Your community is starving! When is Survival Mode?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scar-Red Nova, Mar 22, 2016.

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  1. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

  2. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    Well they never expected anyone to get to round 10 in the first place when SM was created. I think a lot of stuff is possible but they just don't give us that much time to really dig into it. I think in Trigon people were pushing 17 in the last few days? I don't know the limit and that's what excites me.
  3. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    "News at 11," that's cute. But, SM is fun? I've never been involved in a more stressful gaming enviornment, so how does SM have as much incentive if we're to break it down to the concept of fun? It's not that SM doesn't "appeal" to me. My opinion on SM stands where it does because I feel we should get a lot more out of it due to how challenging and time consuming it can be. Every other game mode on DCUO offers incentive to the development of your toon, yet the most challenging game mode thats periodic doesn't. I'm supposed to be happy with some worthless cosmetics after all of that? Give me a break.
  4. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    You be one of the few I seen that doesn't care about rewards from sm. Look at the Mr freeze guy heso gonna only once for plat legs. Idk this sm just feels really dull to me
  5. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    No, to say there's no incentive is not just a "ME" problem, I'm not the only one who feels that way. I just happen to be one of the disgruntled members of this community that's voicing an opposing opinion on it. SM would have incentive if it offered a few things that assisted towards the development of our characters. Why waste so much time for a part of the game that does none of such? I'm supposed to settle for that? Yeah right.
  6. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    Cosmetics... (yawn)
  7. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    It is a you thing though. As fatal said if challenging content isn't your thing then sm isn't for you. Sm was highly requested because the vets wanted hard content
  8. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    It's not a "me" thing when I'm not the only one of the player community that feels this way. I would think more should speak up in the forums on that since that's the case. The fact that SM is challenging is not the problem; I like a challenge just fine. It's that we get nothing out of it that makes the challenge worthwhile. Why should we be okay with that?
  9. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Because it was always meant to be a bragging right. Ppl love sm. Just because you don't find incentive to run it doesn't mean it's not there. There are tons of leagues dying for sm
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  10. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Why do you deserve anything more than what's given? is the concept of trying to beat a challenge just for enjoyment/bragging rights dead in this game?

    What would you prefer? A piece of OP gear that's irrelevant within 3 months?
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  11. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    Because people who can't do it would have a problem with handing out gear to those who can. This was brought up and talked about a lot before SM made it's debut. The community said something cool like base items and styles and trinkets that don't make you any stronger would be a great reward and here we are. As is painfully evident by the content that comes out a lot of players don't enjoy or can't handle a challenge.
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  12. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I'm not bored but I do want SM. All of my healers are end content and ready for precious styles :3
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  13. Unida Dedicated Player

    still confused huh....

    maybe go back n read what I said to you the first time.

    Or as you seem light on the reading part, "why should we be ok with that?" - because it was only ever that. SM was born out of people hitting the ceiling on content and 'relevancy' and it was a simple solution to have a graduated instance of difficulty that people could sink time into.

    More to your issue with SM, what you 'get' is the accomplishment of getting to X level or maybe being good enough (or lucky enough as the case may be) to complete it.

    The challenge is the purpose and reason for its creation.
    The 'getting' is satisfaction of completing the challenge (and exclusive styles and base items as well).

    What aren't you getting here?
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  14. Elusian Crowd Control

    Not a fan of those hanging stuff below waist, hoped they would make it more clean without those. Oh well at least the new shirt will be awesome without the metal effect. Running 1-10 just for that, since there aint new pets can scrap anything beyond (sadly).
  15. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    How can you be bored with all the massive Role Playing you could be doing? I spend hours in RPs here, and it is consistently fun for me. :)
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  16. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Worthless cosmetics? That couldnt be further from the truth. I made 150 mil last year off FOS SM, so i wouldnt consider that worthless.

    Yes this time around it will be harder to make more than 20-25 mil out of it due to same items and SM being available every 3 months now, but thats still good enough to buy plenty of collections and styles off the broker for those who are short on cash and still need those feats.
  17. CS2016 Committed Player

    how so? you need incentive. To you incentive is gear, like to others its styles that others as yourself cant or dont find worth getting due to skill or w/e the case may be.

    so you stick to PvE, PvP, LPvP, LPvE and so on to get your gear while when SM is out folks who like those rare styles aim for them as you aim for the OP items.

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  18. CS2016 Committed Player

    Yes he/she would. :rolleyes:
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  19. CS2016 Committed Player

    yup I'll be giving SM a shot starting with this next 1. :D
  20. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I thought you hated sm :eek:
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