaque rubbing) is heading there too.
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  17. Bose Well-Known Player

    I knew to expect P2W when Jaco Emmett took over, he's a classic game closer
  18. Bella1982 New Player

    you make a valid point, i dont think ill be spending on the game anymore unless its for the membership ( which im still debating) i was always wanting to be one of the best in my leagues so ive been grinding for that sp spending what i needed to for the capsuls and such. But yea im gona slow down and like you said have patience. they said they will be bringing all of the capsuls back around in rotation who knows when but it will. I might not be op but atleast i can hold my own with the sp i have.
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  19. Gimpy Loyal Player

  20. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    I already don't have any intention on purchasing a single stabilizer, feats or no feats.

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