the new raid kandor

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by davemack777, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. Backseid Devoted Player

    I didn't say day one, but the issue still remains.

    When there's literally ONE instance worth playing, no one wants to struggle to the point of non-completion.

    The game format is to blame here. If there was anything else to do, no one would be calling Nerf.
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  2. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    i could have sworn during the nerf dwf days u arguing for things to be beatable day one by everyone. If im confusing u with someone else i apologise.

    If your min cr how is there only one instance worth playing? Like i said before thats 10 cr worth of gear/loot, 2 1/2 dlcs worth of content thats worth playing for them.
  3. bmce84 Loyal Player

    If you are at 172, and this is the one single raid out then yeah you have the right to beat it on day one because it means you already got everything from the old content to get here. Content is meant to be beaten at the CR cap when it's released, not at CR cap you get from it because (even though that's not the case now, it's been since vendor has better gear) you can't reach the cap from that vendor anyway, and honestly it's not worth it to level up with the vendor just to do one thing that you are only meant to run 1 time a week. This is what large content will fix, we'll have everything in our hands on day one and decide which path to take, if we fail on the raid then we take on lower content first and gear up, but as it is we're already geared up for this raid as it is with nothing else on it's same level to help.
  4. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Aren't people calling for buffs?
  5. bmce84 Loyal Player

    If you are at minimum CR you wont be able to beat it anyway, the differential will keep you from it, and I haven't seen anyone bellow 170 beating it either.
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  6. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    not sure if your agreeing or disagreeing with me, but it kind of seems lime were saying the same thing.

    If ur max cr when the dlc drops it should be beatable for u. Not tear thru it in 15 min your first run easy tho, which is the problem. If your 10 cr less and cant beat it, then go play some other content relevent to u, gear up a bit, and try again.

    But when tough content comes out, the min cr people dont want to do that, they want to beat the new stuff right away, and if they cant they cry for nerfs, which lead to 15 min tank and spanks.
  7. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    I like it as is because as people stop playing due to boredom, I will still have players to do it with. I have run dwf enough times to get the gear from it many times over, yet I was unlucky and did not obtain that loot. So the new raid should be beatable at 170. Those people that start at 173 or higher really should think it is easy because they have the gear already. They were lucky enough to get drops. Beating it with 4 players but using a 175 dps is cheap too. I mean come on you are max cr, you should be able to do it. Can the majority of players? No, but still it isn't like you beat it at the minimum. The minimum today is much different than having a 113 beat something that is 20-30 cr higher than them.

    Where the devs failed is they should have made the elite dwf unbeatable so that those that wanted a challenge could struggle and struggle until finally, it was beatable. The normal content should be completed by the majority of players.

    Also, play nature, or electric dps and beat it with only those powers (as dps)....if power sets cannot beat it then there is a problem. The player base should be more up in arms about that then having a raid players that play OP powers are beating.

    I have ran the raid about 5 times (different characters) and each group I had, made me feel different about the difficulty. High cr dps made it feel easy. Lower dps made it feel much different. Its all about the cr of the player.....If it is too easy for you take off gear or do something to challenge yourself.

    The people that complain here have always complained, even with you aren't going to be pleased regardless. My biggest complaint is not the difficulty of any of them, but how some people get all the drops and others get screwed. The RNG needs to be fixed to give EVERYONE the same luck percentage. IF it takes 1 run or 5, everyone should get stuff at the same pace.
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  8. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I still expect them to be on instance chat. It's the number 1 reason why noobs can't beat raids. If ur inexperience at something you should be willing to listen what ppl have to say and communicate.
  9. Xibo Loyal Player

    Anyone already got the omnipotence ring?
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    PTT goes a long way.

    Constant noises, pops, cracks, burps, chewing, yelling, music, movies, kids, and etc all distract from the raid. It actually adds more difficulty because of lack of ability to concentrate.

    I still don't get why anyone wont turn on PTT. It's not like your thumb goes far from the controller to hit it. Heck, to eat that chip you have to take one of your hands off to pick it up and put it into your mouth.
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  11. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    When I played pc mmo's I used push to talk. With console, it just isn't the same. Yes, people use controllers with pc's but it just doesn't feel the same as pc only games. If I feel my background is noisy I just mute and listen.
  12. BumblingB I got better.

