Development Update: The Stats Revamp

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by Avair, Sep 21, 2016.

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  1. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    the car?
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It's important to note there was a display issue in the livestream. Each individual stat option for skill points went up to 170, so it's unlikely anyone will be able to max out their role's skill points.
  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Use your weapons more that's what we used to do before power regen.

    In an alert your troll is going to have to get gud and in a raid take 2 trolls...

    I fail to see the problem
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  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It will be your stats that matter - so wearing an OP item with higher stats will make you more effective, regardless of what your worn combat rating might show.
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  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    iirc like if you watched til the end, he unlocks power 1st is 300, then next unlock which is 2nd SP into power would be 304.
  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE condense stats between levels. No more soloing raids and with less gains multiple heirs will be fun and challaging.
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  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    So for example atm the 133 OP hands lower my CR and my might atm, but raise everything else, me as a DPS I dont really care about the other stats all that much b/c I know when to move and not from scripted attacks, so my question is will the -124 might or w/e it is on the 133 hands and the older OP items be bumped up with this GU?

    Because as you and Avair were saying our stats would determine how quick we could kill enemies, so it made me think of what was mentioned when this was originally brought up about removing CR diff, that op items would be tweaked to be just that OP.
  8. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    this sounds easy to do w/o removing power regen from powers. Ie Support will still need power, getting interupted will still make u miss power regen, make debuffs more needed like in Desecrated Cathedral (def debuff on Jared, dmg Debuff on James), make cc more needed like in Assault and Battery final bossfight.
    And while your at it, make Tank cleanses work again please, being a fire tank with heal debuff makes you kinda like a dps without dmg, trying to tank.
    Please dont force me to use weapon everytime a controller forgets to pot for 1 second, or everytime im in a combat without a controller supporting me against a NPC with high health.
    Another concern is that AM for most powers closed the gap between those who were excellent clippers and those who did some clipping, please make sure clipping (specially using weapons) is not what you need to do to be on par with dmg.
    The melee vs not melee raises som concern as well some powers have a way of easier staying alive in melee, other powers dont really have melee powers, will this be adjusted and powers brought on par, meaning powers will have same dmg potential?
    PI's is also a concern as some powers require multiple w/o using AM, others require 1, can powers that gain on PI's all be made to work on every PI from same powerset? Or combine all PI's from ie Fire to 1?
    I have more concerns and will post them when I'm more awake ;)
  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    I agree. Old players who left at gu36/47 would be around 105-126cr. And have way less sp then people do now. If they came back right when this update went live they would be way behind and it wouldnt be as easy to carry them and speed level them to catch them up to friends and league. It might bring some people back and some might stick around. But i dont think there will be a mass influx of old players.
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  10. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I just watched the video. Nice UI changes! I like what was shown.
    The slide bar (mouse click the bar and drag the bar up or down) appears to be as narrow as it is in-game now. Please consider making it twice as wide.
  11. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Thank you..!!!...

    Do stand by the changes.

    All of them...

    I am excited about it.


    But excited, infact my better half, almost logged back on till she realized that it wasn't out yet.

    She still may get on.
  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Make that bet then. The only reason DPS are so far ahead of support in damage is because of AM and Midrange. Take those away and suddenly support is a lot closer and not feeling as useless, like in duos and alerts.

    Just like it was pre T5 era
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    How is that a bad thing we shouldn't be power leveling anyone: period.
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  14. light FX Steadfast Player

    Your're missing the point completely.
  15. lfc09kris Well-Known Player

    In the top of your 3rd post on this there is a photo of a green car haha
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    Mepps question:

    Is it envisaged that players will still get stronger as they move up tiers like always.

    I.e will a tier 8 player for example still be able to crush t4 prime battleground even by themselves.

    I know the intent is always that we get stronger and can therefore go back to old content and do this.

    I'm just concerned that you may take an opportunity to try and clamp damage dealing which was a problem when gu47 first started.

    I assume then that this is largely speaking just a reversal and that like pre gu47 where we could also still crush low level content this will remain the case.
  17. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Lot of people have 170 sp though
  18. Wallachia Devoted Player

    "It's not a pyramid".
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    What point? That people will come back and have to work? Sure they'll have to work but what of it?
  20. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    That's for a single stat.

    There's also 40 SP for the % ones, and with this new playstyle, many players may want both Precision and Might. That's 380 SP right there.
    • Like x 2
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