New currency for Amazon Fury part 3

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Amanda Bailey, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. Schimaera Devoted Player

    People wanted the best gear to be vendor gear. People want to run every content there is for marks for vendor gear. Both combined doesnt make sense. You could basically get like all the vendor gear within a week or so without replaying.

    They way it will be now is better tbh. If they distribute Coins the same way they distribute MoV then you'll get like 9+ daily and additional 20 weekly. This is totally acceptable for regular progression.

    If you want it to be faster, spam replays on the alert.

    Once this DLC isn't relevant anymore you should still be able to get styles from the Vending Units 22 and 00 and rerun the elite version every two weeks for renown to get the elite style.

    Sounds completely okay to me..
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  2. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    From the post and no problem with that, stops mark stockpiling and being able to immediately get some of the best gear the day the DLC drops (is that a song?)

    This does seem to be aimed at the leading edge players though. Will DBG want to go down the Neverwinter 1,001 currency system or once the currency has achieved its purpose it then gets dropped over time and ease progression for the casuals?

    I'm sort of hoping for the latter sd it should be cleaner in the long run.
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  3. megamanzero Loyal Player

    and i can start buying base amenities again!
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  4. Backseid Devoted Player

    Yeah, I get that argument. People want to feel like what they do is better than, harder to achieve, whatever, than others. Makes em feel big.

    Problem is, there's literally no other rewards or anything else to work for in this game. No crafting. Nothing else to purchase with Marks that is rewarding (base item vendor?).
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  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It's common sense that to obtain the greatest rewards, you must complete the most difficult content that introduces those rewards.
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  6. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    While I get that, at the same time our "relevant"content has been drastically reduced.
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I don't accept that premise. It's different, sure, but I would suggest you're not factoring in the vendor gear switch or that you can still run older content for Marks of Victory for the things MoV purchase beyond gear.

    In monthly content, you could run way more content than you'd really ever need to for marks that near instantly completed a vendor gear set that nobody really cared about. In monthly content, you could only run the latest one instance for a chance at a rare drop with the latest random gear everyone did care about.

    When AFIII releases, you will still have a healthy amount of content to run for that 2nd best set of gear that is now dropped in the WHOLE episode, not just the raids, and you will still have a healthy amount of content to run for the vendor/best gear (again, the WHOLE episode, not just the raids).

    On top of that, the simplicity just makes so much more sense for everyone at a glance. Want the rewards from AFIII? Play AFIII. Want the rewards from something else? Play that.
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  8. Backseid Devoted Player

    Maybe, but it creates that cutoff in content that we always seem to have.

    That's what we lost with the Single Mark System. The payouts are way too low. The lowest payout being a single Mark is too restrictive. Those numyers should be higher.

    A top end Solo should be more like 10 Marks, with other content scaling up to match.

    That way, older content can still reward currency like it did back when we had Marks of Triumph.

    That way, all content has some relevancy again.

    Since you all are on a roll with taking out the mistakes made these last few years, let's go ahead and look at this as well. I mean, Relevancy was the first really big hit.

    Mark rewards are simply too small. Can't do fractions of 1.
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  9. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    Having episode specific currency sounds fine to me. If you want stuff from X, play X. Some veterans tho are saying when you have a system like that end gamers lose all interest in running anything lower because it provides them no benefit. Why do they needs marks except for paying for "rent" on stuff or buying old styles. That sounds like once people get loot locked from relevant content they will either switch alts or just stop playing for the day, and there will be less people running lower content which would be very bad for 4/8's that already have trouble popping.

    Seeing as how Im not even in a position to TRY and enjoy AF3 content even if I was subbed that crap doesnt even concern me. What does is hearing general player activity will drop or fall once this goes in, on lower content which is where I am stuck will be impacted negatively is not fun to think about..

    My dream MMO would have the stats on an object be completely seperate from the style/look of an item. You could be wearing a bathrobe or bikini or platemail armor visually but the stats would be determined by your own effort.

    There would be material that gets dropped everywhere. Once you collect enough of a certain type you can create something or apply it to something to improve the stats of your character.

    Thats the way I wish exobits worked. You collect 8-16 exobis and craft a Byte and you can consume it or apply it to something that you socket into a slot. 8-16 exobits = +10 precision or HP or defense or whatever. The more you play the stronger you get. And best part is it doesnt matter which content you play, because materials drop everywhere. They could also use all the junk white garbage that drops in the game to do this.. I wish R&D worked like this.

