Episode 26: Launch Date + The Story So Far

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Dexella, Jul 25, 2016.

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  1. YinChakra Dedicated Player

  2. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    They gotta give us something to do during that time or thet are going to lose alot of players.
  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    We've had gaps before, back before monthly content started last year. Some people will take time off and then come back when the Episode comes. Time (& Space) Capsules are also coming next month with something specific to do to earn keys for the capsules, so that will give something for people to do along with the new set of PVP gear to earn. I'm not saying there will be something for everyone to do for the whole time between E26 and E27, but it'll be something at least.
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  4. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Theres never been a 5 month gap, only 3 month with quarterly, this is dangerous
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  5. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Thats a pretty poor planning on their part, there needs to be something for people to justify staying legendary
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Yes there has. The gap between Hand of Fate (DLC5) and Home Turf (DLC 6) was five and a half months. Quarterly content was not always every three months, it was often longer than that.
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  7. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Well fair enough but most are accustomed to shorter times
  8. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    I feel like you're not as worried as you should be of such a big gap in content. Ive been playing since 2012, this is troublesome
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  9. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Can say the same for those Kandor signs.

    But a few Wayne Manor base items pique my interest too - Wayne Manor Etched Pillar for example.
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  10. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    Sounds great!:cool:
  11. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    stop being such an elitist. I quit subscribing around HT dlc back in 2012 wih 89 cr and 110 sp. then i play as premium until now. before open content i was 89cr/164sp and frankly i dont see no where i can add more feats except from those lpve farm and few other time consuming BS. u see without access to t4+ u need 3.5 years only to get to 164, and thats with a lot of effort and grindfest. now within only 1 week since open content i got my CR way up to 167 but only get my SP up to 185. new players will get to that cr in no time but theres no way they're gonna get to that SP, not even close. doesn't mean new players can't play that content. teach them well about the mechanics and they'll do fine. u need skill to play the game, but SP had nothin to do with actual skill.

    anyhoo, kinda surprised to hear the episode launch this fast. can't wait
    • Like x 4
  12. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

  13. light FX Steadfast Player

    There are only 9 feats in the episode and none of them are difficult. Some of the raid ones u get w/out even trying. In fact some of the duo 1s are like that too. There is no grind at all associated with the feats in this episode. Trust me, u will see that once it goes live.
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  14. light FX Steadfast Player

  15. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea the gap from the HoP2 dlc til monthly content was only 3-3.5 months. Not 5 or 6. And yes sometimes dlcs were longer then 3 months. Like 3.5 or 4 in some cases but not many. I dont remember the game having a 5 or 6 month gap. Someone said there has been 1. I just dont recall that happening.

    Im looking forward to the duo in this episode. I love it. Think its 1 of the best pieces of content ever done. The raid? Eh not really a fan of it and will probably only run it once or twice.
  16. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I've been playing since January 2011, I'm not too worried. As I said, I'm fully aware that people will leave during the gap, that's to be expected and I'd have to be blind not to see that, but I'm also confident that a large portion that leave because of the gap will come back once the content hits.
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  17. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Kandor better not be a suck raid by the end of the week. Wayne Manor is what I'm looking forward to though.
  18. Korlick Loyal Player

    Is it gonna be available in the Market Place on that day too?
  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Wrong episode 27 is. Unless a green has said else where?
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    and if it is your leaving right? :rolleyes:

    like all the people who said that with PBR
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