Nerf the new DWF raid?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by bjr338, May 19, 2016.

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  1. Korlick Loyal Player

    -"Duo can be soloed"
    -"Video or didnt happen"
    -*presents video*
    -"Ah but you used lots of sodas"

    Its like the people that complains when they lose in a duel ..."Ah but you used a soda"
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  2. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    Solo it with nature please
  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Nature healer or dps
  4. LT Schmitt Committed Player

  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Nty. Im 75% sure i could as nature healer
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    oh, no I didn't mean on any boss fights, I mean if you aggro a whole room of adds in the duo.
  7. Senko Committed Player

    Pretty much this, I'm 165 dps/164 heal, gear was modded with T7 mods, 182 sp, not the best player but I've had several invites to join a league after a run because I do mechanics, communicate, take advice etc and as I said I've yet to even manage to get into this raid. Last night spent 2 hours trying to put together a group to try it, no speed run, no restrictions on exp/cr/sp and couldn't get a full group after 2 hours of looking. This is NOT the first night spent doing that and when your trying to join/make a group you can't really run other content or you run the risk of missing out. Normal progression content and lets be honest here despite the dev's claims when enemy CR is higher than the max obtainable with drops AND crafting its not based around vendor gear should not be in that situation. You shouldn't be limited to half the content especially when there's an ELITE version for the small percentage who define challenge as "Don't bother trying unless your in the top 1% of gamers."
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  8. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I already try it as Nature DPS at 164 cr. Made it to Catwoman but i couldn´t beat her.
    After I´ll do my Raid runs this week i´ll give it another try at 167 cr.

    However, everyone knows that Nature its pretty neglected at the moment, so solo it, can be very difficult, but even if i succed at it, you and all the naysayers are gonna come here with another silly request or complain about it to try to change the subject. And the subject is that this Duo can be done properly by a team of TWO players, no matter what powerset they are. There is no need for a nerf.
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  9. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Oo true
  10. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    Nature and elec is bad. It doesn't matter how good a player is, the setting of the T8 duo and current max CR prevents any elec/nat DPS from soloing it.
  11. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    You must of got me wrong here, I have enjoyed this duo but when I get grouped with a 157 that wants to run as a troll and expects to be carried it now become difficult.
  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    LOL ok so heres a tip. Just because u cant do something doesnt mean others cant. U are not the best dps in the game. There is always someone better. And no i didnt record a duo. Because its a duo. Its easy. I will say its again, this mindset of if i cant do something no1 else can is very very odd. 2 of my league mates are running it right now as i type this and they are recording it. So once he gets the vid uploaded to his channel i will post it and u can see what good dps looks like :p
  13. light FX Steadfast Player

    This is what u people do and why its so ridiculous. Its provide some video. Then when someone does it its oh your using this power or u drank to many sodas or use this power instead. Its nonsense. Complete and utter nonsense.
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  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    which is my point exactly it should get easier at CR167 but its not. Sure for pet powers or support sure but what about the other powers? Has a single electric or nature or quantum solo'd that boss? Of course not b/c they arent the top powers and are left crippled by the devs for years.
  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    and ofc you will think a league member is good b/c you rely on them to finish content lmao
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  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    but see Im not thats how CR works, closer you get to the enemy the less dmg you take and more you inflict on them.

    But no sense in arguing with self proclaimed know it alls on the forum like you and others in this thread.
  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    why not/ if it can be solo'd then why do it as nature DPS?
  18. Senko Committed Player

    Well after about 5 hours I did manage to get into a DWF run the group disolved after a dps (we had 2) got knocked out the doorway on second boss so we couldn't pick him up. I do believe I am done with subscribing for now as I have 3 raids to play BN, BBS, PB and the new DWF so gearing up will take 2 weeks for the pants and DWF just isn't worth running with the loot drops even if others are already at 150 for both roles. I'll come back when the next episode drops to see if its any better. If not I'm done there's other less frustrating and buggy games to play.
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  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Im already gone, haven't played dcuo in like 2 weeks now. Theres nothing but raids and not everyone likes raids. Sure raids are fun some times, but not the only means of progression.
  20. HarleyBiker142 Well-Known Player

    Vender gear is progression...
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