Dear Devs.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by VV, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. VV Dedicated Player

    How does it make you feel when you put so much work and effort into making content ( game mechanics, combat and general system) and players ignore them all beating the instance within minutes without knowing any mechanic. That's precisely what happened with the last few DLC. Game mechanics being obsolete and community having a whole new perspective of what being a skilled player is....

    I see people in various threads that dread stat clamping (No, this isn't a stat clamping thread) People using words like "elite". Why is it that someone is called elite when they have X SP, Y CR and FotM power that's either over doing or downright glitched.

    I see people in "elite" and "best" leagues depending on these by passes and ignoring the beautiful game design. Is there something in works parallel to stats matter? Or will stats just replace CR and ignoring everything and roflstomping continues?

    When I switched to quantum, no one was inviting me to DPS their instances. You can ask me to pug but that's the community that you have created. Will the upcoming content be similar to AFiii? and is this how large content releases are? Can we get an answer please. My subscription will expire soon and I don't wanna resub if you don't want me to. ( As in, don't want to have a playerbase that respects the core game rather than the current one)

    I started playing DCUO for the IP and subbed up for getting stuff from lockboxes. (Yes. All I wanted was Lightning strikes other than LB.) The mechanics got me hooked. I love running SM and doing various roles to get various perspectives. If this is thrown out of the window by allowing beautiful content to be thrashed by people who buy Stabilizers or Replays or Respec tokens is quite repelling. I used to enjoy running raids. The solo game can be made to ignore mechanics because I can understand where roleplayers and casuals can get stuff from but Raids are just sad. 8 Minute Olympus? 12-13minute Olympus "Elite" ? SAD. I can't enjoy these mechanics because people don't want to follow them. They'd love to steamroll and get gear. Get gear that helps in getting more gear.

    From what I experienced, I progressed from being a complete noob to knowing how to play counter system to knowing basic mechanics and UI to Trolling to Healing to Trolling while observing tanks to Tanking to DPS. All that progression and being a good player means is having CR and SP with the latest bugged power.

    Everytime I run something, I take a step back from the game.
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  2. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    This man has a point. I do feel like that sometimes when I run new content, like: "OH NEW SHINY BOSS, LET'S SEE WHAT HE DOES" , and then 10 seconds later "Oh welp he's dead"
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    CR differential makes it so that any boss mechanic that does damage can be skipped
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  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Not great.

    The stats revamp itself will have a large impact on people blasting through content without needing to pay attention to mechanics.
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  5. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    Speaking of the stats revamp, whens that on test? Before Christmas?

    It's OK you can tell us when you're ready to... (Just say Soon™) ;)
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  6. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    That will be an interesting day when that happens. lol.

    I'm not being a smart-*** either I'm being sincere. I genuinely can't wait for that. It will be interesting to see how it effects the game.
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  7. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Great! Really looking forward to the reduced damage. Will make content lengthier and fights much more skillful and mechanical :)
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  8. Malachee Committed Player

    DCUO has been changed over time into exactly what you describe. And now, they have once again backed themselves into the proverbial corner.

    For some time now, the designers of the game have encouraged additional purchases by players with real money to make things go faster, and FASTER!! And yet now, after creating this "monster", they realize there is no way on earth that they can formulate quality content fast enough (with the resources they currently have) to keep up with the beast they have created.
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  9. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

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  10. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    Take your time on the stats stuff. I don't want to go back to t4 raids as a 200cr with op stats and get my butt handed to me like gu47 did. That was utterly ridiculous. Please fix all issues before it's even considered to go live.
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  11. Malachee Committed Player

    lol I have visions of thousands of players who have gotten used to racing through content in a very fast Porsche...who will someday soon be handed a brand new shiny Tricycle, and will be told "now you can admire the scenery more!". :cool:

    This is quite a situation that's been created.
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  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    What content the haven't the community blasted through content with broken dps powers?
  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Not really. KCT and Oly lack any meaningful mechanics. Only thing reducing our damage will do is turn a 10 minute raid with no mechanics into a 20 minute raid with no mechanics.
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  14. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Actually there are certain mechanics in there that might become more noticeable with the reduced damage, such as the first boss being healed by the crystals. Your statement is nearly very true though, those particular raids have nothing too special with associated with them, but moving forward if the devs decided to actually use mechanics they'll be a lot more noticeable and will make the content much more fun if done correctly.
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  15. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Again i ask, what content haven't the mechanics been ignored through op or broken dps mechanics? Every content in dcuo history except fos2 has been ignored because of op or broken dps powers. Now i'm thinking about it, even fos2 bridge adds were even ignored sometimes because of it.
    Imo the devs trying to fix something that really isn't broken is a mistake
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  16. BumblingB I got better.

    Oh God, I am having flashbacks of AF1...
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  17. damirgabriel Well-Known Player

    I totally agree with every word said here. This is like you've been digging inside my mind heh. Yeah, honestly, THERE IS NO MORE CHALLENGE in this game... SM is the only challenge at some point. Like someone mentioned already in comments, every possible mechanic is bypassed with broken and stupid dps powers... How's it possible that 5 days after episode was released people already have elite gear, and it was an idea to farm that gear for weeks i guess. Like already said, new flashy boss.......... op op op op, dead in 10 sec. I miss those old days honestly, when FOS 2 was hell, or PW and stuff. Where you HAD TO KNOW MECHANICS if you wanted to pass that heh. Right now, it's just pew pew pew pew pew and over. It's all about sp hunting, sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp and dps dps dps dps dps dps. I mean, is that the beauty of the game? Playing game for some numbers? Shouldn't game be fun, entertaining? I don't know, personally, i think the game has huge potential, but needs people (developers) with CRAZY IDEA, IMAGINATION, creativity. Like autor said, quantum dps and noone wants you around. Not only that, they will avoid you, insult you, blame you for "slow burn" omfg. :/ Whatta hell. But if you're munition for example, ooooooo you're the beast come over here and stuff... Strange. I don't know, just expressing my "feelings" if i can say that way. I'm afraid that, stats revamp will do EVEN WORSE THING. If SP gonna matter that much, what's gonna happen? Noone under 200 sps will be able to do anything over BBS? I don't know. Too good game, great potential, just need something to make it what it should be heh.

    Ouh, yeah, forgot to say. Stats revamp WILL NOT look like it was when PW was out and so heh. Back than, max sps were like 130-140, i don't know. But now, max sps are 300 o_O You see my point, i guess.
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  18. bmce84 Loyal Player

    You guys do realize this game is ran by replay badges, as soon as they see a hit on those say goodbye to anything that makes content longer.
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  19. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Also If at T8 I have issues running T7 content (as in at least UM, even with stats things like BSP and bellow will be easy anyway), lol good luck getting players into older content, considering is already a barren wasteland.
  20. bmce84 Loyal Player

    as in what?, the only thing that had was bosses with more health than ever needed.
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