    Would also be cool to have materials that can change the stats of your powers. Make the power interaction stronger, make the power cost less, add effects like hit count fade improvement, power generation, aoe, strength of debuffs/cc, tons of other things.
  10. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Is the relevancy window 9 or 7 pieces of content. If you count the elite versions and the different open world missions, when Af3 drops you will have 9 relevant pieces of content.

    People weren't running old content before anyway. Since the best gear was RNG in the latest content and with monthly content running old content often hurt your chances at better gear.

    Now later down the road devs are going to have to create a game mode or an incentive to run older content so those queues don't die like how ffxiv and WoW does relic weapon. But I don't see why people want to run old content especially right now with CR differential taking the fun out of it.
  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We definitely agree that more reasons to revisit content would be good, but don't necessarily agree that it has to be with a mark system that counts towards end-game gear progression. Let me say two things to wrap up my input here: 1) if the AFIII vendor gear system is successful, we will be looking at how it should backtrack into the rest of the game, and 2) we are still working on longterm plans after AFIII to continue to expand progression paths and depth. (But no, we're not sharing any details now.)
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  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    You answered your own statement. I can't speak for everyone but I will still be getting in as much lower tier action as possible. I still have styles I need to complete with MoV, rent to pay, etc.

    Speaking of, are you for or against high level players in lower tier content?

    Technically already/more of going to be a thing especially after the stats update.

    You mean Mods? You're talking about Mods and crafted Soders. And pretty much all the other gadgets and consumables that people collected plans for and didn't really get around to crafting because they felt it didn't matter.

    That's exactly how Mods work, take a T8 Mod for example: 24 Exobytes, 7 Complex and 16 Simple materials, 1 Focusing Element and an Equipment Interface put em all together = Boom +whatever number to whatever stat (bonus if you match the colors up)

    There's a lot of green garbage that drops in early content for this very reason. There's also a reason it no longer drops in higher content.

    We do need more diverse options on Base Mods. I speculate that's also in the works.
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  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    MoV only counts towards end game if you're not T8 though. That's why I think cr relevancy should stay, but each tier / cycle should have its own mark for relevant content, then MoV for non relevant content. Between the old style/rare style vendor, RnD materials, mainframe boosts and utility belt slots, there would still be reason for end game players to return to non relevant content for MoV.
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    I suppose the next question looked at into this, is how you treat DLCs/Episodes vs Premium options. Legendary members don't have to worry about content, but when tiers were a thing, you could build on the whole or pick and choose your progression. This is the main reason why I was against the currency changes in T6 as well as symbols that was the "compromise".

    I understand that more content means more currency, but a change for every DLC means there is more holes in gear that result in having to go DLC by DLC. It really comes down to how we progress now vs before T5. We were limited on vendor gear currency, which was raids only. You guys are kind of going back to it this way, but there was also tiering of content too.

    I have had this conversation in the past and I mentioned back then, if that is how you wish to change the model, that's fine, but please let us know that is changing as well. I don't want you guys to drastically change your plans as in T6 or do a quick fix, like what happened in Flash Museum duo.
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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We will expect players to play and buy all of the story content.
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  16. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Interesting. So instead of being able to skip a dlc we will now have to buy each one to be able to progress? Does that mean that the cr lock outs will not overlap multiple dlc's like they use too?
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  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    I'll take that ;)

    Thanks for the in depth respons!
  18. BumblingB I got better.

    Wait... This rose a question for me. Are big DLCs going to be packaged or are they going to have individual purchases? Like you can only buy one raid or one solo or the open world?

    As that... Wouldn't be bad at all with currency changes as long as they can have access to the whole vendor set.
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Big DLCs Episodes will be just that, big...meaning it will contain content for all types of players. AFIII will have a solo Op, solo open world dailies a duo and an alert (for the small group content players). For large group content players that same alert is the starting point followed by two raids with Elite versions of each for greater rewards (renown for Elite Gear). It will be sold in one package like it was before (I could be wrong, but I doubt they'll sell it like they did the monthly episodes...if I am wrong, Mepps will correct me).

    Because there is content for everyone, and ALL of it is relevant (Green/Blue/Purple gear drops across the board and so do marks), there's no need to allow DLC skipping. It's a win for everyone (#bestgearinvendor #makesolosandduosrelevantlonger #makeeliteandOPgearmoreattainable #lessRNGinprogression #morepeopleplaying).
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  20. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    I guess that's a fair trade after all if you put it that way. But there isn't that many things to use the marks of victory on, if there is you could do it just with what you'll run from the dlc probably. Unless there will be new things to spend marks of victory on.