Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    I would like some of the original auras to be re-released. Particularly the original plasmic which is very old now.
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  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    They won't be. Exclusive is exclusive. I can't count how many times they have told us that they will never come back.
  3. Megzilla Developer

    Currently taking notes as to what is most requested gear. From what I can do, if it is feasible I can try to implement some ideas into current tasks so people can use gear for a variety of different characters. This thread isn't going to waste, don't worry.
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  4. bmce84 Loyal Player

    And will we ever see new weapon styles?, because that thread is well over a year old and nothing came from it.
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  5. Megzilla Developer

    I don't think the studio had an in-house concept artist back then to help kick off designing new weapon styles. New weapon designs are on my personal back log of stuff to do. :)
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  6. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Thanks for the fast response, but please try and at least give us new styles for Ep 27, I think AF 2 was the last time we had any new styles and makes making a new character a bit boring since you have a lot of great styles on T7, but no weapon styles to go along with it.
  7. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Technically we got new weapon styles with HoP2 although they were already in HoP1 as artifact weapons. I fully agree though that we need new weapon styles. Back in T6 we were promised new weapon styles every 6 months but that concept got dropped instantly when monthly Episodes started. I'd like to see it back.
  8. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Funny thing is, the weapons thread started in 2013 lasted right up to the months monthly episodes started, then got revived about 2 months ago....when the end of monthly was announced lol.
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  9. DC Urban Committed Player

    Anybody mention animal types?
  10. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Yes, it does have a name, as I mentioned in my previous post. Neo's coat in the Matrix Sequels was custom made for the movie, but is based on the Indian NEHRU JACKET, which is a style that was introduced in the 1940s, and has been popular in India ever since.

    Likewise, DC Universe Online's standard Trench Coat Chest Style is ALSO based on the Nehru Jacket. In fact, it's designed to make your character appear to be wearing both a Nehru Jacket, and a Nehru Jacket-inspired trench coat over top of it, if you want to be really precise about it. ;)
  11. tokidokij Active Player

    Blindfolds would be cool for a face style. Would want the ones where you can tie them up at the back and there's still a long tail from them.
  12. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    So they can't just cover the legs as well similar to the Male Druid style?
  13. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    *Shrugs* I haven't yet got the Male Druid Style on any of my characters, so I can't say how the fabric simulation works on that one. But based on what I've seen with the Trench Coat Styles, I think you're asking for a very poor fabric simulation leading to lots of clipping. :oops:

    Still, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

    More importantly, knowing, as I do, that the game's standard Trench Coat Chest Style is based on the same exact inspiration as Neo's coat in the sequels, I find it highly probable that the Devs will just be all like "we've already DONE our interpretation of that coat 5½ years ago" and then just move onto the next idea. :oops:
  14. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Well is there any other styles left to do that are not just variants of what DCUO already has?

    Bottom Line: With the limitations, it seems that players can only ask for alterations to pre-existing styles.
    It may be helpful to get a clear statement on this.
  15. Bloodartist_ Active Player

    Popular elsewhere too.
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  16. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    New skin styles

    1. Hairy bigfoot Chewbacca skin style to short Ewok skin Style
    2. new reptile skin styles
    ie...anaconda, ball python, reticulated python, diamondback snake, copperhead (that would cover most banded snake skins)
    3. current animal skin styles WITHOUT EARS
    4. current animal skin styles WITHOUT TAILS
    5. Fat skin styles
    6. Bird skin styles with feathers ( without the beaks or tail feathers of coarse )

    Head styles
    1. Lions mane
    2. different animal ears from short to long and floppy
    3. crocodiles, alligators, snakes, rinos, pigs, warthogs, elephants with trunks & tusks, minotaur
    4. shark head styles.... hammerhead, mako, bull shark, great white

    To be continued.......
  17. biroid New Player

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  18. biroid New Player

    also this
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  19. CHUD1985 New Player

    "Hairy bigfoot Chewbacca skin style to short Ewok skin Style"

    Seconded. We really need a "generic hairy" skin style. Preferably combined with "generic hairy" (bigfoot/chewie-ish) hand, foot and head styles.
  20. CHUD1985 New Player

    A full zoot suit would be awesome :D