    9 times out of 10, they don't mute themselves. You can't even say anything over the people who have it really open.

    In theory, voice recognition should only pop up when it hears you speak, yeah... that never works. Most of the time you can hear that screaming kid in the background. PTT is the best option out there. If you mute yourself, it's the same thing at PTT.

    The worst is, players who console game don't get luxuries of PTT. I get that, but you have no option there. You do in this game.
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  13. Backseid Devoted Player

    Idk if I did or not. I'm pretty sure I haven't even played that Raid (not sure which on it is). I pretty much stopped playing 5 months ago.

    What I'm saying is that its a catch 22. People only have one instance to get loot from. They do not want any issues with being able to get that loot.

    They broke the game with this whole Relevancy thing and Monthly content. You can't please everyone with one instance.

    If everyone can beat it, EVERYONE can play it. If only a few can beat it, only a FEW can play it.

    Know what I'm saying?
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  14. bmce84 Loyal Player

    You are doing the same mistake hardcore players make, generalizing their experience to everyone else's, and not saying it's yours but the point is that just because your group can beat it fast, doesn't mean everyone else can. DWF was beaten by some players in 20, while others took weeks just to beat the first boss regardless of the combo. And this ain't got nothing to do with sp or mods, it's simply the biggest flaw in this game, power balance. Look at how many of those players that did it fast had electric, nature, light, fire among other perceived as weak powers, because sure those powers have support, but content doesn't go faster with the more support roles it has, those players have high burn dps on their groups which makes it all go faster than it should be.

    I'm light so unless I have me mental, ice, earth, munitions among others in the group do not expect the raid to be done in 10 minutes, 30 at best. Also it's a very short raid, by design it's not meant to be long, in fact the whole is almost the space of PZR after the second boss, that's how small it is. There's only so much you can get out if it, the only way to make it longer is by giving more health to bosses, which means even less chance for players like me to get picked by groups to do it. It's not that people just want to cry for nerfs, but let's be real the game is made to favor some powers over others and if you pick a weak power, then by default content will be harder than it should fit you, something hardcore players don't experience because they just go FOTM and always make sure to have the best possible power.

    And when you only have a limited amount of actual content to run, because it's hard to make groups for content 4 and 5 months old, you do what you can to stay in line with others, even if it means doing a suicide mission as doing content at the minimal is.
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  15. davemack777 Well-Known Player

    just ran it today was a fun raid got a couple of feats to 144 sp now yaaaaaaaay ;)
  16. Stilway Well-Known Player

    Why is that a problem? Take a look back at the speed feat for Prime Battleground or how quickly the Epic Odyssey would take in Paradox Wave.

    Don't like those examples? How about Necropolis and Fos 3?

    Point is.... not every raid is meant to be some epic hour long dungeon crawl. If you want it to take longer, then bring along some electric or nature dps's instead of ice and mental. Two healers or two tanks so they can gear up instead of stacking op powered dps's.
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  17. Unzero Well-Known Player

    I have to ask....

    I went in for the first time on my Fire Tank today, I'm 172. I ran into the first group of adds to Backdraft them in, and boom. I couldn't even block I died so fast. What just happened?
  18. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    It's an omnipotence neck (unless both are dropping). I didn't get it, but one of the other players in our group did.
  19. Unzero Well-Known Player

    Are you ever considered not blocking during a roll? Maybe I should roll into the adds?
  20. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    All of those raids you have mentioned took longer than 9 minutes on day one, I have no idea what you're trying to compare the raid to. Difficulty wise closest would be Gates of Tarterwhatever but at least that took longer than 9 minutes. Why is that a problem? Because the player base will basically be decimated in a few days or weeks after SM is gone.

    Also your point is delusional, why would anyone want to do any of what you suggested if the content doesn't require it? The baseline is set by the content the devs produce. If they made the content to be 5-1-1 why on earth would we take another healer or tank if one person can do it just as easily? You want inefficient ways to play the game just to prolong the devs incompetence of creating content to keep the player base alive?

    Raids like this are killing the game, why support roles are being shunned and why the game is turning into a DPS rat race.

    Oh and you basically want extra support roles standing around doing nothing? There's a video similar to what you want, here it is.

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