Please remove roleless buffs on new content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PolishEagle, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. Wallachia Devoted Player

    You must have really good aiming then.
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  2. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Roleless buffs was made because support roles were getting hard to find, and now we have even less people. Anyway players are running 2 dps groups in elite 1st and 3rd boss, and elite alerts don't get roleless buffs, so removing them won't do anything
  3. Kroye Loyal Player

    Serial role guy here.

    No ! Do not want.
  4. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Finding support roles for the latest content is not hard.
  5. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    When it's new it isn't hard.
  6. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Ummm the new content is easy just que into it, ive ran it 4 times now and qued for all and yall were fast runs... But im a troll not a tank
  7. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    3 DPS 1 Heal, probably Nature, and that's reg :p Elite is where the heart is <3

    I'll adore you and miss you when you purchase my exceptional recovery kits.
  8. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    I've just queued in the duty finder the past two days just to lock out regular and it's popped. No one complains about roles, regular is easy to beat despite role setup. So, I'm not sure how this is difficult to complete with a pre-made or not. o_O
  9. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    1st and 3rd boss elite is doable with 3 DPS 1 heal.
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  10. metalfenix Committed Player

    Well, the roleless buffs are worthless, the only one worth noting is the tank one, and I think I would be alright without it. I don't care if they are eliminated or not.
  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    Guessing this is normal? 3dps and a heal? We did a 4dps run today just to test it out and wow i used 1 soda i think. Run was 10mins also. 1st boss died so fast no bombs dropped and i got the feat on my munitions cause she didnt have it yet. Kinda funny watching all 3 bosses go down in 20-30 seconds lol. But honestly i dont think stuff like this should happen. I know its an alert, and its the normal version. But its still brand new end game content. But they say alerts are designed to be done with any setup so whatever i guess. I do like the alert. I like the whole going back to khandaq part. Hope someday we head back there for another raid and they extend the map.
  12. Darh_Lord_kuro Active Player

    You should pug ,i did 10 run and 8 out of 10 were 1111 group
    The other 2 were 2110
    It was easy in both case no wipe ever
  13. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    I gotta agree with OP, you either make roles matter again in ALL KINDS OF CONTENT or remove them.
    It's just pointless the way it is now.
    So people need Supports for Raids and Elite alerts and that's it?
    I would have to swear here like a lot to express how I really feel about it. :mad:
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  14. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    If you force the devs to pick a choice, they'd currently go with removal (looking at the number of players they'd lose with either decision). So be careful what you wish for ;)
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  15. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    Well they gotta make up their minds and make it clear, game is so confusing. People in raids yell at new players 'Learn your role, noob!' (support)
    but then, 'What for'? just some piece of content? Keep troller gear just for Raids? SMFH
  16. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Just so you know, with AM and a healer you don't really need a troll or a tank anyway, in fact Elite doesn't have buffs and people still run it 3-1.

    And as a troll I've actually haven't had any issue running is a troll, to the point that I spend an hour waiting for a DPS group because all I saw was people looking for trolls for regular.
  17. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Alerts and raids are two different instances, you can't really say people should run both the same way. I don't mind people not using their support on alerts but on raids is another deal, however the devs way to force roles in raids is by adding a bunch of adds instead of better mechanics.
  18. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    No, which is exactly the point. As long as they are not forced to make a decision, they can just stay quiet or answer in an evasive manner to keep as many players as possible with the product. Once it is "do or die", they will pick the larger group, but until then, they will try to keep boths groups of players around, even if both groups do not feel 100% welcome here that way. That's how marketing works, and that is how gaming is working for quite some time now and will work in the near future: by no means is a game allowed to pressure/force its players into something not considered fun, since "no fun" leads to "by, game!" and that is really everything behind it.

    If you want to see an evasive answer (and even predicted to be evasive/not chosing the preferred player population) by a green name, just visit the "what type of player" thread that used to linger on page one the last couple of days. Gaming companies will probably never again say "screw those customers, we want/prefer another type!" SOE did that once under Smedley and paid dearly for that (in times of SWG, though some say 75% of people trying the game dropped it anyway so something had to be done) and to some extent, they learned that lesson.

    So from the company it currently is "all players are welcome, especially the paying ones" and that includes to some extent even griefers and players out to hassle others. Lots of game systems in DCUO and the total absence of in-game moderation attract and encourage players of 100% dysfunctional social status to show off their lack of sense, maturity, intelligence etc in public and celebrate their own social shortcomings. Now how is such a crowd supposed to be encouraged in dealing/learning support roles ;) ? Still, some of those players have money to sink and Daybreak loves it when they sink that money in DCUO.
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  19. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Geez, 10 minutes, what a joke.
  20. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Roleless buffs was a real **** move, it was never asked for and look at the results. This isn't how the game should be.
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