the new raid kandor

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by davemack777, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. No Crying Committed Player

    Yet this is what is to hold us over for 5 months?
    I know this game will survive for 5 months but I honestly think this game will loose a lot of membership
    I like the game but I can't see myself staying subbed for this
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  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The rivers of DCUO were overflowing with the tears of the many crying about how hard DWF was..."PLEASE NURF IT OH LORD" they they throw a gimme at us and now the levees are gonna break from the "it's too easy" tears. Sheesh.
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  3. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    With an LFG group we did it in 13 min and we lost our highest dps on beginning of the 1st boss. We also had like a 1 minute delay b/c we waited for our tank. And the cut scenes. Also we used a 4-2-1-1 setup. Its not that hard. :D
  4. gemii Dedicated Player

    There wont be any new chest, Legs, or waist right in the vendor right? 148 the highest in vendor and 150 drops in DWF correct?
  5. metalfenix Committed Player

    Ok, since here are some people who has actually beat it, what are the strats on luthor? from what I saw, there was a piece of crystal on the ground, it's use is to throw to superboy?

    And what about Lex's attacks? that L AoE is too quick to get away, and he hits hard. I need some tips on this. I play as healer, but any tips will do. We will try a full league run soon but in the meantime, I'm trying to see what's going on luthor's fight.
  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club new gear. What's in the vendor now is the highest outside of the raid.
  7. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    Raid wasn't bad at all, but I did notice that Tanking Doomsday required a bit of PvP knowledge (its constant interrupts, or he smashes the group). Overall, nice Raid.
  8. bmce84 Loyal Player

    So where's the buff KCT thread?, oh wait I forgot only casual players complain, right ;)
  9. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Uh oh, where is Spytle to say that they aren't PvP mechanics, they are combat mechanics ? lol
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  10. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I'm happy it's easy. I can run all my alts through.
  11. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I just started it sir
  12. Elusian Crowd Control

    It went up 2 hrs earlier on EU. So its more like 2hrs and 10 mins at the point you posted XD

    On the other side I have seen a pug struggling with it for 52 mins. So yeah it can be on both ends of the quality spectrum quite "interesting".
  13. Unzero Well-Known Player

    US Villain here, been wiping at the second boss for hours now. What is he doing that kills everybody it just says Superman AOE
  14. Unzero Well-Known Player

    We've tried throwing the spear deal at Superman and Superboy at different times, we just gave up. We killed first boss with no problems, 0 out of 13 attempts on second boss.
  15. metalfenix Committed Player

    I had that problem with a PuG group (well, we had 4 off my league). we went through easily in first boss, but on second we couldn't figure the use of the spear-crystal thing, besides Lex's attacks hit like a truck (the equivalent on hero version). I'm still clueless about the mechanics on this particular fight.
  16. Unzero Well-Known Player

    I'm not sweating it at the moment, I know we'll eventually win, just that the other video made it seem extremely simple, but when we did it even when we stacked in one spot or spread out it was a very short time before we were all dead.
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Theres always one side complaining and this time it's the more competent players.

    We got our hard content lately with dwf and they didn't nerf that despite the massive requests. They didn't even really nerf normal despite the fact it was probably a bit difficult for some people.

    Now they get a turn and get an easy raid.

    You can't have your cake and eat it too so you people crying its too easy pull your heads in and harden up.

    Let the general masses have their fun this episode not everything has to be an elite gauntlet.

    There's room in the game for the competent and the casual.
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  18. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    No need to complain.
    Some of you players and pugs are only capable of doing these kinds of "raids" successfully :eek:

    Just think of the crying if Kandor was as hard as DWF :confused:
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  19. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    this is what happens when people cry for nerfs on everything and argue for new content to be beatable by everyone day one.
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  20. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    The cutscenes are pretty cool actually, for once.
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